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Topic: groupoid of objects equipped with automorphism

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Dec 12 2024 at 17:58):

Suppose you have a groupoid XX. Then there's groupoid A(X)A(X) where

What are some good ways to think about this construction, or interesting facts about it?

Some initial thoughts:

  1. We can get a groupoid this way if XX is any category, but it only depends on the underlying groupoid of that category, called its [[core groupoid]], so we might as well just talk about groupoids.
  2. A(X)A(X) is the subcategory of the [[arrow category]] of XX where the objects are only endo-arrows and the morphisms are only pairs of arrows that are equal.
  3. When XX is the one-object groupoid corresponding to a group GG, A(X)A(X) is the groupoid whose objects are group elements and whose morphisms f:ghf: g \to h are group elements such that fgf1=hf g f^{-1} = h. It's the [[weak quotient]] of GG by itself, where it acts on itself by conjugation, so it's often called G//GG//G. Since GG acts on itself as group automorphisms, G//GG//G is actually a [[2-group]], called the [[inner automorphism 2-group]] of GG.

view this post on Zulip Mike Shulman (Dec 12 2024 at 18:00):

A(X)A(X) is also the [[powering]] of XX by the circle groupoid, just as the arrow category is the powering by the interval category.

view this post on Zulip Mike Shulman (Dec 12 2024 at 18:01):

And if XX is a category rather than a groupoid, it sits inside the analogous powering in Cat, which has the same objects but more morphisms where ff isn't required to be invertible.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Dec 12 2024 at 18:14):

Nice! In your reply, what 2-category (or if we have to go there, \infty-category) are you thinking of as powered by what?

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Dec 12 2024 at 18:15):

If it's Gpd powered by Gpd, do people say "powered" or "internal hom"?

Fumbling around here....

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 12 2024 at 18:16):

Maybe not very useful, but if f:xxf:x \rightarrow x is an endomorphism in a category C\mathcal{C}, then we get an endofunctor 1f:CC1_f:\mathcal{C} \rightarrow \mathcal{C} defined by 1f(a):=x1_f(a):=x for every object aa and 1f(u):=f1_f(u):=f for every morphism uu. If we have two endomorphisms g:xxg:x\rightarrow x and h:yyh:y \rightarrow y, then a morphism f:xyf:x \rightarrow y such that the obvious square commute: fg=hffg=hf is exactly a natural transformation from 1g1_g to 1h1_h.

Thus a morphism from g:xxg:x \rightarrow x to h:yyh:y \rightarrow y in your groupoid XX is exactly a natural transformation from 1g1_g to 1h1_h.

It explains why these morphisms feel like natural transformations: because they are natural transformations.

view this post on Zulip Jean-Baptiste Vienney (Dec 12 2024 at 18:17):

Oops, no sorry, it doesn't work ahah (the 1f1_f doesn't preserve identities).

view this post on Zulip Mike Shulman (Dec 12 2024 at 18:18):

The general notion of power is that if we have a category CC enriched over VV, there can be a power XKX^K for XCX\in C and KVK\in V. In your construction, C=GpdC=\rm Gpd and you could take either V=CatV=\rm Cat or V=GpdV=\rm Gpd. And you're right that when C=VC=V, the power is the same as the internal-hom.

view this post on Zulip Mike Shulman (Dec 12 2024 at 18:19):

So maybe I should just have said that it's the functor groupoid out of the circle!

view this post on Zulip Mike Shulman (Dec 12 2024 at 18:19):

(This is the way in which the morphisms are natural transformations.)

view this post on Zulip Mike Shulman (Dec 12 2024 at 18:20):

I like to think of it as the power because then it generalizes nicely to other 2-categories, including Cat.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Dec 12 2024 at 18:22):

I'm glad you said "powering" instead of "internal-homming" both because it opened my mind and because it sounds nicer.

view this post on Zulip James Gilles (Dec 12 2024 at 19:12):

Applications perspective: if X smells like a concrete category, then the objects of A(X) resemble homomorphic encryption schemes. Really this is true for isomorphisms in any concrete category.

view this post on Zulip David Egolf (Dec 12 2024 at 19:45):

If we start with the fundamental groupoid XX of some topological space, I wonder what the morphisms in A(X)A(X) are intuitively describing. In XX, each automorphism is an endpoint-preserving homotopy equivalence class of loops, and f:xyf:x \to y is an endpoint-preserving homotopy equivalence class of paths from xx to yy. Then fg=hff \circ g = h \circ f says that doing loop gg and then path ff gives the same result (up to endpoint-preserving homotopy) as doing path ff first and then the loop hh.

view this post on Zulip David Egolf (Dec 12 2024 at 19:47):

Maybe there could be a nice way to visualize this condition, in terms of some specific paths?

view this post on Zulip James Gilles (Dec 12 2024 at 19:51):


view this post on Zulip John Baez (Dec 12 2024 at 20:57):

David Egolf said:

If we start with the fundamental groupoid XX of some topological space, I wonder what the morphisms in A(X)A(X) are intuitively describing. In XX, each automorphism is an endpoint-preserving homotopy equivalence class of loops, and f:xyf:x \to y is an endpoint-preserving homotopy equivalence class of paths from xx to yy. Then fg=hff \circ g = h \circ f says that doing loop gg and then path ff gives the same result (up to endpoint-preserving homotopy) as doing path ff first and then the loop hh.

Nice question. Maybe it's the fundamental groupoid of the [S1,Y][S^1, Y] where YY is that topological space (alas, you didn't give it a name :cry:). [S1,Y][S^1, Y] is the topological space of continuous maps from the circle to YY: remember, if we use a [[convenient category of topological spaces]], it will be cartesian closed, so the space of continuous maps from S1S^1 to YY gets a topology.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Dec 12 2024 at 20:58):

[S1,Y][S^1,Y] is usually called the [[free loop space]] of YY and denoted LYLY.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Dec 12 2024 at 21:00):

I'm not sure we have

Π1[S,T][Π1S,Π1T] \Pi_1[S,T] \simeq [\Pi_1 S ,\Pi_1 T]

where A,BA,B are nice topological spaces and Π1\Pi_1 is the fundamental groupoid; if it is then I think my guess is correct.

view this post on Zulip Mike Shulman (Dec 12 2024 at 21:00):

It certainly looks like that, but I suspect that it isn't exactly the same, because there was quotienting that happened in constructing the fundamental groupoid before taking the loops.

view this post on Zulip Mike Shulman (Dec 12 2024 at 21:03):

For instance, suppose YY is a simply connected space with nontrivial π2\pi_2, like the 2-sphere S2S^2. Then Π1Y\Pi_1 Y is trivial, and hence so is A(Π1Y)A(\Pi_1 Y). But LYLY, while it may be connected, seems unlikely to have trivial π1\pi_1. The lack of basepoints makes it tricky, but intuitively Π1(LY)\Pi_1(LY) should be saying something about π2(Y)\pi_2(Y).

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Dec 12 2024 at 21:13):

Yes, that sounds right. There may be a map one way between these two guys:

Π1[S,T][Π1S,Π1T] \Pi_1[S,T] \simeq [\Pi_1 S ,\Pi_1 T]

maybe from left to right, since you're talking about how the right side has lost information.

Luckily for me my actual examples of interest aren't coming from topology - although every groupoid comes from topology if you want it to.

view this post on Zulip Mike Shulman (Dec 12 2024 at 21:16):

Another reason for the map to go left-to-right is that the thing on the right side has a mapping-in universal property.