Category Theory
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Topic: Jean-Baptiste Vienney

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 12 2021 at 03:13):

Hi everybody, I'm a french student in last year of engineering school and second year of master degree in mathematics/theoretical computer science. I'm not really sure of what I'm going to do next year. It seems difficult to me to get a paid a PhD somewhere as I'm far more excited by the work I'm going to explain than my courses.

I have some ideas related to linear logic which I want to develop. Let me explain this. At the beginning, there was linear logic (1987). After that came differential linear logic (around 2002) and differential categories (2006). There is also "A Categorical Quantum Logic" (2005) which is basically compact multiplicative linear logic with bi-products. I'm interested by the fact that some mathematical mechanism can be described in a more combinatorial way by logical systems, forgetting the details of the model and concentrating on the pure calculus. In linear logic, we are dealing with kind of linear mechanisms. In differential linear logic, we are dealing with linearity and differentiation. If we want to interpret this in vector spaces, we need infinite dimensional ones. What has been done with "A Categorical Quantum Logic", is adapting linear logic to the category of finite dimensional vector spaces (or finite sets if you want) but without the exponentials. Recently, @JS Pacaud Lemay (he/him) proved that the category of finite dimensional vector spaces cannot be endowed with a nontrivial structure of co-differential category. Differential or co-differential categories are similar to categorical models of differential linear logic where you forget additional structure and generalize a little to concentrate on differentiation. The intuition I think is that the exponentials of linear or differential linear logic are not compatible with finite dimensionality, they always produce infinite dimensional vector spaces. This is where a fifth system come in the game : bounded linear logic (1991), more precisely a very simple version of bounded linear logic. In the introduction of the paper, Girard (I guess because of the style but there are other writers) explains clearly that the goal of this logic is to concentrate on finite stuff. To do this he uses indexed exponentials which are in the simple version !n!_{n} where n0n \ge 0 give the maximum number of times you can use the resource. I made the link with the work of JS, and it gives me the idea to introduce a new kind of differential category with such an indexed exponential, which I name graded differential categories. We are actually discussing of that with JS. Well, this is an interesting beginning, it gives some categorical structure to talk about polynomials for instance. But, there is more exciting. I want to see how to extract more dynamics from the category of finite dimensional vector spaces and doing a logic with that. One solution is to add such indexed exponentials to the "Categorical Quantum Logic". So, in the logic, you will have !nA!_{n}A and this is auto-dual : (!nA)=!nA(!_{n}A)^{\perp} = !_{n}A^{\perp}. The most natural way to interpret this logic is to say that AA is a finite dimensional vector space and that !nA=Asn!_{n}A = A^{\otimes_{s}n}. So this give you a logic of finite dimensional vector spaces and symmetric powers. I think a cool name could be "Linear Logic S" with a S like symmetric powers but also because it seems very related to λ\lambda-rings, but expressed with the operators sns^{n} and not the λn\lambda^{n}. I think this logic is really really interesting : it should express the equations of a λ\lambda-ring but in asymmetrical manner : you have all the natural morphisms and if you take the isomorphism classes of propositions, you get a λ\lambda-ring. The cut elimination seems really combinatorial and more beautiful than the one of linear logic or differential linear logic. I'm really wondering if it can mean something in quantum mechanics. I think you can also interpret !nA!_{n}A by a truncated Fock space 0knAsk\underset{0 \le k \le n}{\bigoplus}A^{\otimes_{s}k}, so it may signifies something. You also naturally have differentiation in this logic, but this is more differentiation of polynomials. This can really be an important logic for me : this is a descendant of all the descendants of linear logic, this can be related to quantum mechanic and this is similar to λ\lambda-rings.

Well, I wanted to explain this here because I'm really frustrated of not being able to communicate on this and not have any return. I'm also interested by the concept of public research as explained in another post. I hope somebody will read this and find it interesting. I don't know very much about λ\lambda-rings also and I know that there are some specialists here (like @John Baez and @Todd Trimble ) which can also be interested by linear logic. I looked at this thing because it's related to symmetric powers which seems important to me because they are everywhere in mathematics and thus it seems natural to me to integrate them in some logical system.

So my To-do list :

view this post on Zulip Morgan Rogers (he/him) (Dec 12 2021 at 12:04):

I'm happy to see another person with less experience contributing to this stream! Good luck with pursuing this project.
While I can sort of understand your optimism of capturing new operators into your logic, have you considered what these might mean on the logic side (how should it be interpreted, besides the specific semantics you've explained)?
Re the name (this is an issue I personally care about more than is reasonable): a letter is almost always a bad choice for a name, since it doesn't intrinsically carry any of the meaning you want it to convey. Take λ\lambda-ring, for example; if you hadn't met those before, the λ\lambda could represent any of the things that λ\lambda represents through maths, physics or computer science (it would arguably be more evocative it were at least a capital Λ\Lambda heh...)
Don't fix a name for this logic yet; find out what it does and how it behaves, and then give it a name that conveys that.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 12 2021 at 13:31):

Concerning the name, I totally understand what you say, clarity is always better. It can be a good idea to fix the name at the end.

Now, concerning what this logic means : I don't know what can precisely be the usefulness of this is logic. But I have some reasons of considering it, I can say this, directly related to proof theory :

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 12 2021 at 13:47):

Now, what is the most general semantics ? The easiest semantic is any compact closed category with biproducts and symmetric powers.\textit{The easiest semantic is any compact closed category with biproducts and symmetric powers.} But this is just the most simple one.
If you want something complete, you can say :

Maybe it gives you something like a graded bi-monad, maybe this is a monoidal monad... I'm not sure with the details.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 12 2021 at 13:57):

A big question for me is : What it means for quantum mechanics/computing ?\textit{What it means for quantum mechanics/computing ?}
This is an extension of the categorical quantum logic by Ambramsky/Duncan. It seems that you can interpret !nA!_{n}A by a truncated Fock Space. Does it allow you to express diagrammatically new quantum things ?\textit{Does it allow you to express diagrammatically new quantum things ?} This is surely the case, but I'm not more familiar with Fock spaces and quantum field theory than with λ\lambda-rings. This is why, I would be very happy if somebody here understand this better than me.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 12 2021 at 14:26):

But a big problem in this story is that if I don't find a PhD scholarship anywhere in the world, this logic will surely go to the trash. I hope it can be saved from such a bad fate even if I continue as a computer science engineer next year which is surely what I'm going to do.

I've interpreted "our work" := "our work in mathematics" which is more and more hardly equal to "our work to earn money".

view this post on Zulip Nicolas Blanco (Dec 12 2021 at 15:42):

Salut Jean-Baptiste,
That is quite interesting. Let me share a few quick thoughts.
I had a brief exchange with Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh on Friday. It seems that lately she has been using truncated Fock spaces to act as a bounded exponential for f.d. vector spaces. This is in a linguistic context but you are probably aware of the tight connections between DisCoCat and CQM (Categorical Quantum Mechanics). So it might be of interest to you.
On my hand, I have been meaning to look more closely at the case of finite dimensional normed vector spaces. There is a great paper by Cockett, Seely and Blute on using Fock spaces as a model of exponential, especially in the case of Banach spaces. They make an interesting connection to holomorphic function at the end of the paper.
As a remark this example is not compact closed but properly *-autonomous.
About the PhD, I know how frustrating looking for fundings can be - I am myself looking for a postdoc position and it is exhausting ;) you should talk about your ideas with as much people as possible (this post is great for that). The ChoCoLa seminar is for example a great opportunity to met linear logicians.
Even if you don't manage to find fundings for this year and you go into an engineering position it doesn't mean that you will have to give up research. I did two years as an engineer between my LMFI master and my PhD and it was a great experience.
With your interests you might want to apply to Cambridge Quantum Computing or into a formal methods engineer position for example. At Clearsy, where I was working, they were several other people coming from LMFI. There are a some other companies that would be interested in people with a logic background and a few in people with a category theory background. If you need any pointers, feel free to ask.
More generally, I would be glad to discuss about research or anything of you want to. I won't have a lot of time in the near future but I can always make some room for a zoom meeting, or a meeting in Paris if you are near.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 12 2021 at 16:36):

Salut Nicolas,
Oh, thank you for your support ! There are a lot of interesting things for me in your message. I'm going to think to all of that and surely ask you questions after.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 12 2021 at 16:44):

Honestly I don't know DisCoCat. I'm very glad that somebody uses truncated Fock spaces. I didn't know so much if this thing is used. I've only seen that in theoretical physics paper by testing if "truncated" + "Fock spaces" gives something on Google.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 12 2021 at 16:46):

I don't really understand what it will change if you take finite dimensional normed vector spaces instead of finite dimensional vector spaces. Is there anything who change on the categorical side ? Ah si, this is maybe better for differentiation. But if you are interested only by the multiplicative part, I don't know. Why do you use the norm ?

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 12 2021 at 16:54):

Yes, I know the paper of Cockett, Seely, Blute ! It should have play in important role for linear logic. It seems to me that it is the first to talk about differentiation. I've talked of these things with Blute, I'm probably going to do an internship at Ottawa with him this year.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 12 2021 at 16:58):

Did you do research while you was working as an engineer ? I was thinking that with some more time, I can publish some papers and after that it will be easier to find a funding.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 12 2021 at 16:59):

Oh I didn't know about Clearsy, it is near from me. I'm in Marseille.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 12 2021 at 17:01):

Well, maybe I will contact you to know about your engineering experience and other things.

view this post on Zulip Alex Gryzlov (Dec 12 2021 at 23:15):

There's a programming language project called Granule which uses graded linear logic for expressing properties about resource usage in programs, it might be somewhat related.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 12 2021 at 23:46):

Thank you ! I think the principal difference with what I propose is that there is not the co-structural rules which make the graded logic a differential logic (also not the compacity and biproducts but less important). But it seems to be a modern version of linear logic with graded exponentials, cool ! Basically my thing is graded differential linear logic or graded compact differential linear logic with bi-products. This is maybe the best names for these things.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 12 2021 at 23:59):

Oh, I've just seen something very cool @Alex Gryzlov , the Granule project is recruiting somebody for a PhD beginning in august 2021 on something related to graded modality. It's maybe an occasion for me even it's not exactly my thing.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 13 2021 at 00:13):

I’ve confused 2021 and 2022 :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: but no matter, maybe they will want somebody else for august 2022.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 13 2021 at 00:16):

Or maybe we can discuss whether we can differentiate their programs.

view this post on Zulip Alex Gryzlov (Dec 17 2021 at 12:54):

By the way @Jean-Baptiste Vienney, if you're interested in modal logics and program verification, the lab of Aleks Nanevski in Madrid (where I currently work) is also looking for a category theorist (PhD/postdoc) to work on separation logic (formulated as a modal-like type theory) and/or effect systems.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 17 2021 at 17:19):

Thank you ! But I want nevertheless to work on my project. At some point, it becomes more interesting for me to go working alone in some hut in mountains because my primarily goal is to understand something to the questions I ask myself and not only become a researcher.

But this position is for when @Alex Gryzlov ? I'm looking for something beginning around september 2022, not now.

view this post on Zulip Alex Gryzlov (Dec 17 2021 at 17:20):

I don't think there's a specific deadline for now, next year should be fine.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 17 2021 at 17:21):

Ok, I remember this if the other possibilities don't work !

view this post on Zulip Nicolas Blanco (Jan 04 2022 at 14:11):

Salut Jean-Baptiste,
Sorry for the late reply and happy new year.

For the finite dimensional normed vector spaces, the point is that when you consider the category where the morphisms are contractive linear maps (maps that don't increase the norm) instead of bounded maps, you get a *-autonomous category where the par and the tensor are different while for vector spaces they are both interpreted by the tensor product. Similarly, the plus and with are distinct while in vector spaces they are given by the direct sum. I would be interested in looking at exponentials and differentiation in this context but I haven't yet.

To be fair, I didn't have time to do research as an engineer. The only time when I did, was when I was applying for the PhD. I would come back home from a day of work and write research proposals and stuffs. It was quite stressful though, and I wouldn't recommend turning it into a daily routine :sweat_smile:

There are more and more companies that are applying formal methods and similar. Though most of the ones I know in France don't do much research. When they allow their engineers to do some research most of the time it is after a couple of years of experience as an engineer, it is on really applied and concrete stuff and it is between 10 to 20% of your workload. It was the case at Clearsy for example.

Feel free to contact me, if you want to know more.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 13 2022 at 05:29):

I’ve applied for giving a talk at Categories and Companions Symposium 2022 (CaCS2022) (on Zoom!).

Title : Differential and bialgebraic characterizations of symmetric powers

Abstract : In a Q+\mathbb{Q}^{+}-linear symmetric monoidal category, symmetric powers can be defined as a special kind of split idempotent. The nthn^{th} symmetric power of a R-module is the space of formal homogeneous polynomials of degree nn in the vectors of the module. By using ideas from differential categories, we can equivalently describe jointly all the symmetric powers of an object by means of two families of morphisms which express differentiation and multiplication of homogenous polynomials and must verify the Leibniz rule as well as the Euler identity. Equivalently it can be understood as bosonic annihilation and creation operators. A second characterization of all symmetric powers is in term of a special kind of graded bialgebra. We introduce the new concepts of graded differential category and special graded bialgebra on the road and explain that symmetric powers are also characterized as forming a special kind of graded codifferential category that we name homogeneous polynomial codifferential category.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 30 2022 at 18:03):

Starting from the graph at the top and using the two rewriting rules in the top left corner, there is exactly one path to generate every permutation of Sn\mathfrak{S}_{n}. This image is a proof of the case n=4n=4. I'm so excited about this!! I will explain this in my talk and in a forthcoming paper!! bi4graphs.jpg

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Nov 02 2022 at 20:15):

I've been accepted in PhD at the University of Ottawa, with Rick Blute and Phil Scott, to start in January!

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 07 2022 at 06:52):

I've been working for the last 6 months to find this statement and then prove it:

Theorem: Let C\mathcal{C} be a symmetric monoidal Q+\mathbb{Q}^{+}-linear category with unit II. Let (An)n0(A_{n})_{n \ge 0} be a graded object in C \mathcal{C}. Then (An)n0(A_{n})_{n \ge 0} is the family of the nthn^{th} symmetric powers of A1A_{1} if and only if there exist maps (n,p:AnApAn+p)n,p0(\nabla_{n,p}:A_{n}\otimes A_{p} \rightarrow A_{n+p})_{n,p \ge 0}, (Δn,p:An+pAnAp)n,p0(\Delta_{n,p}:A_{n+p} \rightarrow A_{n} \otimes A_{p})_{n,p \ge 0}, η:IA0\eta:I \rightarrow A_{0} and ϵ:A0I\epsilon:A_{0} \rightarrow I such that these axioms are verified (with the obvious string diagram notations and where I write nn instead of AnA_{n}): axioms.png

A surprising fact is that there is no need to suppose any associativity, coassociativity, commutativity and cocommutativity: it's consequences of these axioms.

The proof is nothing but easy. I'm really close to the end. I hope to have finished writing it and the paper associated before January 1st. Then I will send it to Rick and Phil in order that they proofread it, and then submit it, and it will be my first paper and first chapter of my PhD thesis.

They have been nice enough to say that I will be the only author.

I think it's gonna be an important step in the story of the relation between linear logic and Fock spaces as started 30 years ago in Fock space: A Model of Linear Exponential Types, R. Blute, P. Panangaden, R. A. G. Seely (1994). This first intuition is going to be transformed in an actual logic of symmetric powers which says everything about them instead of just an incomplete semantic of linear logic.

Ideas from differential linear logic, graded linear logic, differential categories and categorical quantum mechanics have been taken into account in order to find this theorem.

Moreover, it presents symmetric powers as a special kind of connected graded Hopf algebra which are the object of current research in link with renormalization:

Renormalization in connected graded Hopf algebras

There is a lot of work to pursue after this first theorem and it will be the next chapters of my thesis but I'm not gonna reveal all my plans :smile: .

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jan 08 2023 at 21:14):

I'll give a talk at the Logic Seminar of the University of Ottawa, on January 25 at 3pm.

Title: Characterizing symmetric powers bialgebraically: a first step into the logic of usual linear mathematics

Abstract: I will first describe how we can hope for logical systems which would be able to prove isomorphisms or more generally equations encountered in various parts of linear mathematics eg. representation theory, homological algebra, algebraic topology… Examples of such isomorphisms or equations: Künneth theorem, Schur-Weyl duality, algebra of Schur functors, binomial theorem.

We will then start this program with a first modest step: I will state a bialgebraic characterization of symmetric powers (in symmetric monoidal Q+-linear categories) and go through the main steps of the proof. This theorem is meant as a preliminary to a logic of symmetric powers in characteristic 0.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jan 08 2023 at 21:15):

If some people are interested, here is the zoom link for this seminar:

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 11 2023 at 06:43):

I'm really happy to have been invited to give a (virtual) talk at the National Institute of Informatics in Tokyo by Shin-ya Katsumata! I'll talk about our project of graded differential categories / linear logic with @JS PL (he/him) as well as maybe some of my other ideas about graded linear logical mathematically inspired stuff! Shin-ya is really an expert on the subject of graded linear logic so that's great to reach him. But that's thanks to JS who told him about that!

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 12 2023 at 13:13):

Here is the deal for this talk.

Title: Graded differential categories and some other graded ideas

Abstract: Graded differential categories grade the exponential of differential categories by a rig. It allows more flexibility. Diff cats can be seen as the 00-graded diff cats. In any symmetric monoidal category C\mathcal{C}, coequalizer symmetric powers make Cop\mathcal{C}^{op} a N\mathbb{N}-graded diff cat.

If we look at the characteristic 00 case where C\mathcal{C} is enriched over Q+\mathbb{Q}^+-modules, we obtain an equivalent definition of symmetric powers as a structure of N\mathbb{N}-graded diff cat on Cop\mathcal{C}^{op} which verifies an additional axiom.

We can write a sequent calculus for graded bialgebra modalities with codereliction which are a special case of graded diff cats, realizing the idea of graded differential linear logic. If we allow the multiplication of proofs by coefficients in Q+\mathbb{Q}^+, forcing the exponential to give symmetric powers can now be done syntactically by equating proofs under a form of η\eta-equivalence involving the inference rules for the graded exponential.

I’ll say a word about Seely isomorphisms. Surprisingly it seems not possible to prove a graded version of the Seely isomorphism by adding additive connectors to graded linear logic. The costructural inference rules seem necessary making the graded Seely isomorphism a feature of graded linear logic specific to the differential extension.

I’ll explain how the differential graded story is better understood with the notion of Hasse-Schmidt derivative used in positive characteristic mathematics and how it simplifies equations or cut elimination when dealing with differentiation logically.

Finally, I’ll share some ideas about how combining graded exponentials with costructural inference rules could be adapted to make some mathematical concepts closer to logic such as Schur functors, modular representation theory of the finite general linear groups and the Steenrod algebra, or cyclic homology.

The work on graded diff cats has been done in collaboration with @JS PL (he/him) . I also thank my supervisors Rick Blute and @Philip Scott , as well as @John Baez and @Sacha Ikonicoff for usefull discussions on these matters.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Feb 13 2023 at 02:14):

Is it too late to offer editorial corrections to this abstract?

view this post on Zulip Peter Arndt (Feb 13 2023 at 06:52):

Is it too late to ask for a link to the talk?

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 13 2023 at 08:05):

Hey, none of the two is too late

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 13 2023 at 08:13):

The talk should be on March 1. I just sent the abstract very early because I was too impatient.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 13 2023 at 08:13):

John Baez said:

Is it too late to offer editorial corrections to this abstract?

Tell me! I gladly accept your offer.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 13 2023 at 08:14):

Peter Arndt said:

Is it too late to ask for a link to the talk?

I'll ask Shin-ya. Thanks for your interest!

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 13 2023 at 08:15):

I guess there are already corrections to make on the English ahah.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 13 2023 at 22:57):

What did you want to change to this abstract @John Baez?

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 13 2023 at 22:59):

I can still send a better version.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Feb 13 2023 at 23:19):

Various things, starting with the singular-plural conflict here:

Graded differential categories grade the exponential of differential categories by a rig. It allows more flexibility.

"It" should be "they" since you are referring to a plural: "graded differential categories".

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 13 2023 at 23:21):

Hmm okay for this one. It's something which works in French but not in English apparently.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Feb 13 2023 at 23:22):

Also, I don't know what "graded the exponential by a rig" means. I can try to guess what it means. You mean the hom-objects in a differential category become graded by a (fixed?) rig?

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 13 2023 at 23:23):

Oh no. It the exponential endofunctor !:CC!:\mathcal{C} \rightarrow \mathcal{C} which is replaced by a family (!r:CC)rR(!_{r}:\mathcal{C} \rightarrow \mathcal{C})_{r \in R}

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 13 2023 at 23:24):

Yes it's a fixed rig.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 13 2023 at 23:25):

For instance you can take a grading on N\mathbb{N}, C=FVec\mathcal{C}=FVec and !nA!_{n}A the nthn^{th} symmetric power of AA

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Feb 13 2023 at 23:25):

Okay, I get it. Thanks.

So here's my real point: I suspect very few people will understand the sentence "Graded differential categories grade the exponential of differential categories by a rig", since it probably requires understanding the word "rig" and some other concepts, and I doubt many people know all these things. I recommend a more gentle, friendly approach, since people tend to avoid talks where they can't understand even the first sentence of the abstract.

An abstract for a talk is an advertisement, not a summary of results.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 13 2023 at 23:28):

Hmm okay. Are rig something really exotic for a computer scientist ?

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Feb 13 2023 at 23:36):

I don't know - I'm a mathematician. Most mathematicians don't know what rigs are, they don't know what differential categories are, and they don't know what "grading the exponential" means.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Feb 13 2023 at 23:37):

You could explain all these things in a few sentences to most mathematicians, but they wouldn't be able to swallow the first sentence of your abstract without help.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 13 2023 at 23:38):

Okay. You're absolutely right, especially for differential categories. I'm gonna try to rewrite a little bit this.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Feb 13 2023 at 23:43):


(Mathematicians have trouble writing advertisements because they're not used to it. I always have to remind my students that the "research statements" they need to write when applying for jobs are actually advertisements. The goal is not to explain math. The people reading them don't want to learn math. They want to know if they should hire you.)

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 14 2023 at 00:14):

What about that ? It is a more "marketing" and friendly version.

Title: Graded differential categories


Differential categories are categories when we can differentiate morphisms of type !AB!A \rightarrow B. They were introduced as the models of differential linear logic which is an extension of linear logic which allows differentiation. On the other hand, graded linear logic is another extension of linear logic which replaces the exponential !A!A by a graded exponential (!rA)rR(!_{r}A)_{r \in R} where the grade rr is taken in a rig RR (ie. a ring without negatives).

I’ll explain how to combine the two to obtain graded differential categories and graded differential linear logic. It allows new examples of semantics with the possibility of recovering the non-graded case by taking the rig equal to 0. It also allows to obtain a graded version of the Seely isomorphism !(A+B)=!A!B!(A+B) = !A \otimes !B of linear logic.

We will finish by seeing how combining the ideas of graded linear logic and differential linear logic in yet other ways could allow to introduce various mathematical notions other than differentiation into linear logic, shining a new light on them even from a purely mathematical point of view.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 14 2023 at 00:19):

I'm happy to see what people other than me and @JS PL (he/him) think of this ahah.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 14 2023 at 00:20):

Cause it's difficult to be in the head of people other than oneself.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Feb 14 2023 at 00:21):

It's tons better! I suggest however that you say a word about this beast !A!A before using that symbol. Linear logicians know what this !! means. A lot of mathematicians and probably computer scientists don't.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Feb 14 2023 at 00:22):

You say it's an exponential, but only later.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 14 2023 at 00:22):

Ok, I try to add this.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Feb 14 2023 at 00:22):

(I don't know how many people know what "an exponential" is. When you first said it I thought you meant an object XYX^Y in a cartesian closed category - that's another meaning of "exponential" in category theory.)

view this post on Zulip Jason Erbele (Feb 14 2023 at 00:23):

I'd be a lot more interested to see a talk with this abstract vs. the previous one.

A couple of nit-picky details

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Feb 14 2023 at 00:23):

Yes, nobody says "X allows to Y" in English.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Feb 14 2023 at 00:24):

You can say "food allows one to eat" or "food enables eating" but not "food allows to eat".

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 14 2023 at 00:26):

Ok, thanks! I'll try to correct this and give you a yet better version.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Feb 14 2023 at 00:26):

It's already so much better I feel my work is done.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 14 2023 at 00:28):

Just wait two minutes I do it right now that's funny ahah

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 14 2023 at 00:33):

Title: Graded differential categories


Differential categories are categories with an endofunctor !! (the exponential) such that we can differentiate morphisms of type !AB!A \rightarrow B. They were introduced as the models of differential linear logic which is an extension of linear logic which allows one to differentiate proofs. On the other hand, graded linear logic is another extension of linear logic which replaces the exponential !A!A by a graded exponential (!rA)rR(!_{r}A)_{r \in R} where the grading rr is taken in a rig RR (ie. a ring without negatives).

I’ll explain how to combine the two to obtain graded differential categories and graded differential linear logic. It gives new examples of semantics with the possibility of recovering the non-graded case by taking the rig equal to 00. It also allows one to obtain a graded version of the Seely isomorphism !(A&B)=!A!B!(A \& B) = !A \otimes !B of linear logic.

We will finish by seeing how combining the ideas of graded linear logic and differential linear logic in yet other ways seems promising to introduce various mathematical notions other than differentiation into linear logic, shining a new light on them even from a purely mathematical point of view.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 14 2023 at 00:34):

John Baez said:

It's already so much better I feel my work is done.

Ok, thanks !!

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Feb 14 2023 at 00:58):

Differential categories are categories with an endofunctor !

It looks like you are very excited about this idea. :upside_down:

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 14 2023 at 01:00):

Of course, it is the most important part of linear logic for me!

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Feb 14 2023 at 01:00):

Right, but I just meant that it looks like you're ending the sentence with an exclamation mark.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 14 2023 at 01:01):

ahah ok, I didn't get it

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 14 2023 at 01:03):

The goal of my life right now is just to make all the usual endofunctors of VecVec into some kind of exponential of some kind of linear logic haha.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Feb 14 2023 at 01:04):

The only thing I don't like is that you aren't starting with an example of this !! thing, so it sounds very abstract. I might say something like this:

For any vector space VV one can form the vector space of polynomials !V!V, and one can also differentiate polynomials. This makes the category of vector spaces into an example of a differential category. These categories were introduced as the models of differential linear logic: an extension of linear logic which allows differentiation.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Feb 14 2023 at 01:04):

Or something sort of like that: something that gives the reader a concrete example to think about.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 14 2023 at 01:08):

Okay good idea, I'll think to that for next time but I can't send another mail to give a third version ahah.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 14 2023 at 01:09):

I definitely must think a little bit more before sending mails ahah.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 14 2023 at 01:10):

Anyway, people in the local seminars often come to all the seminars of the place so it's not a big deal.

view this post on Zulip Jason Erbele (Feb 14 2023 at 01:42):

Something I like about your abstract revision that is missing in John's example-driven stub is the explicit connection between the name "exponential" and the symbol "!!". Something like "... one can use the exponential endomorphism, !!, to form the vector space of polynomials..." offers the best of both worlds. There may be better ways to phrase it, but this recipe of "this is what it's called, this is the symbol used, and this is (an example of) what it does" is convenient for quickly introducing terms and symbols that will appear later while also showing the readers why they might care about the ideas behind the jargon.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Feb 14 2023 at 22:26):

Jean-Baptiste Vienney said:

Anyway, people in the local seminars often come to all the seminars of the place so it's not a big deal.

Maybe not, but learning to write good abstract is a big deal, so it's good to practice it before you give a talk for a job interview.

Even now it can make the difference between faculty who read your abstract and think "okay, another boring talk I have to go to" and faculty who think "hmm, this one actually sounds interesting!"

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 18 2023 at 06:30):

The video of my talk of January 25 at the University of Ottawa is now online: Characterizing symmetric powers bialgebraically: a first step into the logic of usual linear mathematics. I realised how terrible my accent is when I tried to hear it a bit but I guess you can understand what I say. And I'm glad that this stuff is online where there is enough time to explain a bit my ideas in a convenient way, even if it's very incomplete (In particular, there is nothing on graded differential categories / linear logic although I speak of differentiation from a little bit different point of view). But I tried to give some elements of overall inspiration for me like how I'm a little bit inspired by the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein and some other folks. At the end there are a lot of ideas to potentially import various things into linear logic like Schur functors and Cyclic homology.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 18 2023 at 06:48):

I don't say it but for example I got interested by the idea of putting exterior powers in linear logic these last days, in order to be able to speak about the determinants of some proofs directly in the sequent calculus.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 18 2023 at 06:50):

I hope it could help to prove that some isomorphisms of linear logic are really isomorphisms without directly checking it via cut elimination on f;f1f;f^{-1} and f1;ff^{-1};f.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 18 2023 at 07:00):

For a funny anecdote, last year I got an English-speaking girlfriend so my English was progressively getting better but now that it is finished I'm getting as bad as before.

view this post on Zulip Jacques Carette (Feb 18 2023 at 19:02):

Are the slides available online somewhere? I tend to want to read them first, before committing to watching a long talk.

view this post on Zulip vikraman (Feb 18 2023 at 19:52):

I'm curious about what a graded Seely isomorphism looks like, so I'd like to read about it too.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 18 2023 at 20:41):

Sure, here it is: Slides Ottawa.pdf

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 18 2023 at 20:42):

What I mean by a graded Seely isomorphism appears slide 9

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 18 2023 at 20:44):

There should be clear explanations about this in our paper GDiLL and Graded Differential Categories with @JS PL (he/him) that should be submitted to MFPS 2023. And I will also speak more of it in my next talk so I'll put my slides as well if you want (it's not clear if I could give a zoom link for the talk).

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 18 2023 at 20:46):

That's an interesting point and I realized only when we started to write this paper that one needs a graded and differential linear logic to obtain Graded Seely isomorphisms

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 18 2023 at 20:47):

So it tends to validate that the differential part is important.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 18 2023 at 21:47):

Here is the slides without pauses which should be easier to read: Ottawa-without-pauses.pdf

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 20 2023 at 22:23):

Peter Arndt said:

Is it too late to ask for a link to the talk?

I got it @Peter Arndt. Here is the link:
meeting id: 918 8216 1000
passcode: 378062

Wed 1 March, 8pm in EST

For the talk "Graded differential categories" with abstract somewhere above.

view this post on Zulip Peter Arndt (Feb 22 2023 at 11:16):

Thanks! I'll see whether my baby wakes me up at 2am of my timezone to attend the talk :baby:

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Mar 01 2023 at 23:55):

Hi, just want to say that you can connect in this link in an hour and an half if you want to learn and discuss about "Graded differential categories, Graded differential linear logic and Symmetrized powers " and make a virtual visit in Tokyo! Or if you're bored and not sleeping in your part of the world and don't know what to do.

I will talk about these things which I know can interest a few ones! :

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Mar 28 2023 at 04:03):

I'm going to submit this abstract for a talk at CT 2023 (and at the 2023 CMS Summer Meeting in Ottawa): String diagrams for symmetric powers

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Mar 28 2023 at 05:20):

See here for a version with complete definitions: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Abstract-CT2023.pdf

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jun 03 2023 at 03:02):

Unfortunately I'm not going to present this stuff to CT2023 but I will do it monday at the CMS summer meeting and in one week at FMCS. Here are my slides:

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jun 03 2023 at 03:03):

Tell me if you want to make some remark! I think it's some funny stuff.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jun 03 2023 at 03:07):

I'm almost done with the preprint, I hope it's going to be my second paper (and the first written alone)!

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jun 03 2023 at 03:18):

One of the thing I want to do with that later is modifying a bit my diagrams to obtain a characterization of symmetric powers in terms of bosonic annihilation and creation operators and then put this in dagger compact closed category to obtain a graphical language to talk about bosons.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jun 03 2023 at 03:21):

I'm excited by trying to do some "categorical quantum field theory" in the same way that people do categorical quantum computing stuff with string diagrams

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 19 2023 at 06:39):

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 19 2023 at 06:44):

Today, I thought to products, and as crazy as it sounds, I think I found a different definition which is equivalent to the usual one. The main difference is that there is no longer the "unique" of the universal property in the definition. It's an algebraic characterization but different from the characterixation of a category which possesses all finite products as a monoidal category + some axioms because it applies to just the product of AA and BB, and gives a different characterization (it also works for the product of a family of objects). I think it is usefull. I was very excited and I wrote a note about that that I could submit as a paper maybe but I prefer than some people read it before to be sure that I'm not crazy or that it is not trivial folklore. It's a very quick read (3.5 pages) and you can skip 90% of the intro, which is more or less two pages long, if it doesn't interest you (it speaks about how the idea come from linear logic and its cut elimination process, on the other hand this intro can excit you to learn about linear logic if you like the rest of the note). I think it can be interesting to anybody here. It's about one of the most basic idea of category theory.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 19 2023 at 06:48):

I was excited today because the paper that I submitted two weeks ago passed the first step and they have invited the reviewers, so I know that it is not complet crap :upside_down:

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 19 2023 at 06:50):

Any feedback on this note would be heavily appreciated.

view this post on Zulip Aaron David Fairbanks (Aug 19 2023 at 07:02):

To me this looks like the definition of the product A×BA \times B as a representing object for the presheaf Hom(,A)×Hom(,B)\text{Hom}(-, A) \times \text{Hom}(-, B). The maps ,\langle \cdot,\cdot \rangle are the components of the natural isomorphism Hom(,A)×Hom(,B)Hom(,A×B)\text{Hom}(-, A) \times \text{Hom}(-, B) \to \text{Hom}(-, A \times B) and (p1,p2)(p_1, p_2) is the universal element in Hom(,A)×Hom(,B)\text{Hom}(-, A) \times \text{Hom}(-, B).

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 19 2023 at 11:17):

Ok, I didn't know about this definition. If you unpack the definition as a representing object, you get that you require for A×BA \times B to be a product extactly these conditions:
Data (1):

Axioms (1):

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 19 2023 at 11:18):

But that's not exactly the hypotheses of Proposition 2.1

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 19 2023 at 11:26):

What I require for A×BA \times B to be a product is exactly:
Data (2):

Axioms (2):

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 19 2023 at 11:30):

I agree that in the two cases, you ask for a fuction (D1.a) = (D2.a) which verifies (A1.a)=(A2.a).

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 19 2023 at 11:33):

But the rest of the two sets of conditions (1)(1) and (2)(2) are differents.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 19 2023 at 11:33):

What are the differences?

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 19 2023 at 11:34):

In the set (1)(1) you ask for (A1.a)(A1.a), the bijectivity condition.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 19 2023 at 11:35):

Whereas in the set (2)(2), you get rid of this bijectivity condition (A1.a)(A1.a). And the price you have to pay is to replace this single condition by the three equations (A2.a)(A2.a), (A2.c)(A2.c), (A2.d)(A2.d).

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 19 2023 at 11:36):

I can compare (2)(2) to another set of conditions, and that is really what's behind this idea.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 19 2023 at 11:38):

Let's write (3)(3) for the conditions in the usual definition of the product A×BA \times B.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 19 2023 at 11:40):

Data (3):

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 19 2023 at 11:42):

Axiom (3):

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 19 2023 at 11:44):

You see what I'm doing: the data (2)(2) and (3)(3) are exactly the same but the axioms are different. Whereas (A2.c)=(A3.b)(A2.c)=(A3.b) and (A2.d)=(A3.c)(A2.d)=(A3.c), the rest is different.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 19 2023 at 11:45):

You have one one side (A2.a)+(A2.b)(A2.a)+(A2.b), two equations that the data must verify, and on the other side (D3.a)(D3.a), the unicity condition. My goal was exactly that: replace the unicity condition by equations.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 19 2023 at 11:46):

That's why I say "[The definition] is stated in terms of an algebraic structure rather than a universal property."

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 19 2023 at 11:48):

So, I still think that it is a new and interesting observation. But I will be very happy to be contradicted.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 19 2023 at 11:51):

Moreover I think that the distance between the usual definition and the one in terms of representing object is smaller than the one between each of these definitions and mine. The first two ask for some uncity or bijectivity, whereas mine doesn't ask for anything like that, just equations.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 19 2023 at 11:54):

The fact that I write a function .,.\langle . , . \rangle in my definition is kinda distracting and you can rewrite it without this function. The real issue is to get rid of the "unique" in the usual definition or the "unique antecedent" of the bijectivity in the definition in terms of representing object.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 19 2023 at 11:58):

I hope that with this further discussion, it's easier to evaluate my development, whether it's interesting / not interesting and known / not known. That's what I want to know.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 19 2023 at 12:01):

Maybe I should add some kind of discussion like what's above in the note?

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 19 2023 at 12:02):

That's really just an expansion of the second sentence of the abstract. That's maybe more intelligible like this.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 19 2023 at 12:04):

I thought that people will immediatly see that my conditions are not the usual ones, but maybe I should insist one that (the reason for this difference from a socio-historical point of view is that as I explain in the introduction, my conditions are extracted from the cut-elimination process of linear logic, which is part of the proof-theory tradition, whereas the usual one comes from the mathematics tradition).

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Aug 19 2023 at 12:22):

What does (A2.b) mean? Is there an equation missing from this?

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 19 2023 at 12:23):

yes, thanks, fixed

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Aug 19 2023 at 14:13):

Okay, good. Your result is related to the result on page 47 here, and also the results here. However, all those results are about when a monoidal category is cartesian, not the product of two specific objects. And if your result is correct you may be able to combine it with the ideas in the links to get a better, "purely equational" theorem about when a monoidal category is cartesian.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 19 2023 at 14:25):

Hmm I'm aware of this result. I can get conditions for when a category is a cartesian monoidal category by simply asking that the structure I ask for a couple A,BA,B is here for every such couple. In that case, p1:A×BAp_1:A \times B \rightarrow A, p2:A×BBp_2:A \times B \rightarrow B and .,.X:C[X,A]×C[X,B]C[X,A×B]\langle ., . \rangle_X:\mathcal{C}[X,A] \times \mathcal{C}[X,B] \rightarrow \mathcal{C}[X,A \times B] are probably natural transformations. But it doesn't look exactly like what you need for a monoidal category. It's of a different nature, more asymmetric.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Aug 19 2023 at 14:30):

I actually pointed to at least two results, one or two involving diagonals and maps eA:AIe_A : A \to I, and another involving diagonals and maps p1:ABAp_1: A \otimes B \to A, p2:ABBp_2: A \otimes B \to B. The nLab says about the latter result

This theorem is probably in Eilenberg and Kelly’s paper on closed categories, but they may not have been the first to note it.

However, this theorem as stated on the nLab result is a bit weak since the hypotheses wind up mentioning products! So it would be nice to use your ideas to improve that result.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Aug 19 2023 at 14:32):

It's possible Eilenberg and Kelly stated the result in a better way.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 19 2023 at 14:32):

Sorry, I don't know this second one.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 19 2023 at 14:38):

It's probably a good idea to try this.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 19 2023 at 14:41):

This result is on p.551 in the paper "Closed Categories".

view this post on Zulip Morgan Rogers (he/him) (Aug 19 2023 at 16:15):

You could compress two of the conditions into v=v;p1,v;p2v = \langle v; p_1, v; p_2 \rangle, since that's all you use in the proof, and this is really an equation expressing that/how the map is surjective.

view this post on Zulip Morgan Rogers (he/him) (Aug 19 2023 at 16:20):

As far as it being new/interesting is concerned, you already point out that a connective in linear logic is typically interpreted as categorical product, so that connection isn't new. How do you imagine you could leverage this axiomatization of products to make it interesting?

view this post on Zulip Aaron David Fairbanks (Aug 19 2023 at 18:53):

This is like the difference between saying a map is invertible and giving a specific inverse.

An intermediate step between the representing object definition (1) and your definition (2) would be another definition where the data include an inverse natural transformation to ,\langle\cdot,\cdot\rangle instead of p1p_1 and p2p_2. This would also be "algebraic" in that it is defined in terms of equations instead of bijectivity or unique existence of something.

Your definition comes from the Yoneda lemma: the inverse natural transformation is determined by the element it sends the identity to, (p1,p2)(p_1, p_2). This style of definition works for any universal property, not just products.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 19 2023 at 19:22):

Could you detail a bit more the process to go from (1)(1) to (2)(2) and vice-versa using Yoneda lemma? I'm not super good in terms of Yoneda lemma.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 19 2023 at 19:30):

Morgan Rogers (he/him) said:

As far as it being new/interesting is concerned, you already point out that a connective in linear logic is typically interpreted as categorical product, so that connection isn't new. How do you imagine you could leverage this axiomatization of products to make it interesting?

I was wondering how we could use this in terms of rewriting / cut-elimination. You can orient two of the equalities easily: f,g;p1f\langle f,g \rangle;p_1 \rightsquigarrow f and f,g;p1g\langle f,g \rangle;p_1 \rightsquigarrow g, it as in linear logic. As to the third one, in linear logic you do v;f1,v;f2v;f1,f2\langle v;f_1, v;f_2 \rangle \rightsquigarrow v;\langle f_1,f_2 \rangle, so here maybe vv;p1,v;p2v \rightsquigarrow \langle v;p_1, v;p_2 \rangle. It looks like you can make a rewriting system with less rewriting rules than all the cut-elimination steps of linear logic which concern the connector &\&.But it's maybe not going to eliminate all the ;;. I'm wondering if these three rules provide a confluent/terminating rewriting system when you start from a set of functions symbols {f,g,...}\{f,g,...\} and looks at all the words built using ;;, .,.\langle . , . \rangle, p1p_1 and p2p_2.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 19 2023 at 19:43):

Jean-Baptiste Vienney said:

Could you detail a bit more the process to go from (1)(1) to (2)(2) and vice-versa using Yoneda lemma? I'm not super good in terms of Yoneda lemma.

If this a general process that you can apply to every limit, then I would like to understand it better because it looks like a very good way to implement these limits in type theory.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 19 2023 at 19:45):

For instance, I would be interested to apply this process to (co)equalizers.

view this post on Zulip Aaron David Fairbanks (Aug 19 2023 at 20:49):

Maybe it will help for clarity to be more specific about the "intermediate step".

Data (4):

Axioms (4):

(You could split up each axiom involving a pair of elements into two axioms if you want.)

This is the representing object definition with everything spelled out algebraically: an inverse pair of natural transformations from a representable presheaf to the presheaf Hom(,A)×Hom(,B)\text{Hom}(-,A) \times \text{Hom}(-,B) and vice versa. If we used any other presheaf instead besides Hom(,A)×Hom(,B)\text{Hom}(-,A) \times \text{Hom}(-,B), this definition would still make sense, giving a representing object for that presheaf. For example, for an arbitrary limit, the presheaf in the place of Hom(,A)×Hom(,B)\text{Hom}(-,A) \times \text{Hom}(-,B) would be the presheaf of cones.

Some details here are redundant. First of all, A4.d is redundant, because a bijective natural transformation has a natural inverse.

The Yoneda Lemma says that the natural transformations from a representable presheaf Hom(,Z)\text{Hom}(-,Z) to a presheaf F()F(-) are in bijection with elements of F(Z)F(Z). This is because we can reconstruct the natural transformation α\alpha from where it sends 1Z1_Z (and any choice of α(1Z)\alpha(1_Z) extends to a natural transformation). You reconstruct all of α\alpha from α(1Z)\alpha(1_Z) by setting α(a):=a;α(1Z)\alpha(a) := a;\alpha(1_Z).

Now replace all equations involving the natural transformation (1,2)(\cdot_1,\cdot_2) with equations involving its value at the identity, ((1A×B)1,(1A×B)2)((1_{A \times B})_1, (1_{A \times B})_2), and call this (p1,p2)(p_1, p_2). So each appearance of (a1,a2)(a_1, a_2) gets replaced with (a;p1,a;p2)(a;p_1, a;p_2).

Data (5):

Axioms (5):

Finally, A5.a is equivalent in the presence of A5.c to p1,p2=1A×B\langle p_1, p_2 \rangle = 1_{A \times B}.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 19 2023 at 22:08):

Thanks @Aaron David Fairbanks . We could talk of this later, I'd want to apply this to other (co)limits and see what it gives and if we can get some kind of sequent calculus from that.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 19 2023 at 22:12):

And thanks @John Baez , @Morgan Rogers (he/him), @Matteo Capucci (he/him) . This discussion has been really useful to me!

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Oct 30 2023 at 15:04):

I'd been dreaming about something the other day: I've learned the stuff about differentiation in computer science ie. differential categories, lambda-calculus, linear logic etc... has been conceived as a replacement for the use of topology in computer science ie. stuff related to Scott topology. So it looks like there are a differential and a continuous approach to computer science which are quite similar. It makes me think to the de Rham theorem which says that the de Rham cohomology of a smooth manifold is isomorphic to its singular cohomology, therefore the topological and differential approach are equivalent for this cohomology. If we do enough progress in the theory of differential categories, and relate it to topology, in particular locales, will we be able to understand more about these equivalences of differentiation and continuitity, at the same time in computer science and mathematics?

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Nov 01 2023 at 03:58):

I have to choose a first title for my phd thesis (that I will have much time to change if needed).

I already like to think of title of papers I want to write but now it is even better. I think my projects are now clear and I can give a clear title:

Differentiation in category theory: Graded, Hasse-Schmidt, Relative

There are three different topics in the subject "differentiation in category theory", or three different categorical doctrines: differential categories (which are monoidal categories, axiomatizing differentiation, starting from the category of linear maps), cartesian differential categories (which are cartesian categories, axiomatizing differentiation, starting from the category of differentiable maps) and tangent bundle categories (axiomatizing the category of smooth manifolds and its tangent bundle). These three structures are related by universal constructions. What will do my thesis is providing three variants of each of these structures.

Of course, if these 99 things can be defined, you could also combine them but it doesn't look usefull in lot of situations to implement the graded, Hasse-Schmidt and relative ideas at the same time.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Nov 01 2023 at 11:58):

Unless there is already a paper called "Differentiation in category theory", I would recommend that as the title for your thesis. It's great that you've organized the subject into "graded, Hasse-Schmidt and relative" ideas. But almost nobody will read your thesis because of these extra words in the title, and many people will be intimidated by them. There may be 5 or 10 fans of Hasse-Schmidt differentiation in the world, but many more people will say "ugh, what's that? I don't know, I'm probably not interested in this".

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Nov 01 2023 at 12:00):

Another thing to keep in mind is that people only talk about the title of a paper if it's short enough. People will say things like "Hey, have you read Differentiation in Category Theory by Jean-Baptiste Vienney?" But they are very unlikely to say "Hey, have you read Differentiation in Category Theory: Graded, Hasse-Schmidt and Relative by Jean-Baptiste Vienney?"

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Nov 01 2023 at 12:01):

Think of Lawvere's thesis title: Functorial Semantics. Short and snappy. People remember it.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Nov 01 2023 at 12:25):

Hmm. But I've not invented "Differentiation in Category Theory"! All The important notions: differential categories, cartesian differential categories and tangent categories already exist.

My contribution is exactly to add these ideas of graded, Hasse-Schmidt, relative... They are just options you can add on top of everything already known...

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Nov 01 2023 at 12:28):

I don't think a thesis title is a claim that you've invented the subject. I think it's a description of what the thesis is about.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Nov 01 2023 at 12:29):

Ok, so I'll ask my supervisors if they think "Differentiation in Category Theory" is a good title. Thanks :smile:

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Nov 01 2023 at 12:30):

Sure! Or maybe there's some other title, that's more specific, but doesn't list 3 mysterious concepts that will only become interesting after someone reads the thesis.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Nov 01 2023 at 12:33):

Well, there isn't any other approach of differentiation in category theory than that. I mean nothing with as much papers published. So I think it's very good.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Nov 01 2023 at 13:31):

Something more: I think there isn't any good place to learn this subject quickly and easily. You have to read many papers to learn and get an overview of the subject. The only good ressources are some slides from JS. But I think something written would be better. So, one chapter presenting the three categorical structures in the theory, with their relations and the important exemples would be good. After this chapter I will repeat the same pattern adding grading, Hasse-Schmidt and relative stuff. Like this, after I've done my thesis, I will say to people: "If you want to learn about differential categories etc..., read the first chapter of my thesis. All the important ideas are here, it's explained in a straigthforward way and without much prerequisites. Nothing like this existed before I wrote it...."

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Nov 01 2023 at 13:38):

I think people should not be obligated to go to conferences to learn about a research topic... The only way to learn about this topic today is to know some person who works on it, or go to conferences and listen to tutorials. That's not ideal...

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Nov 01 2023 at 13:39):

The litterature is much too overwhelming to learn the subject in my opinion.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Nov 01 2023 at 14:49):

Your thesis could be very helpful, then.... which is another reason I think it should have a simple title: that will make it attractive to beginners.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Nov 01 2023 at 14:49):

But I am always trying to make things fun and easy to understand: your advisor may have a different attitude.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Nov 01 2023 at 15:08):

I completely agree with that and I like a lot that some people here share this opinion.

I think that also everybody should have access to the most updated information on mathematics easily. For lot of people the way of developping mathematics is to do research in the secret and then offer some good project to the students they have the most consideration for. But this is not how I did. I have always been a good student but not the brightest one (I mean not at the most extreme level like being able to be accepted in the world best universities etc...). I struggled a bit to find a place to be accepted in Phd. What I did is to answer a question in a paper by JS by proposing the idea of graded differential linear logic / categories. And I got accepted in a phd program in part thanks to that. I try to share all my research ideas in order that if anybody in this world is quite an adventurer he can take a similar path. I would like math to become something a bit more like open source software development where everybody can contribute easily and without a war of egos.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Nov 01 2023 at 15:15):

I very much like my supervisors but I feel uncomfortable with their habits sometimes: like when they say that this guy or that guy is a great guy in front of their friends to help him have a better reputation

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Nov 01 2023 at 15:18):

In fact a few people did that: saying that I'm a good guy in front of their friends and it's weird

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Nov 01 2023 at 15:26):

It's better than being told you're a bad guy. :upside_down:

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Nov 01 2023 at 15:51):

Yes sure haha. I don't feel so bad honnestly. It feels nice also to be considered by people for sure.

But lot of people didn't succeed to enter the social circle of research in mathematics and I feel bad for them when I become myself part of all the usual social habits. All the people who didn't get accepted in a phd program but were very passionate... We don't see them but they are real people and maybe they will feel bad about this all their life.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Nov 01 2023 at 15:52):

If they could have access to the latest developments and build on top of it in their free time if they find it fun and succeed to do it, it would be a good progress for humankind.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Nov 01 2023 at 15:54):

I'm sure I'm very much in an utopia in my mind but anyway, there is progress to be made on these matters.

view this post on Zulip Kevin Arlin (Nov 01 2023 at 16:13):

Can confirm that if you write a nice self-contained introduction to prior art on differentiation in category theory for your first chapter I will definitely read it.

view this post on Zulip Kevin Arlin (Nov 01 2023 at 16:14):

(and then hopefully the rest too!)

view this post on Zulip Eric Forgy (Nov 01 2023 at 17:32):

I'd love to see a thesis on differentiation in category theory especially if it had a nice self-contained introduction / survey :+1:

view this post on Zulip Chris Grossack (they/them) (Nov 02 2023 at 17:15):

Adding to the chorus of people saying "I'd read the first chapter, and hopefully the rest"

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 12 2024 at 23:52):

I don't want to be too much off-topic in the topic on Prüfer rings, so I put my story here:

If you take multiplicative additive linear logic, you make it compact closed ie. "parr"="parr" = \otimes and you add a distributivity of \oplus over &\& and of &\& over \oplus, then you can interpret \otimes by the product of numbers in Q>0\mathbb{Q}_{>0}, the \oplus by the gcd, the &\& by the lcm, the negation by the inverse and obtain a logic where a sequent aba \vdash b can be interpreted as aa divides bb with a,bQ>0a,b \in \mathbb{Q}_{>0} where (*) You define the gcd by taking the min of the p-adic valuations of the two numbers, the lcm by taking the max. And you have amazingly a De Morgan Duality gcd(a1,b1)=lcm(a,b)1gcd(a^{-1},b^{-1})=lcm(a,b)^{-1}, in addition to the multiplicative one, (ab)1=a1b1(ab)^{-1}=a^{-1}b^{-1}.

Then, I realized that in fact I'm already working with fractional ideals and that something like "nonzero finitely-generated fractional ideals of any Prüfer semiring" seem to verify all the same conditions I want. I've been very excited by this the previous days. Something surprising for someone who knows about linear logic is that the model in Q>0\mathbb{Q}_{>0} and probably the models with ideals of Prüfer (semi)rings give a compact closed categories with products and coproducts which are not biproducts which seems to contradict the paper Finite products are biproducts in a compact closed category. But in fact not, the subtlety is that this paper applies only if you have binary products AND an empty product but in the models of arithmetic, you don't have an initial object (it is not 1 because here all the numbers 1/n1/n divides 11 :)).

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 12 2024 at 23:58):

(*) you define that aa divides bb iff vp(a)vp(b)v_p(a) \le v_p(b) for all prime number pp with vp(a),vp(b)Zv_p(a),v_p(b) \in \mathbb{Z}

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 13 2024 at 00:01):

I’m struggling a lot with rendering my message… I wanted to correct that you start with mutliplicative additive linear logic without initial and terminal object.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 13 2024 at 00:04):

>lcm\oplus -> lcm, &>gcd\& -> gcd. I can’t modify my message else it doesn’t render anymore…

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 13 2024 at 18:19):

I want to write a bit more about my math life today. The main points are these ones:

view this post on Zulip Morgan Rogers (he/him) (Feb 14 2024 at 09:30):

Jean-Baptiste Vienney said:

Don't resent this too much; remember that this is part of the job too, and that there will often be things besides research to do in any position you're in. It can be frustrating at first when you're used to being a student who can devote almost all of their time to studying the thing that interests them, but being a researcher is about more than just doing research :)

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 14 2024 at 14:36):

Thank you for the kind words :)

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Mar 03 2024 at 15:59):

Hi, just wanted to say that I've been looking again at the explanations about determinants and adjugates in the discussion named "Nakayama's lemma" which is in a deprecated stream (involving in particular @Todd Trimble , @Patrick Nicodemus and @Aaron David Fairbanks ), and I think I can define the notion of determinant (and adjugate) in a purely category-theoretic setting (that I would like to call "meta(compact closed symmetric monoidal) cartesian left additive category with negation and coequalizer exterior powers"). I can say what is a finite-dimensional object in such a category and should be able to prove that an "additive map" from a a finite-dimensional object to itself is an isomorphism if and only if some element of a commutative ring, named the determinant of f is a unit (this ring being of the form C[I,I]\mathcal{C}[I,I] where II is the monoidal unit of the symmetric monoidal category of "additive maps").

I don't want to talk about this right now, but it seems to work perfectly and I think it will be written and on the ArXiv in a few months and I will say it here for people who could be interested. I will write that I thank the people who I've just tagged as well as the other ones for the helpful discussion on Zulip.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Apr 09 2024 at 03:42):

Yeah, my paper "String diagrams for symmetric powers I" is accepted for publication in Compositionality provided I revise it following the two reviews. They asked me to make quite a few revisions but these are all good points to make the paper more intelligible to people, including typesetting correctly, giving much more informal explanations of the intuitions and motivations, and correct sometimes the structure in definitions / lemmas / proofs etc... This is only my second paper and the first that I write alone so I guess it is normal that I have still to learn on how to write a good paper.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (May 11 2024 at 19:51):

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (May 11 2024 at 19:55):

(by the way if ever someone look at the poster, differential category = additive symmetric monoidal category + differential modality on it) The poster is bone dry because I just wanted to expose the theorem clearly and also there will be a tutorial on differential categories during the conference and finally I will be able to give intuitive explanations to people if they talk with me.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (May 11 2024 at 20:05):

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (May 11 2024 at 20:14):

By the way in terms of ecology, I should say that I've taken a plane to go to France for one month after being one year and a half in Canada without my family but while I'm France I only use the train to go from one city to another one (something that it is more difficult to realize in Canada, because of the size of the country).

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (May 11 2024 at 20:15):

I know it would be better if I stayed one year in France but I can't really do that cause I'm doing a PhD in Ottawa.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 05 2024 at 23:02):

I've just realized something very cool: I've found a common generalization of the concepts of monad and (unbiased) monoidal category. Both unbiased monoidal categories and monads are about packs of things.

Comparison of monads and unbiased monoidal categories

In both cases, elements of AA can be made into packs of size 11.

In both cases, we can flatten a pack of pack of things into a pack of things.

In both cases, we have an axiom which says that flattening a pack of packs of packs of things in two different ways give the same result.

In both cases, we have two axioms about the compatibility of the inclusion of elements in packs of one thing and the flattening.

The notion of I\mathbb{I}-ad

Both monads and unbiased monoidal categories will be I\mathbb{I}-ads for different I\mathbb{I}. I call I\mathbb{I} a set of arities. Its goal is to let you know how many different types of things you can put in a pack of things.

A set of arities is a subset I\mathbb{I} of N\mathbb{N} such that:

{1}\{1\} and N\mathbb{N} are sets of arities. If XX is a subsemigroup of (N,+)(\mathbb{N},+), then {1}X\{1\} \cup X is a set of arities, for instance {1}kNl\{1\} \cup k\mathbb{N}_{\ge l} is a set of arities. But not every set of arities is of this form. We can define the set of arities generated by a subset of N\mathbb{N} and the set of arities generated by {3}\{3\} is not of this form. 2N+12\mathbb{N}+1 is another example of a set of arities which is not of the form {1}X\{1\} \cup X for XX a subsemigroup of (N,+)(\mathbb{N},+).

Let I\mathbb{I} be a set of arities and C\mathcal{C} a category. An I\mathbb{I}-ad is given by:

A {1}\{1\}-ad is exactly a monad. An N\mathbb{N}-ad is exactly an unbiased monoidal category.

What more we can do

Then we can define algebras over an I\mathbb{I}-ad. An algebra over a {1}\{1\}-ad is exactly an algebra over a monad and an algebra over an N\mathbb{N}-ad is exactly a monoid in an unbiased monoidal category. Therefore a monad is an algebra over the N\mathbb{N}-ad of endofunctors.

It explains why there are similar ways to quotients and obtains substructures for monoids in a monoidal category, thus monads, and algebras over a monad. This is what we were working on with @Ralph Sarkis. My supervisor told me that we only had a bunch of examples of ways to perform quotients and obtain substructures, not a theorem. In fact they are specials cases of two theorems about algebras over an I\mathbb{I}-ad, which work whatever the set of arities I\mathbb{I} is.

view this post on Zulip Rémy Tuyéras (Jul 06 2024 at 00:05):

Jean-Baptiste Vienney said:

Let I\mathbb{I} be a set of arities and C\mathcal{C} a category. An I\mathbb{I}-ad is given by:

Cool! This definition reminds me of a definition for a generalized operad. Can we say that TT is an operad on the free monoidal category of C\mathcal{C} (or something like that?)

view this post on Zulip Rémy Tuyéras (Jul 06 2024 at 00:17):

Or in fact there could be something going on at the level of an algebra for some operad?

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 06 2024 at 00:17):

I don't know but I've just looked to the paper Generalized operads and their inner cohomomorphisms and it seems that this notion of I\mathbb{I}-ad is similar to their notion of generalized triple.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 06 2024 at 00:20):

By the way, I define a TT-algebra as an object AA together with a morphism Tn(A,...,A)AT_n(A,...,A) \rightarrow A for each nIn \in \mathbb{I} and such that some associativity diagrams commute.

view this post on Zulip Rémy Tuyéras (Jul 06 2024 at 00:23):

Hmm, I see, maybe your definition of an algebra would not correspond to those over operads. I leaned more toward an algebra for an operad above because they often use morphisms of the form CnC\mathcal{C}^n \to \mathcal{C} to define algebras over operads and your TT is of that form

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 06 2024 at 00:27):

Here is the definition of an algebra

view this post on Zulip Rémy Tuyéras (Jul 06 2024 at 00:29):

Ah I see cool!

view this post on Zulip Rémy Tuyéras (Jul 06 2024 at 00:31):

(I responded too quickly above, should have let you edit :sweat_smile: )

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 06 2024 at 00:34):

Yeah, I'm doing a lot of typos :sweat_smile:

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 06 2024 at 00:35):

When I'm speaking about something new I'm quite stressed :sweat_smile:

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 06 2024 at 00:36):

You don't know if it is really new, what people will think about it etc...

view this post on Zulip Rémy Tuyéras (Jul 06 2024 at 00:36):

Wonder up to where all these generalizations can go. With the definition you showed above, there is some very interesting things that can happen if you change I\mathbb{I} to something more complex like trees

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 06 2024 at 00:39):

So for a tree tt, you want to apply TtT_t to a tree of the same form where vertices are replaces by objects the category?

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 06 2024 at 00:41):

Or maybe you want I\mathbb{I} to be a tree?

view this post on Zulip Rémy Tuyéras (Jul 06 2024 at 00:45):

The set I\mathbb{I} would be a "set" of trees.

For example, above, you define I\mathbb{I} as a subset of N\mathbb{N} and N\mathbb{N} is the free monoid on one object. But if you used for example the free magma on one object instead, then you would get a bunch of binary trees (not integers).

The original reference for this kind of indexation is this one: Monoidal Globular Categories As a Natural Environment for the Theory of Weak nn-Categories

view this post on Zulip Rémy Tuyéras (Jul 06 2024 at 00:47):

So just think of the generalization on an element nIn \in \mathbb{I} as some tree with nn leaves

view this post on Zulip Rémy Tuyéras (Jul 06 2024 at 00:48):

There are of course many choices for how you can lift nn to a tree

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 06 2024 at 00:57):

I don't really know where I should look at in the paper, but the idea makes sense to me.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 06 2024 at 00:59):

The associativity natural transformation/multiplication , will take a tree and replace every vertex by another tree, of formulas.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 06 2024 at 01:02):

So I think we could define I\mathbb{I} as a set of trees which contains the tree {}\{*\} and which is stable by simultaneous replacement of each vertex of a tree by another tree.

view this post on Zulip Rémy Tuyéras (Jul 06 2024 at 01:06):

Jean-Baptiste Vienney said:

So I think we could define I\mathbb{I} as a set of trees which contains the tree {}\{*\} and which stable by replacing every vertex of a tree by another tree.

Yes, I think people do things like that. From what I can remember, Batanin would take a tree τT(n)\tau \in \mathbb{T}(n) (i.e. of arity nn) as well as a collection τ1,,τn\tau_1,\dots,\tau_n of trees in T(k(1)),,T(k(1))\mathbb{T}(k(1)), \dots, \mathbb{T}(k(1)) and would define τ(τ1,,τn)\tau(\tau_1,\dots,\tau_n) as the tree of arity k(1)++k(n)k(1) + \dots + k(n) that concatenates the trees τi\tau_i on the top of τ\tau in order to replace the index k(1)++k(n)k(1)+\dots+k(n) that you use in your definition

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 06 2024 at 01:14):

Oh ok. I wanted to replace every node of the tree by a tree but now I see that you should replace only the leaves.

view this post on Zulip Rémy Tuyéras (Jul 06 2024 at 01:14):

The reason why Batanin does not replace structures, but only concatenates trees is because he is after the weakest way to compose things. From what I remember, the height of a tree has some importance in defining the axioms for weak \infty-categories

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 06 2024 at 01:14):

Jean-Baptiste Vienney said:

Oh ok. I wanted to replace every node of the tree by a tree but now I see that you should replace only the leaves.

(replacing every node doesn't make sense)

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 06 2024 at 01:15):

Or maybe it does. If you do some copies.

view this post on Zulip Rémy Tuyéras (Jul 06 2024 at 01:16):

Yeah, I would not be surprised if you find a context where it makes sense

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 06 2024 at 01:18):

Replacing just leaves makes sense if you think about replacing the variables in a term. For instance (x+y)z(x2+2y)z(x + y) * z \mapsto (x^2+2y)*z if I replace xx by x2x^2 and yy by 2y2y.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 06 2024 at 01:19):

On the other hand if you replace all the nodes, you could replace ++ by something else.

view this post on Zulip Rémy Tuyéras (Jul 06 2024 at 01:19):

:joy: yeah, you could maybe index your TT by λ\lambda-calculus terms and do replacements substitutions

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 06 2024 at 01:22):

Maybe something like this could make sense ahah

view this post on Zulip Rémy Tuyéras (Jul 06 2024 at 01:24):

Yeah it would make sense with rewriting. Monads, operads, etc are all about rewriting an expression freely and contracting it onto its actual realization in the algebras.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 06 2024 at 01:25):

I think the TtT_t will be of the type CtC\mathcal{C}^{t} \rightarrow \mathcal{C} where Ct\mathcal{C}^{t} is the set of trees with nodes objects of C\mathcal{C} and with morphisms given by a tree of morphisms of some shape between two trees of objects of the same shape.

view this post on Zulip Rémy Tuyéras (Jul 06 2024 at 01:27):

I wonder if this what is done by Batanin, or if he actually just takes the arity, meaning that you have Tt:CnCT_t:\mathcal{C}^n \to \mathcal{C}

view this post on Zulip Rémy Tuyéras (Jul 06 2024 at 01:27):

I just do not remember the details

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 06 2024 at 01:28):

I see, I wanted to replace all the nodes again.

view this post on Zulip Rémy Tuyéras (Jul 06 2024 at 01:29):

Ct\mathcal{C}^t makes sense if your tensor product on C\mathcal{C} is weak

view this post on Zulip Rémy Tuyéras (Jul 06 2024 at 01:29):

You just need to match the bracketing

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 06 2024 at 01:41):

I'm thinking about how to write a clear definition now.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 06 2024 at 01:46):

Let T\mathbb{T} be a set of (unlabelled) trees which contains {}\{*\} and is stable by replacing simultaneously each leaf of a tree by another tree. Write n(t)n(t) the number of leaves of a tree tTt \in \mathbb{T}.

A T\mathbb{T}-ad on a category C\mathcal{C} is given by:

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 06 2024 at 01:48):

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 06 2024 at 01:51):

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 06 2024 at 01:54):

Tt(k(1),...,k(n(t)))(A1,1,...,An(t),k(n(t))),\rightarrow T^{t(k(1),...,k(n(t)))}(A_{1,1},...,A_{n(t),k(n(t))}),

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 06 2024 at 01:55):

such that ...

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 06 2024 at 01:55):

I'm too tired to finish the definition now :joy:

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 06 2024 at 16:37):

For a given T\mathbb{T}, the simplest example of T\mathbb{T}-ads must be the free ones.

Let C\mathcal{C} be a category. Define T(C)\mathbb{T}(\mathcal{C}), the category with:

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 06 2024 at 16:59):

Now, we can equip T(C)\mathbb{T}(\mathcal{C}) with a structure of T\mathbb{T}-ad by defining:

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 06 2024 at 17:01):

I think the coherence natural transformations are identities for these T\mathbb{T}-ads.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 06 2024 at 17:39):

I don't want to write too much alone here. But just a last thing I've just noted: an N\mathbb{N}-ad is not necessarily an unbiased monoidal category. Is it one only if the associativity natural transformations are isomorphisms. In the general the case the flattening of packs of packs of things into pack of things is not necessarily reversible. (edit: an N\mathbb{N}-ad is what is called a lax monoidal category.)

view this post on Zulip Ralph Sarkis (Jul 06 2024 at 18:19):

Jean-Baptiste Vienney said:

if the associativity natural transformations are isomorphisms.

I was going to say that your definition of T\mathbb{T}-ad might be something like a weak algebra over an operad valued in the category of categories, so like a "weak" functor OEnd(C)\mathcal{O} \rightarrow \mathbf{End}(\mathcal{C}), where O\mathcal{O} is an operad and End(C)\mathbf{End}(\mathcal{C}) is the operad of endomorphisms on C\mathcal{C} (with the monoidal product in Cat\mathbf{Cat} being the categorical product). The weakness would mean that F(t(t1,,tn))F(t \circ (t_1,\dots, t_n)) is not equal to F(t)F(t1)×F(tn)F(t) \circ F(t_1) \times \cdots F(t_n) but there is a natural transformation between them. I am not sure if this was already in Batanin's article cited by Rémy.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 06 2024 at 18:35):

Ok, you could very well be right. It would be surprising that the notion can't be expressed in more usual terms. Now, I'm intrigued by defining the Kleisli and Eilenberg-moore category in this context. It seems that at least for an N\mathbb{N}-ad C\mathcal{C} (i.e. a lax monoidal category), you obtain a "comulticategory" by defining a morphism from AA to (B1,..,Bn)(B_1,..,B_n) as a morphism from AA to Tn(B1,...,Bn)T_n(B_1,...,B_n) in C\mathcal{C}. You can compose as in the usual Kleisli construction, by using the multiplication for the TnT_n. Maybe, the interest is in the perspective. The idea comes from thinking about universal algebra rather than higher-order categories.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 06 2024 at 23:52):

Just share the
Kleisli construction.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 07 2024 at 00:00):

Note that applying the coKeisli construction to an unbiased monoidal category (considered as a co-N\mathbb{N}-ad) just gives the associated multicategory.

view this post on Zulip Morgan Rogers (he/him) (Jul 07 2024 at 12:40):

Not to be a party pooper but is there more to your observation @Jean-Baptiste Vienney than the fact that both monad and monoidal categories are monoids (up to using an unbiased presentation)?

view this post on Zulip Rémy Tuyéras (Jul 07 2024 at 13:17):

To me, it felt like Jean-Baptiste was unifying the world of operads with that of monads. Since they talked about quotients earlier, maybe they are onto something, because there is a need for more propositions/theorems on how categories of algebras over operads relate to those for monads (or limit sketches).

For example, if I am not mistaken, there is still some open questions on how Batanin's weak \infty-categories relate to other definitions of weak \infty-categories. And if these questions have actually been solved now, then it would still be nice to have some abstract understanding of what is going one at the level of quotients.

view this post on Zulip Rémy Tuyéras (Jul 07 2024 at 13:20):

I guess @Jean-Baptiste Vienney just needs to get the definition of those things right before moving on to the quotients (or related properties)

view this post on Zulip Rémy Tuyéras (Jul 07 2024 at 13:49):

Btw, @Jean-Baptiste Vienney this reminds me, if understanding quotients is the main motivation for your definition, I wrote a paper specifically on quotients Elimination of quotients in various localisations of premodels into models. It's a bit long, but maybe you could get ideas/intuitions out of it.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 07 2024 at 16:08):

@Morgan Rogers (he/him): @Rémy Tuyéras is right on what I'm trying to do. I'm interested in unifying algebras over a monad and monoids in a monoidal category (I'm not sure about operads, but it must be for sure related to operads too). So, there is more than saying that monads and monoidal categories are both monoids (by the way, do you mean that monoidal categories are pseudomonoids in a monoidal 2-category?), because there isn't a notion of algebra over a monoid.

What I'm interested in:

At the start, I was interested in something pretty simple about quotients/subalgebras:

Maybe, there is also a version where you equip the equalizer or coequalizer of two TT-algebra with a structure of TT-algebra.

But I like the sections-retractions because you can implement quotients like this in a programming language.

It is maybe not the most important. Now, I'm excited that you can define the Kleisli category (which is a comulticategory now) and the Eilenberg-Moore category in this context. This is a bit weird because the Keisli category is about morphisms BTn(A1,...,An)B \rightarrow T_n(A_1,...,A_n) but algebras are only of the form Tn(A,...,A)AT_n(A,...,A) \rightarrow A. Also, I'm intrigued by whether you have a definition of distributive law. I think the distributivity of the free monoid monad over the free abelian group monad is the same phenomenon than the distributivity of the tensor product of abelian groups over the direct sum of abelian groups. More generally distributivity in monoidal categories and distributive laws for monads could maybe be unified. But I haven't yet tried this formally.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 07 2024 at 16:13):

For now, I'm trying do to stuff with the definition I gave at the beggining with IN\mathbb{I} \subseteq \mathbb{N} because it feels easier first. Then, I could try to generalize everything to a set of trees T\mathbb{T} as suggested by @Rémy Tuyéras.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 07 2024 at 16:17):

I must say also that my first motivation is not to clarify problems about \infty-categories. It would very nice if it can lead to this. But I don't know much about them. I'm interested first into clarifying more basic stuff.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 07 2024 at 16:19):

What excites me in general in math is trying to make things simple, clear and unified, not solving difficult questions but probably the former can lead to the latter!

view this post on Zulip Morgan Rogers (he/him) (Jul 08 2024 at 07:56):

monoidal categories are pseudomonoids in a monoidal 2-category

Yes, that's what I meant. A monoid MM in (V,,I)(\mathcal{V},\otimes,I) induces a monad MM \otimes - whose algebras are precisely the MM-acts, so in some sense these are the 'algebras of the monoid'.

@Rémy Tuyéras Re the relationship between operads and monads, one can freely construct a monad from an operad which has the same algebras; conversely there is a characterization of the monads that arise in this way. This is explained in Tom Leinster's Higher Operads book (I am aware of this because I am supervising a Masters research project based on this book). I haven't looked into it deeply enough to know whether Batanin ω\omega-categories are addressed in there.

view this post on Zulip Morgan Rogers (he/him) (Jul 08 2024 at 08:12):

I definitely don't want to discourage you here btw, I was rather trying to figure out if the thing you were describing already has a name; I think you found some related structures already, I should have read the discussion more closely before commenting.

view this post on Zulip Rémy Tuyéras (Jul 08 2024 at 11:19):

Morgan Rogers (he/him) said:

Rémy Tuyéras Re the relationship between operads and monads, one can freely construct a monad from an operad which has the same algebras; conversely there is a characterization of the monads that arise in this way. This is explained in Tom Leinster's Higher Operads book (I am aware of this because I am supervising a Masters research project based on this book).

Agreed. The main problem is the notion of contractibility added to those operads. This means that a T\mathbb{T}-ad TT (to keep Jean-Baptiste's monenclature) would have some added property, which could turn out to do things the same way as a certain other 11-ad TT' does things at the level of the algebras, at least after quotienting some data. In other words, it would be really nice if we could understand how properties on TT itself affect the categories of algebras.

I haven't looked into it deeply enough to know whether Batanin ω\omega-categories are addressed in there.

Yes he does, quite heavily, I guess an important anecdote is contained in this note:

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 08 2024 at 11:55):

I’ve just realized that what I really want T\mathbb{T} to be is a Set\mathbf{Set}-operad.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 08 2024 at 11:59):

A set of trees is not sufficient because I want to be able to quotient these trees to impose for instance some distributivity of an operation on another. All I need is sets X(n)X(n), an element X(1)*\in X(1) and a substitution operation. But this is exactly a (Set\mathbf{Set}-based) operad.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 08 2024 at 12:03):

Now, maybe a “T\mathbb{T}-ad” is something like an operad homomorphism from the operad T\mathbb{T} to the endomorphism operad of the category of endofunctors of C\mathcal{C}.

view this post on Zulip Ralph Sarkis (Jul 08 2024 at 12:14):

Jean-Baptiste Vienney said:

Now, maybe a “T\mathbb{T}-ad” is something like an operad homomorphism from the operad T\mathbb{T} to the endomorphism operad of the category of endofunctors of C\mathcal{C}.

a "weak" homomorphism like I said right ?

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 08 2024 at 12:25):

What is the difference between weak and non-weak homomorphisms?

view this post on Zulip Ralph Sarkis (Jul 08 2024 at 12:28):

I haven't seen a definition for weak homomorphism, but informally in your case, it would be the difference between your mt,k(1),,k(n)m_{t,k(1),\dots,k(n)} being equalities, or isomorphisms (+coherence diagrams), or just homomorphisms (+coherence diagrams). A homomorphism would force them to be equalities I think.

view this post on Zulip Rémy Tuyéras (Jul 08 2024 at 12:32):

One way to define weakness here would be to replace Cat\mathbf{Cat} with globular sets. Then you have a notion of nn-cells that you can use to define pseudo/lax things at the level of your axioms

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 08 2024 at 12:36):

@Ralph, I’ve just realized too that you suggested exactly this definition the other time ahah.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 08 2024 at 12:42):

@Rémy (I don’t know how to use the @ properly on my phone): can a category be defined as a special case of globular set? I’m wondering if with globular sets, we will be able to talk about algebras Tt(A,,A)AT^t(A,…,A) \rightarrow A.

view this post on Zulip Rémy Tuyéras (Jul 08 2024 at 12:50):

Yes, Cat\mathbf{Cat} is a subcategory of globular sets. Another term for globular sets in \infty-graphs, and a category is a special case of a 11-graph

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 08 2024 at 18:54):

I’m going to talk about this at FMCS.
This is a bit random but I don’t want to talk again about differential categories cause I aready came to Marseille with a differential category poster one month ago. I forgot my laptop at home unfortunately, so I’m just going to write a few things on the whiteboard. Hopefully I can write all this cause I have only 25 minutes:

and finally:

I’ll say that these things come from discussions with you two unless you tell me you don’t want to be associated with me :joy:.

I’ll say examples without writing unless I figure out that I have enough time to write them when I make a test

view this post on Zulip Ralph Sarkis (Jul 08 2024 at 21:07):

You can mention me :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:. I suggest you mention that "some diagram" is the diagram that says that the retract/section is a homomorphism.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 08 2024 at 22:20):

Oh yeah, ok I’ll say this is exactly what means the diagram.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 14 2024 at 19:43):

Finally, I made some slides for my talk (with a computer of the station). I think it has been quite a success. A lot of people liked it!

view this post on Zulip Nathanael Arkor (Jul 14 2024 at 20:27):

Every operad induces a locally discrete 2-operad (i.e. Cat-enriched operad). Are your O\mathcal O-categories the same as lax algebras for the induced 2-operad? (Gould's paper Coherence for Categorified Operadic Theories seems relevant, though Gould is interested in pseudoalgebras, rather than lax algebras.)

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 14 2024 at 20:29):

It could very well be the case... I'm going to look into this.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 14 2024 at 21:27):

Nathanael Arkor said:

Every operad induces a locally discrete 2-operad (i.e. Cat-enriched operad). Are your O\mathcal O-categories the same as lax algebras for the induced 2-operad? (Gould's paper Coherence for Categorified Operadic Theories seems relevant, though Gould is interested in pseudoalgebras, rather than lax algebras.)

I think yes.

  1. Though, have lax algebras over Cat-operads been considered somewhere?

In Gould thesis, he writes:

For lax algebras, the categorification of a set becomes a monad instead of a trivial monad (and the categorification of monoids becomes a lax unbiased monoidal category instead of a monoidal category). That's a main point for considering lax algebras.

  1. Moreover I also consider algebras in a O\mathcal{O}-category which generalize algebra over a monad and monoids in a lax unbiased monoidal category.

  2. I should also define functors and natural transformations of O\mathcal{O}-categories. Maybe every operad will give a 22-category in this way.

I think these three points are somehow novel?

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 14 2024 at 21:51):

Note that the point 2. is a formalization in this framework of the "microcosm principle".

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 14 2024 at 22:30):

Looking at Higher-Dimensional Algebra III: n-Categories and the Algebra of Opetopes, it seems that this is essentially the point 1 which has some novelty.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 14 2024 at 22:31):

(The entry microcosm principle points to this paper.)

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 14 2024 at 22:34):

So maybe trying to generalize the "Keisli category" from monads to this framework, given that monads are a special case thanks to the laxity, would be a way to push forward this point 2 and say something new compared to the existing literature.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 14 2024 at 22:44):

Also replacing the operad by a properad to get bimonoidal categories as an example maybe could be make it more interesting.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 14 2024 at 22:59):

@Nathanael Arkor , do you have a reference for 22-operads?

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 14 2024 at 23:38):

Never mind, paragraph 55 of this paper (The Eckmann-Hilton argument and higher operads) looks good.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 14 2024 at 23:45):

One more thought: when I look at the periodic table I want to ask this: if we replace monoidal categories by lax unbiased monoidal categories, how do we continue to laxify the table?

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 14 2024 at 23:48):

I mean, could we define kk-tuply, lax unbiased monoidal nn-categories?

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 14 2024 at 23:49):

It would like a kind of huge monad with many inputs and many flattening of towers of packs of things into smaller towers.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 14 2024 at 23:53):

Philosophically, I think that replacing all the isomorphisms by directed arrows would make a better theory in terms of computation.

view this post on Zulip Nathanael Arkor (Jul 15 2024 at 06:29):

Regarding (1), my impression is that 2-operads have been studied less than 2-monads in general. However, one place lax algebras for 2-operads seem to have been studied is Dunn's Lax Operad Actions and Coherence for Monoidal n-Categories, A_{\infty} Rings and Modules (see §1 for instance).

view this post on Zulip Nathanael Arkor (Jul 15 2024 at 06:30):

One thing to consider is that every 2-operad induces a 2-monad, and in this way 2-operads may be studied using 2-monads (whose theory has been significantly developed), though 2-operads may be simpler to work with in some cases. So it would be worth seeing whether the phenomena you wish to study have been studied from the perspective of 2-monads already.

view this post on Zulip Nathanael Arkor (Jul 15 2024 at 06:31):

Though, typically, lax algebras have been less studied than strict algebras.

view this post on Zulip Nathanael Arkor (Jul 15 2024 at 06:33):

I think your notion of "algebra in an O\mathcal O-category" will correspond to a lax morphism of lax algebras from 11 (viewed as a trivial lax algebra) into the O\mathcal O-category, in the same way that a monoid in a monoidal category is a lax functor from 11 into the monoidal category.

view this post on Zulip Nathanael Arkor (Jul 15 2024 at 06:35):

If you replace "2-operad" with a more general structure like a 2-properad or 2-PROP, then their study will no longer reduce to that of 2-monads, because monads only express multi-input single-output operations.

view this post on Zulip Nathanael Arkor (Jul 15 2024 at 06:36):

I don't know of anyone who has studied lax algebras for 2-PROPs.

view this post on Zulip Rémy Tuyéras (Jul 15 2024 at 11:14):

@Jean-Baptiste Vienney Thanks for sharing the slides. I was looking at them and was wondering if it would be interesting to you to generalize your notion of O\mathcal{O}-category to a context where you have two operations 1\otimes_1 and 2\otimes_2 replacing \circ and ×\times?

The reason why I say that is that you have morphisms:

O(n)×O(k1)××O(kn)O(n(k1,,kn))\mathcal{O}(n) \times \mathcal{O}(k_1) \times \dots \times \mathcal{O}(k_n) \to \mathcal{O}(n \circ (k_1,\dots,k_n))

Tn(Tk1××Tkn)Tn(k1++kn)T^n \circ (T^{k_1} \times \dots \times T^{k_n}) \to T^{n \circ (k_1+\dots+k_n)}

Here, the very first "monoidal products" \circ and ×\times (in the previous morphisms) seem to have a very specific role, hence my wondering about these things:

Xn1(Xk122Xkn)Xn1(k12.2kn)X^n \otimes_1 (X^{k_1} \otimes_2 \dots \otimes_2 X^{k_n}) \to X^{n \odot_1 (k_1\odot_2. \dots \odot_2 k_n)}

where you have some sort of doubly-indexed object Cn,m\mathcal{C}_{n,m} with:

This would also clarify the definition of your I\mathbb{I} using Ck,n\mathcal{C}_{k,n} as the set of all nn-partitions of kk, namely tuples (k1,,kn)(k_1,\dots,k_n) for which ki=k\sum k_i = k such that we now have:

No pressure of course :sweat_smile: but I thought you might find this interesting since you seemed to want to unify all these structures (and for now you do not seem to have captured operads using monoidal products)

view this post on Zulip Rémy Tuyéras (Jul 15 2024 at 15:11):

If you decided to go that direction, you could ideally show something like this (up to some possible corrections):

view this post on Zulip Rémy Tuyéras (Jul 15 2024 at 15:21):

And you would need to check that an O\mathcal{O}-category is now a morphism in:

IThingies\mathbb{I} \downarrow \mathbf{Thingies}

where Thingies\mathbf{Thingies} is your category of structures (C,1,2)(\mathcal{C},\otimes_1,\otimes_2)

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 15 2024 at 16:40):

@Nathanael Arkor , @Rémy Tuyéras, I will investigate your suggestions, but not right now in 5 minutes. I will let you know here.

view this post on Zulip Rémy Tuyéras (Jul 15 2024 at 16:45):

Sounds good! Make sure you investigate @Nathanael Arkor's first as it will give you more perspective when you look at my suggestion (Nathanael's and mine are connected in various ways)

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 25 2024 at 14:13):

I've been making good progress toward obtaining a characterization of cartesian monoidal categories in terms of opmonoidal functors. That's great that I got good answers to my questions on cartesian monoidal categories. Now, I feel I have a better background.

Now, I think the statement should be like this:

Let (C,,I)(\mathcal{C},\otimes,I) be a symmetric monoidal category. We can consider the category End(C)\mathrm{End}(\mathcal{C}) of endofunctors of C\mathcal{C} and atural transformations between them. We can also consider the category OpMonEnd(C)\mathrm{OpMonEnd}(\mathcal{C}) of opmonoidal endofunctors of C\mathcal{C} and opmonoidal natural transformations between them.

These two categories can be made into monoidal categories, where the monoidal structure is induced from the one of C\mathcal{C}. For instance, we define FGF \otimes G by (FG)(A)=F(A)G(A)(F \otimes G)(A)=F(A) \otimes G(A) etc... Note that we need C\mathcal{C} to be symmetric monoidal in order to have the tensor product of two opmonoidal endofunctors is also opmonoidal. This is similar to the need of a symmetry (or maybe a braiding is sufficient) to make the category of monoids of a monoidal category into a monoidal category.

We have a strict monoidal forgetful functor UC:OpMonEnd(C)End(C)U_{\mathcal{C}}:\mathrm{OpMonEnd}(\mathcal{C}) \rightarrow \mathrm{End}(\mathcal{C}). Note StrictMonCat\mathrm{StrictMonCat} the category of monoidal categories and strict monoidal functors.

Conjecture: C\mathcal{C} is a cartesian monoidal category if and only if UCU_{\mathcal{C}} admits a section in StrictMonCat\mathrm{StrictMonCat}.

The intuition is that it allows you to give a structure of opmonoidal functors to every functor, in a way compatible with the tensor product, which implies in particular that every object is made into a comonoid, in a way compatible with the tensor product. And the latter is a know characterization of cartesian monoidal categories.

By the way, to compare, the usual characterization can probably be written in this way:

Proposition: C\mathcal{C} is a cartesian monoidal category if and only if the forgetful functor from the category of comonoids of C\mathcal{C} to C\mathcal{C} admits a section in StrictMonCat\mathrm{StrictMonCat}.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 25 2024 at 14:17):

(There are maybe still some corrections to be done)

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 29 2024 at 19:36):

I've just realized something very cool: if we start with classical propositional logic, add the !! and ?? connectors from linear logic to our connectors, and add the dereliction and promotion inference rules. (contraction and weakening are useless since they are already authorized for all formulas in classical logic), then we obtain a sequent calculus for closure algebras.

A closure algebras is a boolean algebra B\mathcal{B} equipped with an operator ?:BB?:\mathcal{B} \rightarrow \mathcal{B} satisfying the generalization to boolean algebras of the axioms of a Kuratowski closure operator:

In other words, ?? is in an opmonoidal monad on the join-semilattice (B,,)(\mathcal{B},\vee,\bot).

(Note that in categorical semantics, an exponential modality ?? of linear logic is always an opmonoidal monad.)

(Note also that every boolean algebra is a posetal *-autonomous category for another categorical connection to linear logic.)

(Kuratowski closure operators come from this fact: a topological space can be defined as a set XX together with a Kuratowski closure operator on P(X)\mathcal{P}(X).)

I've wondered for a long time how to build a sequent calculus for topology. If everything works, it will give a sequent calculus for topological spaces, but where you have forgotten that P(X)\mathcal{P}(X) is a powerset and only remember that it is a boolean algebra.

And yet if everything works well, it will connect the following two great papers:

I was thinking: "Maybe I should just work alone on this and talk about it only when it's completely clarified and completely written." But I prefer sharing everything. And there are enough people here so that it is impossible to steal the idea of someone else. (I mean: if ever someone wrote a paper about this, I would immediately contact the editors of the journal.)

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 29 2024 at 23:29):

Here are the inference rules.

The interpretation in terms of topological spaces is like this:

view this post on Zulip Eric M Downes (Jul 29 2024 at 23:55):

Jean-Baptiste Vienney said:

The interpretation in terms of topological spaces is like this:

Just checking — you are describing a lattice whose elements are themselves topological spaces, or the lattice of subsets that is a topological space?

Usually a topology has =X\top=X and =\bot=\emptyset … if you want =T(X)\top=\mathcal{T}(X) (the tooology on XX) then why isn’t ={}\bot=\set{\empty}, the topology on the emptyset, or more likely the indiscrete topology {X,}\set{X,\empty}?

Also — if you do indeed mean for the elements to be topologies (so this is a lattice representing finer and coarser topologies on the same set), when is a formula itself a topology?

Is ¬A\neg A in your chosen topological space? (If so then the topology is a sigma algebra?)

(The lattice of subsets in a topology is rarely a Boolean lattice — that is, it is most of the time not uniquely complemented.)

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 29 2024 at 23:56):

Eric M Downes said:

Jean-Baptiste Vienney said:

The interpretation in terms of topological spaces is like this:

Just checking — you are describing a lattice whose elements are themselves topological spaces, or the lattice of subsets that is a topological space?

The lattice of subsets of a fixed topological space, noted \top.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 29 2024 at 23:58):

Eric M Downes said:

Jean-Baptiste Vienney said:

The interpretation in terms of topological spaces is like this:

(The lattice of subsets in a topology is rarely a Boolean lattice — that is, it is most of the time not uniquely complemented.)

The lattice of subsets of a topological space is a boolean algebra, as is any powerset of a set.

view this post on Zulip Eric M Downes (Jul 30 2024 at 00:02):

So if X={a,b,c}X=\set{a,b,c} then is this a topology?


If so, then what is ¬{a}\neg \set{a}? Is it unique?

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:03):

¬{a}\neg \{a\} is {b,c}\{b,c\}.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:03):

We don't work in the topology but in P(X)\mathcal{P}(X).

view this post on Zulip Eric M Downes (Jul 30 2024 at 00:06):

Okay, so does your formalism hold for arbitrary subsets of P(X)\mathcal{P}(X) or do they need to be topologies?

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:08):

If you forget about !A!A and ?A?A, then you obtain a logic of boolean algebras. In particular, it can be applied to work in a boolean algebra of the form P(X)\mathcal{P}(X).

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:08):

(You obtain exactly classical propositional logic.)

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:08):

The topology is axiomatized by the adherence operator ?A? A. A topological space can be equivalently defined as a set XX together with an operator ?:P(X)P(X)?:\mathcal{P}(X) \rightarrow \mathcal{P}(X)(more usually written AAA \mapsto \overline{A}, I will this notation below) such that four axioms are verified:

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:11):

Here, we are working with any boolean algebra, not necessarily a powerset. That's why this is a logic of "closure algebras" and not topological spaces.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:11):

However, these two notions are closely related.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:12):

This is explored in:
The Algebra of Topology (J. C. C. McKinsey and A. Tarski, 1944)

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:15):

(I'm happy to give more explanations, if anything is not clear or difficult to understand.)

view this post on Zulip Eric M Downes (Jul 30 2024 at 00:16):

I guess I don’t see what you’re doing beyond “the power set lattice is a Boolean algebra and a topology is a subset of it”… would any subset do? It might be helpful to have a sharp example of what a sequence of proven statements looks like, how it relates to a topology, etc.

(Also is it standard somewhere to use \top for your whole topology, yet \bot for the global meet? That’s quite confusing tbh.)

It’s a fascinating looking paper, I think it’s best I read that before commenting more.

view this post on Zulip Vincent Moreau (Jul 30 2024 at 00:17):

Hi @Jean-Baptiste Vienney, I agree with your insight about the link between the closure axioms and linear logic. I just want to point out that this is also closely related to modal logic, in particular the S4 epistemic logic.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:18):

Yes, sure.

view this post on Zulip Vincent Moreau (Jul 30 2024 at 00:18):

A S4 algebra is a Boolean algebra BB together with a monad :BB\diamond : B \to B which is join preserving.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:18):

But there is are two important new elements. The promotion and dereliction rules.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:19):

S4S_4-algebras contain only 3/53/5 axioms a Kuratowski closure operator.

view this post on Zulip Vincent Moreau (Jul 30 2024 at 00:19):

I am not sure I understand. Which axiom is not verified generally in S4 algebras?

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:20):

Vincent Moreau said:

A S4 algebra is a Boolean algebra BB together with a monad :BB\diamond : B \to B which is join preserving.

Really? I thought it was just a monad.

view this post on Zulip Vincent Moreau (Jul 30 2024 at 00:20):

The diamond is always required to preserve finite joins (and the box finite meets).

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:20):

This is what's written on the nlab.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:21):

Vincent Moreau said:

The diamond is always required to preserve finite joins (and the box finite meets).


view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:21):

Do you have a reference for this?

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:22):

That's surprising because I thought the promotion rule was invented by Girard. And this is the rule required to preserve finite joins and finite meets.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:24):

Ok, maybe you talk about the modal logic K\mathbf{K}.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:25):

modal logic (Stanford Encyclopedia of Logic)

view this post on Zulip Vincent Moreau (Jul 30 2024 at 00:25):

Even though Girard invented linear logic, he mentions the similarity with modal logic in at least one paper (I don't remember which one), even though he often has harsh words for modal logics.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:25):

But they write

view this post on Zulip Vincent Moreau (Jul 30 2024 at 00:25):

Jean-Baptiste Vienney said:

Do you have a reference for this?

I am trying to find one, just hold on. Yet, if you consider Kripke semantics, you can see that the diamond will always preserve finite joins.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:26):

They say that (AB)\square (A \vee B) doesn't imply AB\square A \vee \square B.

view this post on Zulip Vincent Moreau (Jul 30 2024 at 00:26):

Sure, box is not required to preserve joins, only meets!

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:26):

Oh, yes, sorry.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:28):

Just for me: int(A)=!A=Aint(A) = !A = \square A

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:29):

so that (AB)=AB\square (A \wedge B) = \square A \wedge \square B.

view this post on Zulip Vincent Moreau (Jul 30 2024 at 00:30):

You can take a look at Definition 5.19 in Modal Logic by Blackburn, de Rijke and Venema. Here is a snippet: Capture-décran-2024-07-30-à-09.29.58.png

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:33):

Is struggle to find is there really a usual modal logic which contains the four required axioms. I'm a bit lost il all the variants.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:33):

Here they talk about two of the axioms but do they require the two others?

view this post on Zulip Vincent Moreau (Jul 30 2024 at 00:33):

I like to think of topology in terms of epistemic logic, as it casts a certain light on duality theory. I have a little document which, although it does not mention modal logic, is clearly inspired by the work of Vickers, for example :)

view this post on Zulip Vincent Moreau (Jul 30 2024 at 00:36):

Jean-Baptiste Vienney said:

Here they talk about two of the axioms but do they require the two others?

The axioms about diamond being join preserving are very basic, and hold in Kripke semantics for any frame. This corresponds indeed to the modal logic K. After that, you can just add axioms (like the fact that diamond is a monad, for S4) and you are good to go :)

view this post on Zulip Vincent Moreau (Jul 30 2024 at 00:36):

Jean-Baptiste Vienney said:

Is struggle to find is there really a usual modal logic which contains the four required axioms. I'm a bit lost il all the variants.

I agree, sometimes it can be difficult!

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:40):

From this document, I deduce that though there is no name for this modal logic?

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:41):

Maybe it should be called M4\mathbf{M4} if I follow them.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:44):

And there is still don't the axiom \square \bot \vdash \bot. Is it supposed to be part of K\mathbf{K}?

view this post on Zulip Vincent Moreau (Jul 30 2024 at 00:44):

I don't understand what "this modal logic" is.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:45):

I mean the one with these axioms:

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:46):

view this post on Zulip Vincent Moreau (Jul 30 2024 at 00:46):

Jean-Baptiste Vienney said:

And there is still don't the axiom \square \bot \vdash \bot. Is it supposed to be part of K\mathbf{K}?

This does not always hold in K: for example, take the Kripke frame with a world which has not successor. On the other hand, it holds in S4 as it is an instance of the comonadic law.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:47):

S4 is this:

view this post on Zulip Vincent Moreau (Jul 30 2024 at 00:49):

Jean-Baptiste Vienney said:

S4 is this:

S4 is that but with diamonds (i.e. closure). If you want boxes (i.e. interiors), you have to state the comonadic law that are written down in the document you linked earlier.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:50):

Sorry. I corrected above.

view this post on Zulip Vincent Moreau (Jul 30 2024 at 00:51):

Yes, now it is OK! And moreover, you always have preservation of finite meets (by boxes), which has nothing to do with S4.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:54):

I'm asking this question: is it relevant to call this "the logic of closure algebras"? because it is exactly this and I don't find a classical name for this in the list of modal logics. On the other hand closure algebras is a named used in a well-known paper that I linked above.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:55):

(this one: The Algebra of Topology)

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:56):

Moreover, I don't find any sequent calculus for this on Google. So it seems to be relevant to talk about it and verify if it has cut elimination for instance.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:57):

Also if it is sound and complete for closure algebras and if the poset of provability given by the sequent calculus for some set of atoms gives the free closure algebra on this set of atoms.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 00:58):

This is stuff I can't find by Googling.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 01:00):

Hmm, I found a reference which seems relevant.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 01:00):

Ok I found a paper "A linear approach to modal logic" which seems relevant.

view this post on Zulip Vincent Moreau (Jul 30 2024 at 01:01):

Jean-Baptiste Vienney said:

I'm asking this question: is it relevant to call this "the logic of closure algebras"? because it is exactly this and I don't find a classical name for this in the list of modal logics. On the other hand closure algebras is a named used in a well-known paper that I linked above.

To me, definition 1.1 of the "The Algebra of Topology" paper looks pretty much like the definition of a S4 algebra (if this Λ\Lambda is the bottom element), given the fact that CC is proved to be monotone in 1.2.(ii), so I would say yes.

view this post on Zulip Vincent Moreau (Jul 30 2024 at 01:02):

where CC is the interpretation of diamond.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 01:06):

A closure algebra is given by these axioms.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 01:09):

I just prefer the first form because it is exactly the def of opmonoidal monad on a semi-lattice.

view this post on Zulip Vincent Moreau (Jul 30 2024 at 01:13):

Jean-Baptiste Vienney said:

A closure algebra is given by these axioms.

Now I agree!

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 01:14):

I'm sorry, I make mistakes all the time when writing these axioms.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 01:18):

Up to now, I've not found any paper with my sequent calculus. I'm still looking at all the papers talking about linear logic and modal logic. But everything I read was weird stuff making translations between S4\mathbf{S4} and linear logic. So, I think I should complete the literature with this. Except if I find a paper which contains exactly what I wrote above.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 01:20):

The issue here is that digging in the literature to find if what you figured out by yourself has already been written is almost a more complicated task than figuring out the thing.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 01:24):

But honestly the combination unrestricted contraction + unrestricted weakening + dereliction + promotion really looks like a new thing.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 01:26):

That's a weird intermediate between classical and linear logic.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 01:30):

Of course, if someone has a clear objection I prefer hearing it now rather than from the mouth of reviewers who will reject a submission for the same reason.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 01:44):

Vincent Moreau said:

You can take a look at Definition 5.19 in Modal Logic by Blackburn, de Rijke and Venema. Here is a snippet: Capture-décran-2024-07-30-à-09.29.58.png

They talk about "boolean algebras with operators" here. The issue is that this notion doesn't ask that the operator ff satisfies f(f(x))f(x)f(f(x)) \le f(x) and xf(x)x \le f(x).

view this post on Zulip Vincent Moreau (Jul 30 2024 at 01:50):

Right, this is just the notion of modal algebra (for a given modal signature). After, you just restrict to the modal algebras verifying the axioms that you want, this is how you get S4 algebras.

view this post on Zulip Vincent Moreau (Jul 30 2024 at 01:51):

cf. Definition 5.26

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 01:55):

Ok, so S4 algebra = interior algebra = closure algebra.

view this post on Zulip Vincent Moreau (Jul 30 2024 at 01:55):

I think so!

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 01:57):

Yeah, the wikipedia page interior algebra says that S4 algebra = interior algebra. And interior algebra is a different way of defining a closure algebra, by switching from closure to interior.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 01:59):

That's a good progress! Now I think that my contribution must be in the syntax. I want to say: "this sequent calculus which is an intermediate between classical propositional logic and multiplicative exponential linear logic looks like the perfect syntax for S4 algebras = closure algebras".

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 02:01):

also "it features a combination structural rules that doesn't seem to have already appeared in the literature".

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 21:34):

My sequent calculus has already been invented 60 years ago :smiling_face_with_tear: . It is the known sequent calculus for S4\mathbf{S4}. It has been introduced by R. Feys in 1950 and Curry in 1952. There was just a little issue with the promotion rule. It has been fixed by Kripke in 1963. In fact, with a typo I think. He wrote a left and a promotion rule and a modality symbol is missing in one of the two. But a paper and book who talk about this history write the left and right promotion rule in the right way and they said that it is what Kripke wrote. Anyway, so this is clearly not new.

Now, maybe I could try to add some new features. This is not really a sequent calculus for topological spaces. Because the powerset P(X)\mathcal{P}(X) for XX a topological space is replaced by an arbitrary boolean algebra. But powerests are atomic complete boolean algebras. And the completeness (i.e. the boolean algebra as arbitrary meets \Leftrightarrow arbitrary joins) and atomicity (i.e. every element of the boolean algebra is the meet of all its atoms, where an atom is defined as an element aa of the boolean algebra such that aba=a \le b \Rightarrow a=\bot or a=ba=b) feel clearly like what is needed to make real topology with this sequent calculus. I mean to talk about stuffs like basis, or say that an set AA is open iff every point of AA is in an open subset of AA.

With completeness and atomicity added it would really be a sequent calculus for topological spaces. Hopefully nobody has already done this. (Also, maybe it cannot work well.)

view this post on Zulip David Egolf (Jul 30 2024 at 23:06):

I have recently been reading about frames. The open sets of any topological space form a frame, for example. So, I guessed that a "Kripke frame" might possibly be a certain kind of frame.

However, apparently Kripke frames are something completely different from frames! :face_with_spiral_eyes: I think the rough intuition for a Kripke frame is a set of "worlds" with potentially multiple binary relations on the set of worlds, providing notions of "accessibility" between worlds.

Anyways, I wanted to point out this possible confusion (which confused me!). And I also wanted to thank the participants of this thread for making me aware of the very cool concept of a "Kripke-frame" (and also of the concept of "Kripke-model")!

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 23:40):

I don’t know anything about Kripke frames but the power set of a topological space is both a modal algebra and a frame. So both modal alegbras and frames are generalizations of topological spaces.

view this post on Zulip David Egolf (Jul 30 2024 at 23:40):

Jean-Baptiste Vienney said:

With completeness and atomicity added it would really be a sequent calculus for topological spaces. Hopefully nobody has already done this. (Also, maybe it cannot work well.)

What you are saying here reminds me of this theorem in "Stone Spaces":

A Boolean algebra is isomorphic to the algebra of all subsets of some set if and only if it is complete and atomic.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jul 30 2024 at 23:42):

Of course! That’s the characterization of power sets that I would like to use. Together with the S4S_4 modalities which give the adherence and interior and really make the power set into the power set of a topological space.

view this post on Zulip Vincent Moreau (Jul 31 2024 at 23:51):

Nice, thank you for the update! Could you give us the references for this sequent calculus?

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 01 2024 at 02:12):

I'm getting the references from the book Gentzen Calculi for Modal Propositional Logic by Francesca Poggiolesi, pp. 46-47. According to her, it was introduced in:

and in :

Extract from the paper of R. Feys:

You can see the two rules in 17.22 are almost the promotion, but without asking that the formulas start by LL in Δ\Delta in the first rule, and without asking that the formulas start by MM in Γ\Gamma in the second rule.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 01 2024 at 02:13):

In her book, Poggiolesi says that these two rules were corrected in:

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 01 2024 at 02:16):

Extract from the paper of S. Kripke (p.91):


view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 01 2024 at 02:19):

By the way, Kripke based his correction on the same version as before which was also presented in this paper that he cites, who apparently analysed more the system than the two first ones:

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 01 2024 at 02:25):

What surprises me is that Girard didn't cite these works in his paper Linear Logic. The two rules for \square and the two rules for \diamond in the sequent calculus for S4\mathbf{S4} are exactly the promotion and dereliction for !!, and the promotion and dereliction for ?? in linear logic.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 01 2024 at 02:27):

He says he hate modal logic (among many other things logicians did before him) but it looks like he could have gotten some inspiration from it without saying it. Or alternatively he rediscovered these four rules.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 01 2024 at 02:28):

(By the way, he also says often that he hates category theory.)

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 01 2024 at 02:29):

(But he used it when he was younger. He changes often his mind.)

view this post on Zulip Vincent Moreau (Aug 01 2024 at 02:40):

Thanks for the references!

view this post on Zulip Vincent Moreau (Aug 01 2024 at 02:45):

I would think that Girard was aware of all that. In the Linear Logic paper, he writes:

1.23. Remark. In spite of the obvious analogies with the modalities of modal logic, it is better to keep distinct notations, for at least two reasons:
(ii) ! and ? are modalities within linear logic, while \square and \lozenge are modalities inside usual predicate calculus; in particular, the rule (!) which looks like the introduction rule of \square is perhaps not so close since the sequents are handled in a completely different way.
(ii) The adoption of the modal symbolism would convey the idea of ‘yet another modal system’, which is not quite the point of linear logic. . . .

(yes, the two (ii) are from the text...)

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 01 2024 at 02:46):

Oh, interesting! I wasn't expecting this because there isn't anything about modal logic in the references at the end of the paper.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 01 2024 at 02:47):

in particular, the rule (!) which looks like the introduction rule of \square is perhaps not so close since the sequents are handled in a completely different way.

This sentence seems to say that he didn't know about the sequent calculus for S4\mathbf{S4}.

view this post on Zulip Vincent Moreau (Aug 01 2024 at 02:48):

I think that this paper is a bit special, just notice the the footnote on the first page... :upside_down:

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 01 2024 at 02:48):

Because the !! rule, i.e. the promotion for !!, is exactly the YrY_r rule in the screenshot of Kripke's paper above.

view this post on Zulip Vincent Moreau (Aug 01 2024 at 02:51):

I'm not sure this shows that he didn't know about the sequent calculus rules of S4. And by the way, in The Blind Spot, Girard treats S4 a bit better than other modal logics, e.g. S5, if I recall correctly

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 01 2024 at 02:54):

Ahah, that's fair from him. But this is not very reasonable to treat S4 as better than S5. This is like saying that rings would be better than groups.

view this post on Zulip Vincent Moreau (Aug 01 2024 at 02:54):

I am just saying that he treats S4 better, not that he treats S4 as better :)

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 01 2024 at 02:55):

Ahah ok :sweat_smile:

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 01 2024 at 03:00):

If you have never listened to a talk by him, I encourage you to listen to some talk by Girard to see how he talks about other ideas than his and about other people. Like this one:
Jean-Yves Girard: Deux ou trois choses que je sais d’elle : la logique

view this post on Zulip David Egolf (Aug 01 2024 at 03:01):

By the way, in case it's of any interest, Appendix A of "Sheaf Theory Through Examples" seems to talk about some of these things. For example, there is a section entitled "S4 as the Logic of Topological Spaces".

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 01 2024 at 03:02):

Note that at this event, he chose to talk in French. Even if the complete week was in English, except this moment.

view this post on Zulip Vincent Moreau (Aug 01 2024 at 03:02):

In my opinion, he was aware of the sequent calculus of S4. Although I don't have a proof of that, I think that a possible way to understand what he writes in the remark is that there is not in general such a close connections between modalities (in modal logics, e.g. S4 and S5) and structural rules, hence the "sequents are handled in a completely different way". This is also what he writes in The Blind Spot, section 10.3.3, see:
This seems to me to hint at a possible adaptation of the rules of S4 for linear entreprise.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 01 2024 at 03:05):

David Egolf said:

"S4 as the Logic of Topological Spaces".

Yeah, except that you lose the notion of point and of arbitrary unions and intersections. But I agree that it contains a lot of what you need.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 01 2024 at 03:10):

What I'm trying to do is something like adding products and coproducts of arbitrary arity, and a notion of point. So that you could write xAx \in A. And embedding this "extended S4 logic" in a first order (or maybe some kind of second order) classical logic. It would give a system with a lot of rules. But I hope that we could at least prove some classical facts about topological spaces in such a system.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 01 2024 at 03:13):

So the sequents would be of the kind B,AclB \vdash \exists B, A \subseteq \mathrm{cl}B for instance where the inclusions and closures, interiors would be all managed by an "internalized" S4 logic.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 01 2024 at 03:14):

I've seen that other people tried to do some two levels logic like this.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 01 2024 at 03:17):

By the way, one could argue that you can just use ZFC in first order logic and the axioms of a topological space etc... but I find all this ugly. I'm trying to build on the ideas of proof theory, where you care about cut elimination, have a close link with category theory etc...

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 01 2024 at 03:18):

The problem with this classical view is that the axioms of your theory are somehow separated from the logical inference rules. And I think this is really bad.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Aug 01 2024 at 07:03):

Jean-Baptiste Vienney said:

If you have never listened to a talk by him, I encourage you to listen to some talk by Girard to see how he talks about other ideas than his and about other people.

He's quite a character. I first met Girard at a conference at the Newton Institute. He was dressed in all black, quite a striking figure. It was Thanksgiving - an American holiday, but there were a lot of Americans present so the Newton Institute staff kindly prepared a Thanksgiving dinner featuring turkey. It was a buffet meal. Now roast turkey has a lot of rather bland meat, and the skin has the most flavor. So Girard loudly announced as he reached the turkey: "I will only eat skin!"

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Aug 01 2024 at 07:04):

Some years later, at a conference on the geometry of interaction of Marseilles, he invited a group of us to a restaurant that specializes in sea urchins, and we ate an enormous number of sea urchins. So I think of Girard as a gourmet.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 01 2024 at 14:38):

Thanks for the anecdotes. That's always fun to hear about Girard's fantasies. I'm sure we could make collection of such stories, with a title like "Girard, the diva of logic". That would be quite entertaining to read.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 01 2024 at 15:56):

Now, I'm looking at papers on sequent calculi for infinitary modal logic i.e. modal logic with infinite conjunctions and disjunctions. I found two papers:

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 01 2024 at 16:04):

Also, he introduces a lot of rules under the form of "axioms rules" like for theories in first-order logic, one thing that I don't like.

view this post on Zulip David Egolf (Aug 01 2024 at 17:40):

On Wikipedia I see that the \Box operator in modal logic has an intuitive interpretation using "relational semantics". Relational semantics provides a way to think about formulas in modal logic given a "relational model". A relational model (W,R,V)(W,R,V) consists of this data:

With this setup, wϕw \models \Box \phi means that the formula ϕ\phi holds in every world related to world ww by RR.

I was curious if it could make sense to try and create some relational model that corresponds to what you want to do here. (What could the "worlds" be? What could the "accessibility relation" be?)

view this post on Zulip David Egolf (Aug 01 2024 at 17:43):

Wikipedia claims that S4 stems from the condition that our accessibility relation RR be reflexive and transitive. (But I don't really know what this means!)

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 01 2024 at 17:46):

I think this is exactly what people are doing with infinitary modal logic. But I'm really interested in point-set topology rather than modal logic so I can't answer this!

view this post on Zulip David Egolf (Aug 01 2024 at 17:52):

I guess I was hoping that, with the right set-up, each "world" or "accessibility relation" could correspond to some topological thing.

view this post on Zulip Zoltan A. Kocsis (Z.A.K.) (Aug 01 2024 at 18:35):

@David Egolf Worlds and accessibility relations do correspond to topological things. A reflexive and transitive relation is the specialization preorder of some Alexandroff topological space. Worlds correspond to points of this space.

A map f:ABf: A \rightarrow B between Alexandroff spaces (A,)(A,\leq) and (B,)(B,\leq') is continuous precisely if ff is monotone with respect to the specialization preorders, i.e. xyx \leq y implies f(x)f(y)f(x) \leq' f(y). The category of Alexandroff spaces is equivalent to a full subcategory of the category of reflexive graphs (sets equipped with binary relations).

Using nonstandard analysis, every standard topological space TT (not just the Alexandroff ones) has an associated nonstandard nearness relation T\sim_T which plays a role that's entirely analogous to that of the specialization preorder for Alexandroff spaces: a standard map f:TSf: T \rightarrow S is continuous precisely if xTyx \sim_T y always implies $f(x) \sim_S f(y)$$. This justifies the maxim that "a functions is continuous if it maps nearby points to nearby points".

Most results of point-set topology admit straightforward relational proofs in this framework. I explain a simple example here. One can show that a standard topological space is T1 if two nearby standard points are always equal, and Hausdorff if two standard points that share some common nearby point are always equal. The proof that Hausdorff implies T1 is then the following: from the Hausdorff property we know that for all standard x,yTx,y\in T, when xsx \sim s and ysy \sim s both hold, we have x=yx = y. Assume that yxy \sim x: since xxx \sim x holds by reflexivity, we can set s=xs = x and get x=yx = y as desired. This is very simple, but much more can be done: for example, compactness becomes the statement that every point is near a standard point.

One cannot get any similar result without using nonstandard analysis (i.e. if one erases the adjectives "standard" and "nonstandard" from the previous paragraph): Top is not equivalent to a full subcategory of the category of reflexive graphs. But for something much more accessible, consider the following very concrete exercises.

  1. There is no relation R2\sim \subseteq \mathbb{R}^2 so that a real function f:RRf: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R} is continuous precisely if it preserves \sim.
  2. There exists some relation R2\sim \subseteq \mathbb{R}^2 so that every real function f:RRf: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R} that preserves \sim is continuous. (Much more difficult version: there is such a relation that is preserved by infinitely many functions, this is a result of Jan Kuś).

view this post on Zulip Zoltan A. Kocsis (Z.A.K.) (Aug 01 2024 at 18:40):

Do note that S4 modal logic itself has many different topological semantics: Nick Bezhanishvili's 2021 Tsinghua slides probably constitute the best single resource on them, but it's by no means complete.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 01 2024 at 19:42):

Very interesting! Now, I remember that every preorder generates a topological space and that these topological spaces are called Alexandroff topological spaces and are characterized by the property that an arbitrary intersection of open sets is open. But I wasn't aware of the approach of topology using nonstandard analysis. Looks very cool.

And they say in the slides that a topological semantics can be obtained for a Kripke frame such that the relation is a preorder: this is the associated Alexandrov topological space. Cool. Now I would like to understand the link between Kripke frame where the binary relation is a preorder and the modal logic S4S4. For now I understand S4S4 only through sequent calculus and modal S4S4-algebras = closure algebras.

view this post on Zulip Vincent Moreau (Aug 02 2024 at 01:55):

If you take the relational semantics, then the axiom ppp \to \lozenge p represents reflexivity while pp\lozenge \lozenge p \to \lozenge p represents transitivity.

Here, when I say that a formula ϕ\phi represents a property on Kripke frames, I mean that any frame verifies the property if and only if for any valuation on the frame, ϕ\phi holds in any world of the frame.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 02 2024 at 04:59):

Thanks. I will take a moment to look at what it means.

view this post on Zulip Ralph Sarkis (Aug 02 2024 at 06:21):

There are other correspondences in the table here.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 16 2024 at 16:47):

I've drawn my 3D commutative diagram:

This is not very beautiful but it will do the job.

Definition: Let MonCatStrict\mathbf{MonCatStrict} be the category of monoidal categories and monoidal functors and SymMonCatStrict\mathbf{SymMonCatStrict} the category of symmetric monoidal categories and symmetric strict monoidal functors.

Proposition: Suppose that C\mathcal{C} is a symmetric monoidal category. Then we obtain the 3D commutative diagram in SymMonCatStrict\mathbf{SymMonCatStrict}.

Theorem: The following conditions are equivalent:

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 16 2024 at 16:49):

This is basically the paper I'm trying to write.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 16 2024 at 16:52):

Of course, I've not defined all the categories. End(C)\mathbf{End}(\mathcal{C}) is the category of endofunctors and natural transformations and its subcategories are the category of cocommutative (I write this instead of "symmetric") comonoidal endofunctors and intermediate ones when you forget about the cocommutativity or associativity (when you forget about associativity, I call this a counital comagmatic endofunctor) coherence conditions.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 16 2024 at 16:54):

The functors which go from the front plane to the bottom plane send objects to constant endofunctors and morphisms to constant natural transformations.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Aug 16 2024 at 17:06):

Jean-Baptiste Vienney said:

I've drawn my 3D commutative diagram.

This is not very beautiful but it will do the job.

It looks good except for the dashed red line that goes in front of a solid black line.

Usually I use dashed lines behind other lines, to help create a sense of perspective - or else I use a feature that lets one line cross over another and create a little gap in the line that's being crossed over.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 16 2024 at 17:08):

Oh thank you! I made a mistake on one of the two dashed lines which cross another line.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 16 2024 at 17:09):

I want me too that dashed lines are behind other lines.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 16 2024 at 17:15):

But for some reason, I don't succeed to do it. Here is my code:
and the output is that:

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 16 2024 at 17:16):

If ever anyone is able to understand that, I would be very grateful...

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 16 2024 at 17:17):

One of the two "crossing over" doesn't produce the desired effect...

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 16 2024 at 17:20):


view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 16 2024 at 17:20):

You need to draw the line which is on top after the one which is behind.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 16 2024 at 17:21):


view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 16 2024 at 17:22):

Now, it looks fine.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 16 2024 at 17:24):

That's funny how much it looks more 3D with this small change.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 16 2024 at 17:28):

Looks a bit like a submarine.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 16 2024 at 17:35):

Now I don't know if I should call my preprint "Cartesian symmetric monoidal categories as symmetric monoidal categories with an extra property" or "The symmetric monoidal submarine".

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Aug 16 2024 at 17:37):

Or "Cartesian symmetric monoidal categories and the symmetric monoidal submarine"

view this post on Zulip Valeria de Paiva (Sep 13 2024 at 22:35):

@Jean-Baptiste Vienney I think you didn't see this paper on Intuitionistic S4 which makes some of points you seem to be making above. For what it i worth I think Girard really used the sequent rules for S4 and used S4 and not S5 because S4 is more constructive than S5. I have given several talks exploring the fact that we can give a Curry-Howard interpretation to several modal logics, with and without diamonds.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Sep 14 2024 at 17:30):

Thanks @Valeria de Paiva . I’m very happy to see a paper that discusses the proof theory and categorical semantics of (intuitionistic) S4. This is the language I’m used to as opposed to Kripke frames etc…

view this post on Zulip Valeria de Paiva (Sep 14 2024 at 17:51):

@Jean-Baptiste Vienney I also have a slightly more modern version Fibrational Modal Type Theory with Eike Ritter, but I should mention that the type theory/PL guys have a collection of variations on the same theme, always for S4-like logics (mostly without diamonds).

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Sep 19 2024 at 17:55):

S4, equiprovable exponential modalities and Kuratowski's closure-complement problem

S4 can be interpreted in a topological space where the diamond is the closure, the negation is the complement (and the square is the interior).

Kuratowski's closure-complement problem states that in any topological space, one can obtain at most 1414 operators by combining closure and complement.

The exercise 1.3.7 of the LL handbook states that by iterating the exponential modalities !! and ?? of linear logic, one can obtain at least 77 operators which are not "equiprovable".

I don't think this is a numerological coincidence that this number 1414 appears in topology and this number 7=1427=\frac{14}{2} in linear logic. In fact a variant of Kuratowski's problem is that one can obtain at most 77 operators by combining closure and interior.

I guess that in linear logic, one can obtain at most 1414 operators by combining ?? and ¬\neg (in the sense of equiprovability, not of isomorphic formulas) and that in the modal logic S4S4 one can obtain at most 1414 operators by combining the square and the negation.

I'll probably try to verify that all of this work when I have some time and try to write the full story containing the point of views of topological spaces, S4 and linear logic if it works well. I think it would make a fun story to read!

view this post on Zulip Morgan Rogers (he/him) (Sep 19 2024 at 19:14):

(If it helps, it's possible to find an example of a subspace of the real numbers where all of these operations give different results)

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Sep 19 2024 at 19:20):

Yeah, I know that!

view this post on Zulip Todd Trimble (Sep 19 2024 at 19:35):

By the way, the number 14 in Kuratowski's problem has little to do with topological closure per se. For any closure operator CC on a power set, there is a maximum of 14 operations definable from CC and complementation. More information at [[closed subspace]].

If for example CC is the Kleene star operator, taking a language LP(A)L \subseteq P(A^\ast) to the submonoid it generates (under the evident Day convolution induced by the monoid structure on the free monoid AA^\ast of words written in an alphabet AA), then it's possible to exhibit a language whose orbit under the Kuratowski monoid has 14 elements. But the Kleene star operator is very far from being topological. See the math.stackexchange post here.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Sep 19 2024 at 19:50):

Fine. I've read something like it can be stated in terms of a monoid MM that is generated by three elements a,b,cMa,b,c \in M such that c2=1c^2=1, a2=aa^2=a and b=cacb=c*a*c. (something like this, I must correct it)

Saying that it has little to do with topological spaces per se is a bit too assertive for me. Looking at which of the operators in a particular topological space are equal provide an interesting classification of topological spaces (see this paper). Moreover topological spaces are exactly the complete atomic boolean algebras with a closure operator so topological spaces have a lot to do with closure operators (see this paper for some of this point of view, also this thesis).

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Sep 19 2024 at 20:02):

I think there should be a right middle between saying "trivial, not interesting, not related etc..." all the time and thinking everything is related by secret links all the time.

view this post on Zulip Todd Trimble (Sep 19 2024 at 23:22):

Saying that it has little to do with topological spaces per se is a bit too assertive for me.

You misunderstood me. The precise and uncontroversial statement is that for any set XX equipped with a closure operator CC (= monad on P(X)P(X)), we have (C¬C)¬(C¬C)=C¬C(C \neg C) \neg (C \neg C) = C \neg C where ¬\neg denotes complementation, and that the abstract monoid generated by two elements c,nc, n subject to relations c2=cc^2 = c, n2=1n^2 = 1, and cncncnc=cnccncncnc = cnc has 14 elements. In that sense, the number 14 isn't tied to topological closure particularly. And that's all I was saying. For what interest it may have.

Of course topologies are intimately connected with closure operators: topological closures are precisely those [[Moore closure]] operators that preserve finite unions!

Also there are plenty of interesting connections between properties of topologies and certain quotients of Kuratowski monoid. I wrote that section of the nLab article [[closed subspace]] by the way, and left some links to references that explain these connections more thoroughly.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Sep 19 2024 at 23:54):

More precisely, we should have something like this (to be made precise):

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Sep 20 2024 at 00:08):

Maybe the lattice of provability of linear logic is a booolean algebra with closure operator.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Sep 20 2024 at 00:10):

So a kind of classical + modal logic.

view this post on Zulip Valeria de Paiva (Sep 20 2024 at 00:13):

hi @Jean-Baptiste Vienney the decategorification of LL does not give you a lattice, it only gives you a monoidal closed poset, which I called a "lineale". Booelan algebras have meets, which satisfy weakening and contraction, not linear.

view this post on Zulip Valeria de Paiva (Sep 20 2024 at 00:14):

but indeed, the modality of LL is like an S4-operator.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Sep 20 2024 at 12:40):

Thank you @Valeria de Paiva :blush: . In the paper Lineales you say that you haven’t tried to add the exponential modalities to lineales. Maybe it has been done later? I guess this is here that we could get a link with the modal logic S4.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Sep 20 2024 at 12:41):

(and with closure operators)

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Sep 20 2024 at 12:53):

Other question: what about a version of lineales for classical linear logic instead of intuitionnistic linear logic?

view this post on Zulip Valeria de Paiva (Sep 20 2024 at 14:26):

you haven’t tried to add the exponential modalities to lineales.

correct. there is the obvious way of adding (co-)closure operators to lineales and has been done by others, but to quantales.

why? well, people like to make the simplifying assumption that instead of lineales they want "quantales"-- there are books about it. Quantales are 'complete lineales', they have all joins, which model infinitary additives. then the linear implication can be defined in terms of these joins, instead of being an original component.
(if you always want to model both multiplicative and additive LL, it makes some sense, but it's a simplifying assumption.)

what about a version of lineales for classical linear logic instead of intuitionnistic linear logic?

so for classic LL people use special kinds of quantales and I don't know much about the history.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Sep 20 2024 at 16:01):

Ok, thanks

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Sep 20 2024 at 16:29):

So at the end, what I wanted to say is something like this:

If we consider a set of atoms A\mathcal{A} \neq \emptyset, if we consider the poset PA\mathcal{P}_\mathcal{A} of formulas of linear logic obtained from this set of atoms with ABA \le B iff ABA \vdash B is provable in linear logic, then we obtain an interior operator !:PAPA!:\mathcal{P}_\mathcal{A} \rightarrow \mathcal{P}_\mathcal{A}, a closure operator ?:PAPA?:\mathcal{P}_\mathcal{A} \rightarrow \mathcal{P}_\mathcal{A} and a negation ¬:PAPA\neg:\mathcal{P}_\mathcal{A} \rightarrow \mathcal{P}_\mathcal{A} such that ?=¬!¬?=\neg\, \circ\, ! \circ\, \neg.

Then by reasoning on some simple monoids defined by generators and relations, we obtain that there are at most 1414 functions PAPA\mathcal{P}_\mathcal{A} \rightarrow \mathcal{P}_\mathcal{A} obtained by composing !! and ¬\neg, and that there are at most 7 functions PAPA\mathcal{P}_\mathcal{A} \rightarrow \mathcal{P}_\mathcal{A} obtained by composing !! and ??.

Moreover, we can prove by using cut elimination that none of these 14 functions are equal in the provability poset and that none of these 7 functions are equal in the provability poset.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Sep 20 2024 at 16:34):

The operators are different on almost every formula I think so it is different from the topological space R\mathbb{R} where only some subspaces such as
(0,1)(1,2){3}([4,5]Q)(0,1) \cup (1,2) \cup \{3\} \cup ([4,5] \cap \mathbb{Q})
maximize the number.

view this post on Zulip Valeria de Paiva (Sep 23 2024 at 23:03):

@Jean-Baptiste Vienney I think I forgot to mention that together with Andrea Schalk I have a paper called "Poset-valued sets or how to build models for Linear Logics" which does deal with the co-monads, comonoids and linear exponentials in a modular way. Maybe it doesn't go as much into topology as you want, but it does recap what other people have done, somewhat.

Now about these 7 and 14 modalities, this depends a little on the way you want to define your modalities. These numbers work for the "classical" definition of 2-sided sequent calculus, like the Maehara ones. As usual, when you decide to be constructive many more different options show up. I believe Jean-Baptist Joinet is working on a very constructive version of linear logic, that possibly has more modalities than those traditional ones, but I haven't got a paper from him, yet.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Sep 24 2024 at 12:22):

I’ve already encountered this paper since I made a presentation about it for a course when I was in my master’s program ahah.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Sep 24 2024 at 12:44):

That's interesting that you lose these numbers in the intuitionistic definition.

For now I'm curious about proof systems which would talk about the poset of subsets of a topological space. It seems to me that classical S4 is the most adapted for this (it would be very useful to add infinite disjunction = arbitrary union of course). In this paper, they say that the monoid of modalities obtained by combining interior and closure can only have 4 different orderings in a topological space:
You can also have two more orderings if you look at non-topological operators:
I would like to see if we can add inference rules or axioms in a proof system like classical S4 and obtain a decidability result by cut elimination for instance about each type of topological space / ordering.

view this post on Zulip Valeria de Paiva (Sep 24 2024 at 13:07):

Personally, I'm most interested in the intuitionistic case, where I can do Curry-Howard in the traditional way. But the motivation from topology is also very nice, of course.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Oct 13 2024 at 21:04):

I will give a 30 minutes talk at the Octoberfest with title « What’s wrong with higher-order derivatives? ».

I will talk about two issues with higher-order derivatives: 1. In positive characteristic, the derivative of a polynomial can be zero even if the polynomial is nonconstant! The notion of Hasse-Schmidt derivative comes to fix that. 2. In differential geometry the tangent bundle functor approximates linearly both manifolds and smooth maps. Can we work with approximations by polynomials of order two, three etc? The notion of higher-order tangent bundle is defined to handle this.

Then we’ll see how both of these concepts could maybe fit nicely together in the framework of differential and tangent categories.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Nov 08 2024 at 20:00):

I’ve realized something that is very clean and quite simple but that I haven’t (yet) found in the literature (which is a bit surprising):

« Every commutative differential (associative, don’t need unital) algebra is a Lie algebra. »

If (A,D) is your commutative differential algebra, you just have to define
[x,y]=D(x)yxD(y) [x,y]=D(x)y-xD(y).

A calculation of a dozen of lines shows that the Jacobi identity is satisfied. I guess if ever this is really not something well-known (which would be a shame) it must be because Lie algebra people are not much interested in differential algebra and reciprocally.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Nov 09 2024 at 02:14):

Nice! I hadn't seen this. I don't instantly see a "high-level" argument to check the Jacobi identity, though I feel there must be one.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Nov 09 2024 at 02:16):

Hmm: in the case when the commutative algebra AA is the algebra C(R)C^\infty(\mathbb{R}) of smooth real-valued functions on the line, we can check the Jacobi identity as follows.

We can identify such functions on real line with vector fields on the real line via the map sending

fC(R) f \in C^\infty(\mathbb{R})

to the vector field (= derivation)

fddx f \frac{d}{dx}

(This map is an isomorphism of vector spaces.)

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Nov 09 2024 at 02:17):

Thus, we can use the Lie bracket on such vector fields to give C(R)C^\infty(\mathbb{R}) a Lie bracket, and the Jacobi identity will follow.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Nov 09 2024 at 02:18):

The Lie bracket on such vector fields is

[fddx,gddx]=fg(x)ddxgfddx [f \frac{d}{dx} , g \frac{d}{dx}] = f g'(x) \frac{d}{dx} - g f' \frac{d}{dx}

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Nov 09 2024 at 02:19):

The corresponding Lie bracket on C(R)C^\infty(\mathbb{R}) is thus

[f,g]=fggf [f,g] = fg' - gf'

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Nov 09 2024 at 02:19):

But there is a derivation DD on C(R)C^\infty(\mathbb{R}) defined by

D(f)=f D(f) = f'

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Nov 09 2024 at 02:20):

So, the above bracket on C(R)C^\infty(\mathbb{R}) equals

[f,g]=fD(g)gD(f) [f,g] = f D(g) - g D(f)

which is a special case of your formula.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Nov 09 2024 at 02:21):

In this special case, therefore, the Jacobi identity for your bracket follows from the well-known Jacobi identity for derivations on any commutative algebra.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Nov 09 2024 at 02:22):

However, I don't see how to generalize this proof of the Jacobi identity to an arbitrary derivation on an arbitrary commutative algebra. I may be just missing a trick or two.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Nov 09 2024 at 02:29):

John Baez said:

Nice! I hadn't seen this. I don't instantly see a "high-level" argument to check the Jacobi identity, though I feel there must be one.

Indeed, it would be nice to find this argument!

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Nov 09 2024 at 02:32):

Thank you for the geometric explanations in the case of C(R)\mathcal{C}^\infty(\mathbb{R}). It should be useful for me once I will have learned differential geometry for real.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Nov 09 2024 at 02:35):

John Baez said:

However, I don't see how to generalize this proof of the Jacobi identity to an arbitrary derivation on an arbitrary commutative algebra. I may be just missing a trick or two.

I like that you have this purely algebraic link between differential algebras and Lie algebras. It fascinates me that differentiation makes sense without any real numbers.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Nov 09 2024 at 02:37):

(That’s why I’m super curious to learn some « arithmetic geometry stuff » in the future)

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Nov 09 2024 at 02:47):

Yes, arithmetic geometry is already cool, and even more mindblowing is the Fermat quotient, which is a way to take the derivative of an integer with respect to a prime. This is not a derivation of the ring of integers, but it's something called a 'p-derivation', and people are trying to develop the theory of these. This is connected to the 'Witt ring' stuff that I'm talking about with @Todd Trimble. I don't understand it well enough yet!

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Nov 09 2024 at 03:09):

I have already seen this Fermat thing somewhere. Definitely excited to understand this more some day! (as well as your 2-rig papers)

view this post on Zulip Todd Trimble (Nov 09 2024 at 03:42):

This is not a derivation of the ring of integers, but it's something called a 'p-derivation', and people are trying to develop the theory of these.

Joyal developed a very precise account of these things in his papers on δ\delta-rings, covering a lot of basic theory and connecting them with lambda-rings. I too want to understand this rather better!

One thing to mention is that lambda-rings, differential rings, and delta-rings (which lie somewhere in the middle of the previous two) are all examples of plethories, and a certain amount of abstract nonsense about plethories can be developed that accounts for various structural similarities. One thing I want to understand much better is how the delta-rings connect with p-th Adams operations. It almost sounds as if delta-rings abstract the subtheory of lambda-rings generated by such an operation, but I might be missing something.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Nov 09 2024 at 13:02):

Todd Trimble, this is super intriguing that both delta rings, lambda rings and differential rings are plethories. It makes me think to a question I had some time ago. Why do we have lambda rings but not an analogous definition for rings with a family of operations that behave like symmetric powers, or a family of operations that behave like the Schur functors?

view this post on Zulip Todd Trimble (Nov 09 2024 at 13:45):

We do! Lambda-rings could equally well have been called sigma-rings (sigma referring to symmetric powers), and likewise, for any Schur functor, there is a corresponding operation that is definable in the language of lambda-rings.

One way of saying it is that given a lambda-ring RR, which in our first paper Schur functors and categorified plethysm we identify with a coalgebra of the comonad CRing(Λ,)\mathsf{CRing}(\Lambda, -), and FF is a Schur functor, the isomorphism class [F]Λ[F] \in \Lambda induces an operation on RR by composition

RηCRing(Λ,R)ev[F]RR \overset{\eta}{\longrightarrow} \mathsf{CRing}(\Lambda, R) \overset{\mathrm{ev}_{[F]}}{\longrightarrow} R

where η\eta is the coalgebra structure map and ev[F]\mathrm{ev}_{[F]} denotes evaluation at [F][F]. This approach de-emphasizes playing favorites between operations λi\lambda^i and σi\sigma^i; in this sense it's an unbiased definition of λ\lambda-ring.

One intriguing fact is that there is a ring involution ω:ΛΛ\omega: \Lambda \to \Lambda which swaps the λi\lambda^i with the σi\sigma^i. (It is not however a lambda-ring involution.)

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Nov 09 2024 at 13:52):


view this post on Zulip John Baez (Nov 09 2024 at 15:54):

Todd Trimble said:

We do! Lambda-rings could equally well have been called sigma-rings (sigma referring to symmetric powers), and likewise, for any Schur functor, there is a corresponding operation that is definable in the language of lambda-rings.

One way of saying it is that given a lambda-ring RR, which in our first paper Schur functors and categorified plethysm we identify with a coalgebra of the comonad CRing(Λ,)\mathsf{CRing}(\Lambda, -), and FF is a Schur functor, the isomorphism class [F]Λ[F] \in \Lambda induces an operation on RR by composition

RηCRing(Λ,R)ev[F]RR \overset{\eta}{\longrightarrow} \mathsf{CRing}(\Lambda, R) \overset{\mathrm{ev}_{[F]}}{\longrightarrow} R

where η\eta is the coalgebra structure map and ev[F]\mathrm{ev}_{[F]} denotes evaluation at [F][F]. This approach de-emphasizes playing favorites between operations λi\lambda^i and σi\sigma^i; in this sense it's an unbiased definition of λ\lambda-ring.

Of course that big fat Λ\Lambda suggests there's something primary about the exterior power elements λiΛ\lambda^i \in \Lambda, but as Todd just noted, that's not true: it's really almost an arbitrary convention that people like to use these λi\lambda^i as generators of the ring Λ\Lambda. The symmetric power elements σi\sigma^i also generate this ring, so we could have called this ring Σ\Sigma.

I say it's almost arbitrary: I believe people lean toward the λi\lambda^i because they consider bosons to be more fundamental than fermions. Less cryptically: we discovered finite-dimensional "bosonic" vector spaces - ordinary vector spaces, whose exterior powers ΛiV\Lambda^i V vanish when ii exceeds the dimension of VV - before we discovered "fermionic" vector spaces, whose symmetric powers ΣiV\Sigma^i V vanish when ii exceeds the dimension of VV. And we still mainly use bosonic vector spaces.

(I usually write SiS^i for symmetric powers, and most people do, but here I'm trying to emphasize the battle of the greek letters λ\lambda and σ\sigma, just to be cute.)

The duality between exterior powers and symmetric powers became really clear in physics, where it's called 'supersymmetry'. Bosonic vector spaces are used to describe 'forces' and fermionic vector spaces are used to describe 'matter', and some physicists go wild and assert the existence of physical symmetries that switch forces and matter, but more interesting is that many structures in linear algebra have bosonic and fermionic versions, which behave analogously in some ways but very differently in practice.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Nov 09 2024 at 17:51):

Now I’m going to take a look at your paper to see what is this Λ\Lambda!

view this post on Zulip Todd Trimble (Nov 09 2024 at 18:17):

I think we're happy to discuss it anytime. Λ\Lambda is a decategorification (or Grothendieck group) of something more fundamental, which is the category of Schur functors, aka polynomial species valued in f.d. vector spaces (over a field of characteristic zero). So Λ\Lambda is the result of taking the rig of isomorphism classes of Schur functors, which are objects of a 2-rig, and then completing this rig to a ring by adjoining additive inverses.

We show how all the structure that people talk about on Λ\Lambda emerges just by exploiting the simple observation that the category of Schur functors is the free 2-rig on one generator (in our sense of 2-rig). In other words, we would like to promote the idea that actually Λ\Lambda is conceptually simple, although it is often cloaked in awe and mystery. Another thing is that essentially all examples of lambda-rings that people discuss come from 2-rigs, so it actually makes better sense to start with 2-rigs.

The paper is kind of long and I gather that many people find it scary-looking, which works against the idea of simplicity we want to promote. So it could help to talk about it here on this Zulip, in a more informal way.

view this post on Zulip Todd Trimble (Nov 09 2024 at 18:38):

John wrote

we discovered finite-dimensional "bosonic" vector spaces... before we discovered "fermionic" vector spaces

where I think "we" here means the mathematics community. You can also have a mix of bosonic and fermionic.

One thing that makes fermionic vector spaces feel more alien is that they have negative dimension. Where "dimension" of an object is defined to be the trace of its identity operator. (The notion of trace makes sense in any compact closed category, a symmetric monoidal category where for every object VV there is an object VV^\ast together with a counit ε:VVI\varepsilon: V^\ast \otimes V \to I and unit η:IVV\eta: I \to V \otimes V^\ast satisfying the usual triangular identities. The trace of an endomorphism f:VVf: V \to V is the endomorphism III \to I defined by the composite

IηVVf1VVVVεII \overset{\eta}{\longrightarrow} V \otimes V^\ast \overset{f \otimes 1}{\longrightarrow} V \otimes V^\ast \cong V^\ast \otimes V \overset{\varepsilon}{\longrightarrow} I

and this "scalar quantity" can be various weird things. I think the situation can get significantly weirder if you replace "symmetric monoidal" with "braided monoidal".)

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Nov 09 2024 at 18:59):

Todd Trimble said:

John wrote

we discovered finite-dimensional "bosonic" vector spaces... before we discovered "fermionic" vector spaces

where I think "we" here means the mathematics community.

Yes, in math/science popularization I often use "we" to mean "humanity", to give people the feeling we're all in this together. It would be interesting to see which physicists and mathematicians discovered the two ways to make the monoidal category of graded vector spaces symmetric, and how these correspond to Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Nov 09 2024 at 19:03):

Todd Trimble said:

I think we're happy to discuss it anytime. Λ\Lambda is a decategorification (or Grothendieck group) of something more fundamental, which is the category of Schur functors, aka polynomial species valued in f.d. vector spaces (over a field of characteristic zero). So Λ\Lambda is the result of taking the rig of isomorphism classes of Schur functors, which are objects of a 2-rig, and then completing this rig to a ring by adjoining additive inverses.

We show how all the structure that people talk about on Λ\Lambda emerges just by exploiting the simple observation that the category of Schur functors is the free 2-rig on one generator (in our sense of 2-rig). In other words, we would like to promote the idea that actually Λ\Lambda is conceptually simple, although it is often cloaked in awe and mystery. Another thing is that essentially all examples of lambda-rings that people discuss come from 2-rigs, so it actually makes better sense to start with 2-rigs.

The paper is kind of long and I gather that many people find it scary-looking, which works against the idea of simplicity we want to promote. So it could help to talk about it here on this Zulip, in a more informal way.

Thank you. For now, I just want to skim through the paper from time to time until I get a good sense of the main story, such as how Λ\Lambda is shown to be a « ring-plethory » by working first at the 22-rig level. And I’ll ask you questions here if something is difficult to understand.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Nov 09 2024 at 19:05):

That’s not so easy to discuss informally before taking the time to get some basics on the definitions, main ideas etc…

view this post on Zulip Todd Trimble (Nov 09 2024 at 19:26):

Of course. I'll just quickly say that the transition from the rig plethory
to the ring plethory is what section 7 is all about, and it uses ideas of
Euler characteristics.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Nov 09 2024 at 19:28):

Thank you that was something I was already wondering about. (how to get the « n »)

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Nov 09 2024 at 19:29):

I find that to be the hardest part of the paper. Maybe this is because Todd came up with most of the ideas there. :upside_down: But maybe someone with a different personality would find it easier: it's fairly "self-contained" in a way. I find it easiest to think about more "classical" subjects like Young diagrams, representations of symmetric groups, etc., leading up to our first big theorem: the free 2-rig on 1 generator is the category of (sufficiently finite-dimensional) representations of the groupoid of finite sets.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Nov 09 2024 at 19:33):

Then, when you decategorify this 2-rig by taking its Grothendieck group, you get Λ\Lambda, which has a basis given by Young diagrams - which are a notation for irreducible representations of symmetric groups.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Nov 09 2024 at 19:34):

So when I see Λ\Lambda, I see a vector space whose basis consists of Young diagrams. But this is probably just me! Someone else might see it in quite a different way. In fact the philosophy behind our paper was to study representations of symmetric groups, and the ring Λ\Lambda, without the 'crutch' of Young diagrams.

view this post on Zulip Todd Trimble (Nov 09 2024 at 20:10):

Well, I'd prefer not to say who came up with what, because that could excite my naturally territorial nature.

I would agree that in some sense much of what transpires in sections 1-6 is a bit more on the straightforward side, i.e., once you've taken the primacy of the importance of the free 2-rig on one generator fully into your heart and you've milked the Yoneda lemma enough times, the development probably seems natural and not terribly surprising. But the techniques in section 7 come from a different direction (although, there too, maybe not all that unexpected if you've done enough battle with the problems of negatives in category theory).

Despite what I just said, I thought it was sections 5, 6 that were the trickiest parts to get right, to put the ideas in the right categorical order. The basic conundrum was expressed by Clark Barwick at the n-Category Cafe:

The K-theory of a plethory is a plethory…

The punchline is the following: categorification takes a trivial plethory to a nontrivial plethory. This is just like redshift, which says that applying K-theory makes things more interesting!

I.e., [he meant decategorification, not categorification] how could decategorification turn something trivial into something non-trivial?? Usually I think decategorification is seen as moving in a simplifying direction, by ignoring the complications of non-isomorphisms, and turning isomorphisms into equalities.

Anyway, this is probably too much inside baseball or navel-gazing or something. John also said

John Baez said:

So when I see Λ\Lambda, I see a vector space whose basis consists of Young diagrams. But this is probably just me! Someone else might see it in quite a different way. In fact the philosophy behind our paper was to study representations of symmetric groups, and the ring Λ\Lambda, without the 'crutch' of Young diagrams.

Right -- I had in mind how to explain the basic simplicity to category theorists, who mostly don't know about Young diagrams. We don't even talk that much about representation theory, just a few basic facts. A lot of the message is that you really don't need to know Young diagrams or all the ins and outs of group representations; you can just think conceptually.

John is more fluid than I am with shuffling around Young tableaux. (These are also things that deserve a better categorical treatment than they have gotten, so far as I am aware.) There's something about the combinatorial arguments that underlie them in standard accounts that feels opaque to me [and some categorists I have spoken with feel similarly].

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Nov 12 2024 at 21:18):


I tried to write a very short paper about the straightforward construction of a Lie algebra from a commutative differential algebra that I talked about the other time (with the help of ChatGPT I admit ahah: but especially for the phrasing in the abstract and introduction and the title, not much for real math. It has been very helpful for these aspects.). Note that this is voluntarily very short (one page). First I've always wanted to write a very short paper and secondly I expect the reader to already know what is a differential algebra, a Lie algebra, be able to make the straightforward computations required for the proof of the result and check that the examples (in particular the second one) are well-defined and follow directly from the main result.

I'm looking for further suggestions and advice on whether it is all fine to upload this on the ArXiv!

Lie from differential.pdf

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Nov 12 2024 at 21:47):

Hi hope @John Baez will take a look at this! (By the way I can try to fit an acknowledgment to John Baez on the page for the last discussion if necessary/appreciated or not).

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Nov 12 2024 at 23:20):

No need to acknowledge me!

First, I was curious why you're writing +Xp + \langle X^p \rangle a bunch of times when you're working in k[X]/Xpk[X]/\langle X^p \rangle. Then I realized why you were doing that: elements of k[X]/Xpk[X]/\langle X^p \rangle are really equivalence classes of the form something+Xp\text{something} + \langle X^p \rangle.

But I think almost all algebraists would just omit writing +Xp + \langle X^p \rangle in situations like this, where we are working in a quotient ring k[X]/Xpk[X]/\langle X^p \rangle. We (they) just act like XpX^p has been set to zero.

One reason I bring this up is that a very short paper like this is unusual and it will make readers wonder "what has this guy discovered?" Then, if you write in an unorthodox (though technically correct) way, they may not give you the benefit of the doubt.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Nov 12 2024 at 23:30):

Personally, I feel there's a very high probability this result is already in the literature somewhere. So if I discovered this result, I would start by asking on MathOverflow whether it was known. If it was known, then I would not write a short paper about it. If it wasn't known, I might write a paper about it. And my discovery would be documented on MathOverflow, with a date attached, so that anyone who tried to steal it would clearly be doing so later than this date.

(I would probably not write a 1-page paper about this result: I would probably try to find a really surprising fact based on this result, to increase the prestige payoff.)

view this post on Zulip Riley Shahar (Nov 12 2024 at 23:58):

Jean-Baptiste Vienney said:

If (A,D) is your commutative differential algebra, you just have to define
[x,y]=D(x)yxD(y) [x,y]=D(x)y-xD(y).

I'm a little late to the party, but in differential equations land this statistic is called the Wronskian. Maybe that search term will turn something up in the literature.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Nov 13 2024 at 00:29):

It worked! The first sentence of the abstract of this paper is “Any commutative algebra equipped with a derivation may be turned into a Lie algebra under the Wronskian bracket.”

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Nov 13 2024 at 00:31):

Now the only new things I can do is to encode some of these things in the realm of differential categories…

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Nov 13 2024 at 00:36):

There is also the question of what’s going on if you replace the derivation by a Hasse-Schmidt derivation.

view this post on Zulip Riley Shahar (Nov 13 2024 at 00:39):

Jean-Baptiste Vienney said:

It worked! The first sentence of the abstract of this paper is “Any commutative algebra equipped with a derivation may be turned into a Lie algebra under the Wronskian bracket.”

Yay! (or sorry?)

view this post on Zulip Riley Shahar (Nov 13 2024 at 00:40):

Jean-Baptiste Vienney said:

Now the only new things I can do is to encode some of these things in the realm of differential categories…

That sounds interesting!

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Nov 13 2024 at 12:34):

Riley Shahar said:

Jean-Baptiste Vienney said:

It worked! The first sentence of the abstract of this paper is “Any commutative algebra equipped with a derivation may be turned into a Lie algebra under the Wronskian bracket.”

Yay! (or sorry?)

I'm not mad. This is like the fourth time that I rediscover some math concept / result that I then have some trouble to find in the literature, partly because I don't know its official name. (It happened at least for all these things: Hasse-Schmidt derivative, higher-order tangent bundles, sequent calculus for modal logic S5 (or S4 I don't remember) and Lie algebra from Wronksian). After a situation like this, I now know something which is not so well-known and it gives me a good ground to try to develop real new work in the future (which is going to be even more esoteric necessarily!).

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Nov 13 2024 at 23:11):

It's definitely good to keep inventing ideas: you can go into subject that you haven't studied much, start by learning things and inventing ideas that turn out to be known, and eventually reach the frontier where your ideas turn out to be new.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Nov 25 2024 at 14:42):

I said the other day that I don’t know whether

”every monoidal category such that every object is a a counital comagma in a unique way is a cartesian monoidal category” (\star)

On the other hand, it is true that

”every symmetric monoidal category such that every object is a a counital comagma in a unique way is a cartesian symmetric monoidal category” (\star\star)

Now, I think (\star) is false. I wrote a sequent calculus to try to build such a category:


This is obtained by starting from a sequent calculus for the fragment {and,true} \{and, true\} of intuitionnistic logic, written in a linear fashion and then removing exchange.

I don’t know whether cut elimination works but I just want to post this here in order that I can come back to this later.

view this post on Zulip Alexis Toumi (Dec 11 2024 at 13:14):

Hey I think I found a way to prove that your statement ()(\star) is actually true: for any pair of objects A,BA, B we can construct a natural isomorphism σAB:ABBA\sigma_{AB} : A \otimes B \to B \otimes A given by (ϵAB)(AϵB)ΔAB(\epsilon_A \otimes B) \otimes (A \otimes \epsilon_B) \circ \Delta_{A \otimes B}, i.e. copy their tensor product then discard the LHS of the LHS and the RHS of the RHS.

Edit: Actually I don't think you can prove σAB\sigma_{AB} is an isomorphism, only that σBAσAB=(AϵB)(ϵAB)ΔAB\sigma_{BA} \circ \sigma_{AB} = (A \otimes \epsilon_B) \otimes (\epsilon_A \otimes B) \circ \Delta_{A \otimes B} but it seems like it's possible for this to be different from the identity.

view this post on Zulip Alexis Toumi (Dec 11 2024 at 14:25):

So we can formulate something like "Every monoidal category (C,,I)(C, \otimes, I) with a pair of natural transformations ΔA:AAA,ϵA:AI\Delta_A : A \to A \otimes A, \epsilon_A : A \to I which is coherent in the sense that ϵAB=ϵAϵB\epsilon_{A \otimes B} = \epsilon_A \otimes \epsilon_B and (AϵB)(ϵAB)ΔAB=idAB(A \otimes \epsilon_B) \otimes (\epsilon_A \otimes B) \circ \Delta_{A \otimes B} = id_{A \otimes B} is a cartesian symmetric monoidal category".

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 11 2024 at 15:33):

Your final statement looks very similar to Proposition 16 (section 6.4) in Categorical semantics of linear logic. In a remark after the proof he says that you can replace comonoid by counital comagma in the proposition. So the only difference with what you write is the ϵAB=ϵAϵB\epsilon_{A \otimes B}=\epsilon_A \otimes \epsilon_B for you vs ϵI=idI\epsilon_I=\mathrm{id}_I for him.

But now that you say you can build this σA,B\sigma_{A,B}, I feel like ()(\star) could be true, maybe. Do you actually use this σA,B\sigma_{A,B} to prove the final statement?

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 11 2024 at 15:38):

On the other hand, finding an example of a category which satisfy ()(\star) but such that the σA,B\sigma_{A,B} are not isomorphisms could be the way to go to disprove ()(\star).

view this post on Zulip Alexis Toumi (Dec 11 2024 at 15:45):

Ha thanks, I think I just rediscovered this proposition 16 for myself! In fact both my condition ϵAB=ϵAϵB\epsilon_{A \otimes B} = \epsilon_A \otimes \epsilon_B and Melies' condition ϵI=idI\epsilon_I = id_I are trivially satisfied: the naturality of ϵ:AI\epsilon : A \to I is equivalent to asking for the monoidal unit II to be a terminal object, from which we can derive these two equations.

view this post on Zulip Alexis Toumi (Dec 11 2024 at 15:50):

My intuition is that it should be possible to construct a counter-example along the lines you suggest, maybe something using the Kleisli category of the writer monad for the monoid of Booleans with disjunction? argh, the comagmas I had in mind don't have a unit

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 22 2024 at 20:09):

I want to write something here in order to archive it. I think this concept should be interesting. The idea is to give a definition in the spirit of differential categories but much closer to usual mathematics, in particular differential algebra (in fact it should be a special case of a basic definition in differential algebra).

I want to define a functional differential ring as a differential ring (R,D)(R,D) together with an associative and unital operation :R×RR\circ:R \times R \rightarrow R such that:

I think we can prove the Faà di Bruno's formula in a functional differential ring. And a consequence of the Faà di Bruno's formula should be that a functional differential ring somehow (I'm not sure what should be the exact definition) admits an (N{})(\mathbb{N} \cup \{\infty\})-filtration by defining kern(D)={rR, Dn+1(r)=0}\mathrm{ker}_n(D)=\{r \in R,~D^{n+1}(r)=0\} (that we could call the subset of polynomials of degree n\le n) because the Faà di Bruno's formula should imply that if fkern(D)f \in \mathrm{ker}_n(D) and gkerp(D)g \in \mathrm{ker}_p(D), then fgkernp(D)f \circ g \in \mathrm{ker}_{np}(D).

The most obvious example of a functional differential ring should be the set of C\mathcal{C}^\infty functions from R\mathbb{R} to R\mathbb{R}.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Dec 22 2024 at 20:50):

It seems like a nice idea. But I'm worried about the law

D(fg)=D(f)D(g) D(f \circ g) = D(f) \circ D(g)

If you define DD on CC^\infty functions from R\mathbb{R} to R\mathbb{R}, and define \circ to be the usual composition of such functions, this says

(fg)=fg (f \circ g)' = f' \circ g'

which seems to be false. Am I confused somehow?

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Dec 22 2024 at 21:00):

Maybe you want D(fg)=(D(f)g)D(g)?D(f \circ g) = (D(f) \circ g) \cdot D(g)?

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 22 2024 at 21:12):

John Baez said:

Maybe you want D(fg)=(D(f)g)D(g)?D(f \circ g) = (D(f) \circ g) \cdot D(g)?

Ahah yes thank you. I wanted to write exactly that.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 22 2024 at 21:13):

(What I wrote would be for the derivative via a tangent bundle functor!)

view this post on Zulip Daniel Geisler (Dec 22 2024 at 22:07):

@Jean-Baptiste Vienney, very interesting. I have some questions. From studying dynamical systems I was struck by dynamics being iterated composition. From reading this forum I get the sense that generalizations of compositions is an active area of research in CT. If so, could a brief summary or reference to these generalizations be provided.

A study of dynamical systems provides number of examples. Can these examples be expressed in terms of composition thus providing a number of examples of composition?

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 22 2024 at 22:09):

What do you want exactly? In category theory composition is not necessarily composition of functions. Examples of categories where composition is not a composition of functions are posets, and also categories of proofs.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 22 2024 at 22:14):

If you want to understand categories of proofs, I would suggest you take a look at the book Categorical semantics of linear logic

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 22 2024 at 22:16):

I don't think there are a lot of prerequisites but it's difficult for me to say since I already knew some math, category theory and (including linear) logic when I opened it (virtually) for the first time.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 22 2024 at 22:20):

Daniel Geisler said:

Jean-Baptiste Vienney, very interesting. I have some questions. From studying dynamical systems I was struck by dynamics being iterated composition. From reading this forum I get the sense that generalizations of compositions is an active area of research in CT. If so, could a brief summary or reference to these generalizations be provided.

A study of dynamical systems provides number of examples. Can these examples be expressed in terms of composition thus providing a number of examples of composition?

If you start with a category C\mathcal{C}, choose an object ACA \in \mathcal{C} and a morphism fC[A,A]f \in \mathcal{C}[A,A], then you can look at the category f\langle f \rangle generated by the morphism ff consisting of the object AA and all the composites fn:AAf^n:A \rightarrow A for any nNn \in \mathbb{N}. That's what dynamical systems + categories make me think to.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 22 2024 at 22:27):

(but I don't know much about dynamical systems)

view this post on Zulip Daniel Geisler (Dec 22 2024 at 22:45):

An nice example of a class of dynamical systems are the dynamical Zeta functions.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 22 2024 at 22:48):

Do you speak of the Zeta function obtained from a dynamical system, as described here?

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 22 2024 at 22:50):

I've found this paper too.

view this post on Zulip Daniel Geisler (Dec 22 2024 at 22:54):

Yes, this paper is the foundation of Ruelle Zeta functions. I don't have any background in Zeta functions, they just came to mind as an interesting example of a family of dynamical systems.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 22 2024 at 22:55):

Fixed point are important in computer science and I think there have work combining fixed points and differential categories which are much related to computer science and what I'm mainly working on so it sounds definitely interesting to me to learn about these Zeta functions obtained from fixed points.

view this post on Zulip Daniel Geisler (Dec 22 2024 at 23:26):

If you haven't heard of Ernst Schröder, you will love him. He wrote the first true paper on complex dynamics where fixed points are the cornerstone. My research in the combinatorics of dynamics focuses on Schröder's Fourth Problem which he wrote a few years later. Then he moved on to logic and was a major supporter of Pierce.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 22 2024 at 23:37):

Are you thinking to this paper: Ueber iterirte Functionen?

view this post on Zulip Daniel Geisler (Dec 22 2024 at 23:46):

I often think about composition in terms of its combinatorial properties and set partitions. Bell diagrams are a nice way to visualize composition. As opposed to iterated functions which can algebraically be expanded out indefinitely, recursive set partitions terminate. I define Schröder diagrams as recursive Bell diagrams.

See my page about partitions diagrams.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Dec 23 2024 at 00:53):

Returning to @Jean-Baptiste Vienney's notion of 'functional differential ring', I think it's a very nice idea.

An example is the polynomial algebra R[x]R[x] for any commutative ring RR, where we differentiate and compose polynomials in the usual way. Indeed I conjecture that Z[x]\mathbb{Z}[x] is the free functional differential ring on one generator. This might be fun to show - and if it's true, it should be very easy.

view this post on Zulip Daniel Geisler (Dec 23 2024 at 00:54):

I now think that connecting composition to dynamics is not going to work in determining composition from knowledge of a dynamical system. The Riemann zeta function is a good example of a function that could be a dynamical system. But even though much in known about the Riemann zeta function, to my knowledge no one has determined the function that must be iterated to produce the zeta function.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 23 2024 at 01:17):

John Baez said:

Returning to Jean-Baptiste Vienney's notion of 'functional differential ring', I think it's a very nice idea.

An example is the polynomial algebra R[x]R[x] for any commutative ring RR, where we differentiate and compose polynomials in the usual way. Indeed I conjecture that Z[x]\mathbb{Z}[x] is the free functional differential ring on one generator. This might be fun to show - and if it's true, it should be very easy.

It seems plausible. So we want to show that for every functional differential ring RR with an element rRr \in R there exists a unique morphism ϕ\phi of functional differential ring from Z[x]\mathbb{Z}[x] to RR such that ϕ(x)=r\phi(x)=r, right?

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 23 2024 at 01:20):

We already know that Z[x]\mathbb{Z}[x] is the free ring on one generator so all we have to check is that the unique ring homomorphism ϕ\phi obtained in this way preserves composition and derivation I guess.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 23 2024 at 01:23):

By the way, this unique ϕ\phi sends f(x)f(x) to f(r)f(r).

view this post on Zulip Daniel Geisler (Dec 23 2024 at 01:35):

I did a search for set partitions in OEIS and then searched for "category". I found one hit, # Updown categories: Generating functions and universal covers

A poset can be regarded as a category in which there is at most one morphism between objects, and such that at most one of Hom(c,c') and Hom(c',c) is nonempty for distinct objects c,c'. If we keep in place the latter axiom but allow for more than one morphism between objects, we have a sort of generalized poset in which there are multiplicities attached to covering relations, and possibly nontrivial automorphism groups. We call such a category an "updown category". In this paper we give a precise definition of such categories and develop a theory for them. We also give a detailed account of ten examples, including updown categories of integer partitions, integer compositions, planar rooted trees, and rooted trees.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Dec 23 2024 at 01:59):

Jean-Baptiste Vienney said:

We already know that Z[x]\mathbb{Z}[x] is the free ring on one generator so all we have to check is that the unique ring homomorphism ϕ\phi obtained in this way preserves composition and derivation I guess.

Right. But whoops, I was being silly: the derivative of xx is 11, so Z[x]\mathbb{Z}[x] can't be the free differential ring on xx, or the free functional differential ring on xx. For example, there's no map of differential rings from Z[x]\mathbb{Z}[x] to C(R)C^\infty(\mathbb{R}) sending xx to sinx\sin x.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Dec 23 2024 at 02:01):

So the free functional differential ring on one generator xx needs to have infinitely many distinct elements that are the iterated derivatives of xx - we could call them x,x,x,x, x', x'', etcetera - and then lots of elements like xxx' \circ x'', obeying no relations except those imposed by the definition of 'functional differential ring'.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Dec 23 2024 at 02:02):

So I realize I don't even know what the free commutative differential ring on one generator is. Is it the polynomial ring on infinitely many commuting generators x,x,x,x,x, x', x'', x''', \dots?

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Dec 23 2024 at 02:02):

Anyway, for any algebraic gadget it's fun to think about the free such gadget on one generator.

view this post on Zulip Rémy Tuyéras (Dec 23 2024 at 02:10):

John Baez said:

So I realize I don't even know what the free commutative differential ring on one generator is. Is it the polynomial ring on infinitely many commuting generators x,x,x,x,x, x', x'', x''', \dots?

I guess now the real question for the problem at hand seems to be whether the free commutative differential ring is quotiented by the Faà di Bruno formula in some implicit way or just by obvious relations of the form x(n)x(m)=x(n+m)x^{(n)} \circ x^{(m)} = x^{(n+m)}

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Dec 23 2024 at 02:15):

I think that equation is not quite right. The (m+n)th derivative of a polynomial, for example, is not its mth derivative composed with its nth derivative.

view this post on Zulip Rémy Tuyéras (Dec 23 2024 at 02:16):

Yeah, I was thinking about compositions rather than the derivatives since the composition is now part of the theory

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Dec 23 2024 at 02:20):

Oh, were you using x(m)x^{(m)} mean the mth composite of x with itself? People usually use that notation to mean mth derivative.

view this post on Zulip Todd Trimble (Dec 23 2024 at 02:21):

John Baez said:

So I realize I don't even know what the free commutative differential ring on one generator is. Is it the polynomial ring on infinitely many commuting generators x,x,x,x,x, x', x'', x''', \dots?

Yes, for the usual notion of differential ring, with the number of ^\prime strokes indicating the order of derivative of the formal variable xx.

The linearity and Leibnitz rules provide a distributive law DFFDDF \to FD where DD is the monad for the theory of an unary operator (i.e., the monad N×\mathbb{N} \times -) which here is to be interpreted as the derivative, and FF is the free commutative ring monad. It then follows that the free commutative differential ring on a set SS is F(N×S)F(\mathbb{N} \times S).

view this post on Zulip Rémy Tuyéras (Dec 23 2024 at 02:26):

Yes, I admit that's a bit confusing considering existing conventions.

I was initially assuming we might need to consider some set Y={yn  nN}Y = \{y_{n}~|~n \in \mathbb{N}\} and start with Z[Y]/{ynym=yn+m}\mathbb{Z}[Y]/\{y_{n} \circ y_{m} = y_{n + m}\} and figure out some more relations to quotient (and maybe some more variables) somehow, but since the derivative is also part of the theory and is not commutative with the composition, we might need more indices I guess

view this post on Zulip Rémy Tuyéras (Dec 23 2024 at 02:29):

I bet those indices might be related to the bell polynomials :thinking:

view this post on Zulip Todd Trimble (Dec 23 2024 at 03:07):

It looks like the free functional differential ring is a composition GDGD where again D=N×D = \mathbb{N} \times - as in my previous comment, and GG is the free "functional ring" monad where the theory is generated by operations 0,1,+,,,0, 1, +, -, \cdot, \circ, and maybe Jean-Baptiste would like to include a constant II which plays the role of identity for \circ, subject to the usual axioms for commutative rings, and axioms that say that the unary operations f- \circ f are ring homomorphisms. Presumably also Jean-Baptiste, if he wants to include II, would also want an axiom I=1I' = 1 (which would be included in the distributive law DGGDDG \to GD.

But free functional rings look kind of complicated.

view this post on Zulip Todd Trimble (Dec 23 2024 at 03:12):

Oh, I see Jean-Baptiste said \circ is unital, so there's your II. (But perhaps I=1I' = 1 needs to be added to the list.)

view this post on Zulip Todd Trimble (Dec 23 2024 at 03:20):

Here's another thing: there's something called Hadamard's lemma, about the ring of CC^\infty functions f:RRf: \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}. It says that for any such ff and any aRa \in \mathbb{R}, there's a unique CC^\infty function gg such that

f(x)=f(a)+(xa)g(x)f(x) = f(a) + (x - a)g(x)

This is something that can be formulated in the language of functional rings as it stands so far, so might it be worth considering as an axiom? In connection with this, I'm reminded of this MO post.

view this post on Zulip Rémy Tuyéras (Dec 23 2024 at 03:26):

Just to put @Todd Trimble's suggestion into perspective, we have:

D(I)=D(II)=D(I)(D(I)I)=D(I)2D(I) = D(I \circ I) = D(I) \cdot (D(I) \circ I) = D(I)^2 hence D(I)(D(I)1)=0D(I)(D(I)-1) = 0.

And if D(I)=0D(I) = 0 then D(f)=D(fI)=D(I)(D(f)I)=0D(f) = D(f \circ I) = D(I)\cdot (D(f)\circ I) = 0

So if DD is non-zero , we must have D(I)0D(I) \neq 0 and if we assume D(I)1D(I) \neq 1, then 00 has non-zero divisors.

This would probably go against the "functional" intuition.

view this post on Zulip Todd Trimble (Dec 23 2024 at 03:52):

Another development that's sort of related is this old n-Category Cafe post by John.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 23 2024 at 04:25):

I agree we should add D(I)=1D(I)=1 to the list. I would define the free functional differential ring on one object R\mathcal{R} by induction:

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 23 2024 at 04:25):

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 23 2024 at 04:27):

Well now it’s not that simple

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 23 2024 at 04:29):

I don’t want to say: both if fRf \in \mathcal{R}, then fRf’ \in \mathcal{R} and if f,gRf,g \in \mathcal{R}, then fgRf \circ g \in \mathcal{R} since I don’t want to have (xx)(x \circ x)’ but only (xx)x(x’ \circ x) \cdot x’

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 23 2024 at 04:32):

I think we could define the « words on xx, DD, ++, \circ, \cdot, II, 11, 00, - » then define a rewriting system \rightsquigarrow on these words and define R\mathcal{R} as the set of words in normal form for this rewriting system i.e. those that we can’t reduce.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 23 2024 at 04:34):

The rewriting system would apply the usual rule of simplification for differentiable functions

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Dec 23 2024 at 04:49):

Since your functional differential rings are described by a [[Lawvere theory]] - that is, a bunch of operations obeying equational laws - we know that a free functional differential ring exists on any set of generators. So we don't need to develop a rewriting system to get that. We might want a confluent terminating rewriting system to describe the free functional different ring on one or more generators in an "explicit" way, as a set of normal forms.

Here's another approach, sort of weird:

Conjecture. For all functions fC(R)f \in C^\infty(\mathbb{R}) except those in a meager set (a countable union of nowhere dense sets), the functional differential ring generated by ff is the free functional differential ring on one generator.

Here we could use the Whitney topology on C(R)C^\infty(\mathbb{R}), which has the advantage that the complement of a meager set is dense.

In other words: the derivatives and composites of most smooth functions f:RRf : \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R} don't obey any special relations that can be stated in the language of functional differential rings.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Dec 23 2024 at 04:56):

We might be able to prove the conjecture if we use the fact that there are just countably many equations that we need to prevent ff from obeying. Then, we'd need to show that equation holds only for ff in some nowhere dense set.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Dec 23 2024 at 04:56):

But this is only a fun challenge for people who like analysis!

view this post on Zulip Daniel Geisler (Dec 23 2024 at 05:29):

@Rémy Tuyéras Regarding Bell polynomials, I have found the chapter on partition polynomials (Bell polynomials) in Riordan's Combinatorial Identities to be quite helpful. The numerous examples of Bell polynomials and their identities are helpful for getting a good feel for working with the odd indexing needs of Bell polynomials. Comtet's Advanced Combinatorics is also a good resource for Bell Polynomials.

view this post on Zulip Rémy Tuyéras (Dec 23 2024 at 11:29):

For a description of the free functional differential ring, I would probably have the following as a candidate:

S={(s0,,sn)  n0,siN}S = \{(s_0,\dots,s_n)~|~n \geq 0,\, s_i \in \mathbb{N}\} with (s0,,sn)=n|(s_0,\dots,s_n)| = n

Y={ys,t  sS,tS,s=t,i:si>0,j:tj=0tj+10}Y = \{y_{s,t}~|~s \in S,\,t \in S,\,|s| = |t|,\,\forall i: s_i > 0, \forall j: t_j = 0 \Rightarrow t_{j+1} \neq 0\}

where we interpret ys,ty_{s,t} as i=1n(fsi)(ti)\bigcirc_{i=1}^n (f^{\circ s_i}) ^{(t_i)}

F=Z[Y]/({ys,tyu,v=ysu,tv}+Faaˋ di Bruno’s formula)F = \mathbb{Z}[Y] / \big(\{y_{s,t} \circ y_{u,v} = y_{s \cdot u, t \cdot v}\}+\textrm{Faà di Bruno's formula}\big)

For example, we would have relations as follows:

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 23 2024 at 15:44):

Do you define (s0,,sn)=s0++sn|(s_0,\dots,s_n)|=s_0+\dots+s_n?

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 23 2024 at 16:13):

@Rémy Tuyéras

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 23 2024 at 16:27):

Oh no, ok, I get it. It’s just that s=(s0,,sn)=n|s|=|(s_0,\dots,s_n)|=n.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 23 2024 at 16:49):

Some remarks:

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 23 2024 at 17:14):

There is an issue: you can’t write f(f+f’’)f’ \circ (f+f’’) in your FF

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 23 2024 at 17:15):

Oh no sorry, you can.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 23 2024 at 17:18):

No, you can’t. It would be y(1),(1)(y(1),(0)+y(1),(2))y_{(1),(1)} \circ (y_{(1),(0)} + y_{(1),(2)}).

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 23 2024 at 17:34):

Here is my very simple-minded approach.

Step 1: Define a set YY by induction as follows:

Step 2: Define an equivalence relation RR induced by all the equations in the definition of functional differential ring.

Step 3: Define F=Y/RF=Y/R.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 23 2024 at 17:36):

Perhaps there is a simpler representation of FF but I'm not sure we can do much better.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 23 2024 at 17:39):

Now I'm intrigued by what would be the definition of a "functional differential ideal"?

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 23 2024 at 17:40):

Probably we can quotient a functional differential ring by some kind of system of differential equations.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 23 2024 at 17:41):

And we can use composition in the differential equations: for instance fg=0f' \circ g=0.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 23 2024 at 17:44):

But I'm now sure we can keep all the structure if the equations are not very simple. Maybe we can just hope to get a ring at the end most of the time. In this case, there is no need to use more than the usual definition of ideal.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 23 2024 at 17:46):

Oh, no. We should get a just module for the solutions of system of differential equations.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 23 2024 at 17:47):

Not even a module if we use composition I think, just a set ahah.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 23 2024 at 17:58):

I think we could start with more generators and add more relations: for instance if you add the relation f=ff'=f, you should get the "functional differential ring generated by the exponential".

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 23 2024 at 19:59):

I've just proved the first isomorphism theorem for functional differential rings. It seriously feels magical. It seems that all usual abstract algebra facts work in this setup :)

view this post on Zulip Chris Barrett (Jan 15 2025 at 16:23):

Hey Jean-Baptiste! I have been toying with the idea recently of developing a variant of (graded) differential linear logic with an exponential based on the exterior algebra functor rather than the symmetric algebra functor. After a bit of googling, I saw you mentioned something along these lines in one of your talks and elsewhere on this forum. I'm curious if you had any progress or noticed any problems along these lines?

Initially I thought the graded (anti-)commutativity might be problematic to axiomatize, but graded DiLL may help solve this problem. I'm interested in developing a sequent calculus (and so computational interpretation via cut elimination); it's not yet perfectly clear to me how anti-commutativity might play with proof equivalence via cut-elimination, but I have some hope it's not an insurmountable problem.

The main issue I have is that I saw elsewhere that you said the exterior algebra functor doesn't give a (comonoidal) monad (or, say, an algebra modality), but I couldn't quite work out what failed. The tensor algebra functor is a (comonoidal) monad, so I would have thought that it remains a monad after the quotienting needed to get the exterior algebra functor. But maybe I've missed something!

(Note, I don't want to step on your toes if you're actively working on this -- I'm currently playing around more for my personal interest than for the purposes of publication.)

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jan 15 2025 at 17:52):

Hi @Chris Barrett !

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jan 15 2025 at 17:53):

I’m not working actively on this but we could work together. @Federica Pasqualone was excited about this idea too so we can all discuss together.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jan 15 2025 at 17:54):

I’m not sure whether the exterior algebra functor can be comonad or not but I think it can’t be a monad.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jan 15 2025 at 17:57):

The issue is that the compositions maps (An)pAnp(A^{\otimes n})^{\otimes p} \rightarrow A^{\otimes np} don’t pass to the quotient to give maps Λn(Λp(A))ΛnpA\Lambda^n(\Lambda^p(A)) \rightarrow \Lambda^{np}A for all nn and pp.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jan 15 2025 at 17:59):

It works only for some parities of nn and pp (i.e. odd/odd or even/even etc… I don’t remember which ones)

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jan 15 2025 at 18:00):

Now you can maybe get something by defining the composition to be 00 when the parities are not as you want

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jan 15 2025 at 18:01):

You also have two definitions for the exterior powers.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jan 15 2025 at 18:02):

As a quotient (coequalizer of all the signed permutations) or as a subspace (equalizer of all these signed permutations)

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jan 15 2025 at 18:03):

Perhaps they are isomorphic I’m not sure

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jan 15 2025 at 18:04):

For symmetric powers, the equalizers and coequalizers are isomorphic for vector spaces over a field of characteristic 00

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jan 15 2025 at 18:06):

This composition question is one difficulty

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jan 15 2025 at 18:07):

Now giving a sequent calculus for a *-autonomous category with a graded family of functors which give graded-commutative algebras / coalgebras without the monad/comonad should works well I guess

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jan 15 2025 at 18:08):

Anyway, I would be excited to finally clarify all this

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jan 15 2025 at 18:19):

Also, about cut-elimination: you’re right that anticommutativity is a challenge but I think it will precisely be solved by having a graded modality

view this post on Zulip Federica Pasqualone (Jan 15 2025 at 20:54):

What's going on here? Ah yes, this business is very interesting! Happy New Year guys! :upside_down:

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jan 15 2025 at 21:09):

@Federica Pasqualone , do you know functors FF from Vec\mathbf{Vec} to Vec\mathbf{Vec} such that every F(A)F(A) is a graded-commutative graded algebra (or better: bialgebra) but not the exterior algebra on AA?

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jan 15 2025 at 21:10):

I think you know more graded-commutative stuff than me, that’s why I’m asking

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jan 15 2025 at 21:38):

I don’t know if the forgetful functor from the category of graded-commutative N\mathbb{N}-graded algebras to the category of vector spaces has a left adjoint (the exterior algebra functor?) but apparently the forgetful functor from the category of graded-commutative N\mathbb{N}-graded algebras to the category of N\mathbb{N}-graded vector spaces has one which looks funny:

view this post on Zulip Chris Barrett (Jan 16 2025 at 10:13):

Thanks for the quick and thoughtful response!
Jean-Baptiste Vienney said:

The issue is that the compositions maps (An)pAnp(A^{\otimes n})^{\otimes p} \rightarrow A^{\otimes np} don’t pass to the quotient to give maps Λn(Λp(A))ΛnpA\Lambda^n(\Lambda^p(A)) \rightarrow \Lambda^{np}A for all nn and pp.

Aha, very interesting. I will take some time to think about this. At any rate, I think you're right that we could proceed with an axiomatisation as something weaker than a monad. Cut elimination can be a delicate property, and there may be some subtle design decisions needed to make something that works, but agree it should be possible -- and I'm wondering if we could then extract an analogue of the resource lambda-calculus for the system.

In the meantime, perhaps I can say something about how I came to thinking about this. I recently left academia and have found I have a lot more spare time to learn interesting mathematics I never could have justified before. In particular, I've been looking into fundamental physics -- special and general relativity and quantum mechanics/field theory. In particular I'm interested in relating this stuff to category theory -- differential linear logic/categories, tangent categories, CQM -- which I am already quite familiar with given my background.

In particular, then, I've been learning some differential geometry which lead me to thinking about the exterior algebra. Another couple of operators which I think would be interesting to axiomatize would be the Hodge star (assuming now an inner product space semantics -- possibly abstracted as a dagger category, or else an isomorphism V=VV = V^*) and exterior derivative, both of which would seem sensible next-steps given an abstraction of the exterior algebra. The reason being that the combination of these operators gives an abstraction of the divergence, gradient, curl. I'm still learning this stuff, though, and ultimately this direction would seem to dovetail with tangent categories, which I'm still new to thinking about.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jan 16 2025 at 13:00):

If you have a codifferential category C,!,\mathcal{C},!,\dots (i.e. Cop\mathcal{C}^{op} is a differential category) and a graded-commutative N\mathbb{N}-graded algebra modality (Λn:CC)n0(\Lambda^n:\mathcal{C} \rightarrow \mathcal{C})_{n \ge 0} (i.e. you have natural transformations which make each (Λn(A))n0(\Lambda^n(A))_{n \ge 0} into a graded-commutative N\mathbb{N}-graded algebra), then you can define the exterior derivative like this:

!AΛn(A)dA1!A \otimes \Lambda^n(A) \overset{d_A \otimes 1}{\longrightarrow}
!AAΛn(A)1γ!A \otimes A \otimes \Lambda^n(A) \overset{1 \otimes \gamma}{\longrightarrow}
!AΛn(A)A1multn,1!AΛn+1(A)!A \otimes \Lambda^n(A) \otimes A \overset{1 \otimes \mathrm{mult}_{n,1}}{\longrightarrow} !A \otimes \Lambda^{n+1}(A)

If you add these Λn\Lambda^n to a sequent calculus for codifferential categories, then you should be able to write a proof which is the exterior derivative of differential nn-forms :)

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jan 16 2025 at 13:08):

Adding the Hodge star to this is an exciting idea. It’s more intimidating to me for at least two reasons:

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jan 16 2025 at 13:19):

Of course here we’re talking about differential forms on vector spaces and not manifolds but this is what we will get if we start with linear logic

view this post on Zulip Chris Barrett (Jan 17 2025 at 12:12):

Jean-Baptiste Vienney said:

If you have a codifferential category C,!,\mathcal{C},!,\dots (i.e. Cop\mathcal{C}^{op} is a differential category) and a graded-commutative N\mathbb{N}-graded algebra modality (Λn:CC)n0(\Lambda^n:\mathcal{C} \rightarrow \mathcal{C})_{n \ge 0} (i.e. you have natural transformations which make each (Λn(A))n0(\Lambda^n(A))_{n \ge 0} into a graded-commutative N\mathbb{N}-graded algebra), then you can define the exterior derivative like this:

!AΛn(A)dA1!A \otimes \Lambda^n(A) \overset{d_A \otimes 1}{\longrightarrow}
!AAΛn(A)1γ!A \otimes A \otimes \Lambda^n(A) \overset{1 \otimes \gamma}{\longrightarrow}
!AΛn(A)A1multn,1!AΛn+1(A)!A \otimes \Lambda^n(A) \otimes A \overset{1 \otimes \mathrm{mult}_{n,1}}{\longrightarrow} !A \otimes \Lambda^{n+1}(A)

If you add these Λn\Lambda^n to a sequent calculus for codifferential categories, then you should be able to write a proof which is the exterior derivative of differential nn-forms :)

Oh wow, that's interesting! I was going to ask if there were any interesting interactions between !! and Λ\Lambda. This is very cool.

view this post on Zulip Chris Barrett (Jan 17 2025 at 12:13):

Jean-Baptiste Vienney said:

Adding the Hodge star to this is an exciting idea. It’s more intimidating to me for at least two reasons:

Ah yes, initially I was imagining a calculus without the usual exponential !! and with Λ\Lambda instead, in which case we could presumably just take finite dimensional models. But this may then lead to problems including the exterior derivative in the way you just described.

view this post on Zulip Chris Barrett (Jan 17 2025 at 12:14):

Thanks. You've given me plenty to think about here.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jan 20 2025 at 21:26):

The other day, I sent a title and abstract to my supervisor to give a talk at the logic seminar of uOttawa presenting the idea of functional differential ring. Then, I got two other ideas I'm excited about!

1) Given an algebraic theory T\mathcal{T} (in the sense of universal algebra), I would like to give a sequent calculus, with cut elimination which build morphisms in the category of T\mathcal{T}-algebras. (or more generally the category of T\mathcal{T}-algebras in any cartesian category). But it requires to give an orientation to the equations. So I'm wondering whether we could not define a notion of "directed algebraic theory" and whether we can't give a sequent calculus associated to every directed algebraic theory.

2) Given a category C\mathcal{C} with finite products, I would like to look at all the natural transformations of the type A×nA×pA^{\times n} \rightarrow A^{\times p} and then at the equations statisfied by combining them. I would want to give a symbol for each of these natural transformations and then look at all the equations satisfied by combining these symbols by using products and composition. I hope that I could associate an algebraic theory TC\mathcal{T}_\mathcal{C} to any cartesian category C\mathcal{C} in this way. Then I would want to look at a forgetful functor U:CAlgTCU:\mathcal{C} \rightarrow \mathrm{Alg}_{\mathcal{T}_\mathcal{C}} defined by UC(A)=AlgTC[,A]U_\mathcal{C}(A)=\mathrm{Alg}_{\mathcal{T}_\mathcal{C}}[\top,A]. And I would want that C\mathcal{C} is isomorphic to a variety of algebras iff UCU_\mathcal{C} is an isomorphism in Cat\mathbf{Cat} which preserves products (or something close to this).

It must be easier to understand this idea once you realize that the fact that A×AAA \times A \rightarrow A which does (a,b)ab(a,b) \mapsto ab is a natural transformation in Grp\mathbf{Grp} means exactly that group homomorphisms preserve the multiplication for instance. Starting from this observation, I hope that analyzing all such natural transformations in a cartesian category would reveal the underlying algebraic structure. For instance, if we take C\mathcal{C} to be the category of topological monoids, I would like TC\mathcal{T}_\mathcal{C} to be the algebraic theory of monoids etc... Still thinking about whether this idea really makes sense and how to organize it.

view this post on Zulip Nathanael Arkor (Jan 20 2025 at 22:20):

Regarding (1), I think that you're essentially describing the notion of "algebraic 2-theory", which is a 2-categorical generalisation of algebraic theories. Perhaps a place to start looking is Yanofsky's The Syntax of Coherence.

view this post on Zulip Nathanael Arkor (Jan 20 2025 at 22:25):

Regarding (2), I think a key phrase is "structure and semantics". In his thesis, Lawvere defined a (partial) functor CAT/SetAlgTh\mathrm{CAT}/\mathrm{Set} \to \mathrm{AlgTh} (called the "structure" functor), which constructs the algebraic theory for which the forgetful functor from the category of algebras best approximates the given functor. One nice introduction to these ideas is Faro–Kelly's On the canonical algebraic structure of a category.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jan 20 2025 at 22:27):

Thanks! I’ll take a look at these two papers.

view this post on Zulip Nathanael Arkor (Jan 20 2025 at 22:28):

If you take the forgetful functor from the category of groups to sets, then the induced algebraic theory is precisely the theory of groups. However, if you take the forgetful functor from the category of topological groups to topological spaces, I would not be surprised if you don't get precisely the category of groups, because I would imagine there are operations/equations satisfied by every topological group that are not satisfied by every set group (though I haven't thought about it in any detail).

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Jan 20 2025 at 22:28):

If an algebraic theory is a category with finite products, and an algebraic 2-theory is a 2-category with finite products (I don't know if that's what Nathaniel is referring to), Jean-Baptiste might enjoy thinking about algebraic 1½-theories, i.e. 1½-categories with finite products - by which I mean poset-enriched categories with finite products. This is enough to talk about 'directed' equations, i.e. rewrite rules.

(I am jokingly using '1½-category' to mean poset-enriched category, also known as a [[posetal category]]. They sit somewhere between 1-categories and full-fledged 2-categories. But this is just a joke, not a serious piece of terminology - and you shouldn't mix them up with [[sesquicategories]].)

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jan 20 2025 at 22:58):

Nathanael Arkor said:

Regarding (2), I think a key phrase is "structure and semantics". In his thesis, Lawvere defined a (partial) functor CAT/SetAlgTh\mathrm{CAT}/\mathrm{Set} \to \mathrm{AlgTh} (called the "structure" functor), which constructs the algebraic theory for which the forgetful functor from the category of algebras best approximates the given functor. One nice introduction to these ideas is Faro–Kelly's On the canonical algebraic structure of a category.

Regarding this paper, I’m wondering if we could talk about « the canonical algebraic structure of a monoidal category ». For instance in the category of kk-algebras, you have a natural transformation AAAA \otimes A \rightarrow A which gives the multiplication and you can’t see it at the cartesian level.

view this post on Zulip Nathanael Arkor (Jan 20 2025 at 22:59):

Note that with the preordered approach, you won't be able to describe the rewriting theory of things like commutative monoids, which have non-unique rewrites between given pairs of terms.

view this post on Zulip Nathanael Arkor (Jan 20 2025 at 22:59):

If you're interested in monoidal structure rather than cartesian structure, then I imagine you would need to develop a theory of structure and semantics for PROs, or similar. I'm not aware of anyone who has done something like this.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jan 20 2025 at 23:20):

I don’t know if we’re thinking about the same thing regarding rewriting for monoids.

What I’m interested in would be to rewrite proofs such as one of type (AxB)x(AxB)AxB(AxB)x(AxB) \vdash AxB which representing the natural transformation (a,b),(a,b)(aa,bb)(a,b),(a’,b’) \mapsto (aa’,bb’) in the category of monoids. So we would have a logic with connectors ×,+,1,0\times,+,1,0 for products and coproducts and inference rules:

I’m not thinking to a rewriting systems on a monoid presented by generators and relations.

view this post on Zulip Nathanael Arkor (Jan 20 2025 at 23:36):

I'm not sure I follow. I would have expected the natural transformation you describe to correspond to terms: a,b,a,baaa, b, a', b' \vdash a * a' and a,b,a,bbba, b, a', b' \vdash b * b'. I don't understand why there's no repetition of AA or BB on the right-hand side of your turnstile.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jan 20 2025 at 23:43):

It represents the multiplication map of a monoid A×BA\times B so a natural transformation from (A×B)×(A×B)(A \times B) \times (A \times B) to A×BA \times B (in the category of monoids). There is no repetition of AA and BB on the right of \vdash because of the multiplications.

view this post on Zulip Nathanael Arkor (Jan 21 2025 at 01:27):

Oh, but if AA and BB are monoids, then the terms a:A,b:B,a:A,b:Baa:Aa : A, b : B, a' : A, b' : B \vdash a * a' : A and a:A,b:B,a:A,b:Bbb:Ba : A, b : B, a' : A, b' : B\vdash b * b' : B precisely correspond to this multiplication operation on A×BA \times B.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jan 21 2025 at 01:52):

And can you combine them into
a:A,b:B,a:A,b:B(aa,bb):A×Ba:A,b:B,a’:A,b’:B \vdash (a*a’,b*b’):A \times B?

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jan 21 2025 at 01:52):

And what about coproduct of monoids?

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jan 21 2025 at 01:54):

I’m not sure you can describe the universal property of the coproduct in your way

view this post on Zulip Nathanael Arkor (Jan 21 2025 at 05:27):

It does sound like you have something different in mind; I'll be curious to see what it looks like in more detail when you've worked it out.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jan 21 2025 at 11:47):

If you can do a logic like this for monoids, it should be something like a logic of the category of monoids and more maps than just homomorphisms of monoids (maybe we could say « monomial maps »).

There are things in linear logic that you can’t do, that here you could do. For instance, in linear logic you can do ?A?A×?A?A \rightarrow ?A \times ?A which does x(x,x)x \mapsto (x,x) and then ?A?A?A?A \otimes ?A \rightarrow ?A which does (x,y)xy(x,y) \rightarrow xy but you can’t compose the two because of types.

Here you should be able to do AA×AA \rightarrow A \times A which does x(x,x)x \mapsto (x,x) followed by A×AAA \times A \rightarrow A which does (x,y)xy(x,y) \rightarrow xy giving a map AAA \rightarrow A which does xx2x \mapsto x^2.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jan 21 2025 at 17:58):

I just received the book by Niles Johnson and Donald Yau that @Niles Johnson sent me!! 465746ED-88AA-4AFC-9B82-701B29FD6ACB.jpg


view this post on Zulip Niles Johnson (Jan 21 2025 at 19:47):

that's great!! I'm really glad it finally made it to you :)

view this post on Zulip Mike Shulman (Jan 22 2025 at 03:21):

John Baez said:

I am jokingly using '1½-category' to mean poset-enriched category, also known as a [[posetal category]]. They sit somewhere between 1-categories and full-fledged 2-categories. But this is just a joke, not a serious piece of terminology.

As you probably know, some more serious terminology in this vein is [[(1,2)-category]].

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jan 22 2025 at 12:16):

I didn’t know. Thanks!

view this post on Zulip Mike Shulman (Jan 22 2025 at 15:03):

(By "you" I meant John.)

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Jan 22 2025 at 15:03):

Ok :sweat_smile:

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 23 2025 at 22:03):

I may have found a variant of the notion of tensor product of modules.

Let RR be a commutative ring and let E,FE,F be two RR-modules.

For every RR-module GG, say that a function f:E×FGf:E \times F \rightarrow G is left linear if for all a,bEa,b \in E, cFc \in F and λR\lambda \in R, we have

Does there exists an RR-module EFE \triangleleft F with a left linear map ϕ:E×FEF\phi:E \times F \rightarrow E \triangleleft F such that for every left linear map f:E×FGf:E \times F \rightarrow G, there exists a unique left linear map g:EFGg:E \triangleleft F \rightarrow G satisfying f=ϕgf=\phi \circ g?

Well... Define EFE \triangleleft F has the quotient of F(E×F)\mathcal{F}(E \times F) the free RR-module on E×FE \times F by the sub RR-module spanned by the (λa,c)λ(a,c)(\lambda a,c)-\lambda(a,c) and the (a+b,c)(a,c)(b,c)(a+b,c)-(a,c)-(b,c). We get a quotient map ϕ:E×FEF\phi:E \times F \rightarrow E \triangleleft F which is left linear. Write ab:=f(a,b)a \bullet b :=f(a,b).

Define g:EFGg: E \triangleleft F \rightarrow G as the unique linear map such that g(ab)=f(a,b)g(a \bullet b)=f(a,b). This is well-defined by left linearity of gg.

I guess everything works fine, EFE \triangleleft F is unique up to isomorphism...

Why do I care about that?

The composition map C(R)×C(R)C(R)\mathcal{C}^\infty(\mathbb{R}) \times \mathcal{C}^\infty(\mathbb{R}) \rightarrow \mathcal{C}^\infty(\mathbb{R}) is left linear, the evaluation map C(R)×RR\mathcal{C}^\infty(\mathbb{R}) \times \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R} is left linear.

If everything works fine, we should be able to see them as linear map C(R)C(R)C(R)\mathcal{C}^\infty(\mathbb{R}) \triangleleft \mathcal{C}^\infty(\mathbb{R}) \rightarrow \mathcal{C}^\infty(\mathbb{R}) and C(R)RR\mathcal{C}^\infty(\mathbb{R}) \triangleleft \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}.

In fact, I thought about this while looking at a "functional differential operads" which axiomatize calculus on the family of the C(Rn,R)\mathcal{C}^\infty(\mathbb{R}^n,\mathbb{R}) for n1n \ge 1. This is the multivariate version of a functional differential ring. It seems that we can build a functional differential operad from every functional differential ring by using the idea that C(Rn,R)C(R,R)^n\mathcal{C}^\infty(\mathbb{R}^n,\mathbb{R}) \simeq \mathcal{C}^\infty(\mathbb{R},\mathbb{R})^{\hat{\otimes} n} (which is actually a theorem). Then I was thinking to whether every functional differential operad arises in this way and this idea of left tensor product somehow came to my mind.

I can't talk much about this now because I have two midterms in a few days but I was not able to resist sharing this. In fact that's almost impossible to me not to share ideas which seems really cool with other people, else I feel they are going to make me crazy! so I write something here to avoid an implosion of my brain.

view this post on Zulip Mike Shulman (Feb 24 2025 at 00:23):

Yes, that's right! However, notice that in the definition of left linearity, and the construction of EFE\triangleleft F, you didn't use the RR-module structure on FF at all. So FF could have been just a set. Now from this perspective, a left linear map E×FGE\times F \to G is equivalently a set-function FhomR(E,G)F \to \hom_R(E,G), and so EFE\triangleleft F is the [[copower]] of EE by the set FF in RR-modules, or equivalently the coproduct of FF copies of EE.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Feb 24 2025 at 00:25):

Ok, not surprising that it already has a name! That’s cool. I’ve already seen this word “copower”. Now, I will remember it!