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I've noticed that you can (seemingly rather canonically?) combine two monads by taking their pullback. Let and be monads. I believe the following pullback is also a monad:
pullback pointwise
or, applied to :
applied to X
I've seen this pattern in @Egbert Rijke - @Mike Shulman - @Bas Spitters's "Modalities in HoTT", where is written as the "join" , and the [[fracture theorem]] says that (under some conditions) .
I have recently found this construction to be useful in cases where the monads in question aren't idempotent, too. Is this construction studied (or even named/written down) anywhere else?
(I would assume so, but unfortunately looking up "monad join" and "monad pullback" lead me to other things!)
Wow, this is weird! I'll temporarily take your word for it that it works. I note it's not symmetrical in the two monads and , or at least it doesn't look like it. What's the pullback of (say) the monad for groups and the monad for groups?
I've always heard that monads don't compose, but to define pullback one must use composition?
John Baez said:
Wow, this is weird! I'll temporarily take your word for it that it works. I note it's not symmetrical in the two monads and , or at least it doesn't look like it. What's the pullback of (say) the monad for groups and the monad for groups?
Agreed, it's definitely not symmetric in and !
If and are both the free monoid monad , then I think the pullback should be the identity monad - an element would have to be a pair of lists such that , which I believe is equivalent to requiring that both and are equal singleton lists (with a single element of ) by injectivity of . I think the free group monad should be the same story?
If is the free group monad and is some open modality on a topos (cf RSS), though, the story is more interesting - the pullback classifies group syntax that collapses in the open subtopos to a generator, eg strings like that cancel to just in the open subtopos (assuming in the open subtopos).
Ryan Wisnesky said:
I've always heard that monads don't compose, but to define pullback one must use composition?
Right, I'm using here, but I'm not assuming that it forms a monad! I'm just composing the endofunctors and using their composite to "connect" the two "components" of the pullback. (Or maybe this isn't what you're saying?)
It doesn't look like there's anything special about monads here... As we famously know, a monad is just a monoid in , with it's (noncommutative!) monoidal structure coming from composition. If your observation works, it'll probably work at the level of "the pullback of monoids in a monoidal category along their tensor product is again a monoid"
That's something that might counterintuitively be easier to work out, because there's less baggage about monads and distributive laws (which I guess in this context are kind of like a braiding... I've never noticed that before!) hanging around
Harrison Grodin said:
I've noticed that you can (seemingly rather canonically?) combine two monads by taking their pullback. Let and be monads. I believe the following pullback is also a monad:
pullback pointwise
or, applied to :
applied to XI've seen this pattern in Egbert Rijke - Mike Shulman - Bas Spitters's "Modalities in HoTT", where is written as the "join" , and the [[fracture theorem]] says that (under some conditions) .
I have recently found this construction to be useful in cases where the monads in question aren't idempotent, too. Is this construction studied (or even named/written down) anywhere else?
(I would assume so, but unfortunately looking up "monad join" and "monad pullback" lead me to other things!)
I would be surprised that it works without assuming that the pullback is preserved by and/or .
Same comment for pullbacks of monoids in a monoidal category. It should work with an assomption of the type “pullbacks are preserved by tensor product” or maybe just that the pullback of interest is preserved by tensoring by any of the two monoids on each side.
(I think you will need something like this when you try to prove associativity and unitality)
I would also be surprised if it works without any additional conditions.
But I've been surprised before.
(Sorry, yes, I should say that I haven't checked all of the conditions in detail! This construction seems to work in the cases I've checked, but I expect there are some conditions required in general.)
This topic was moved here from #learning: reading & references > Pullback of monads by Harrison Grodin.
I'm trying to work it out right now, and I agree: "flatness" of A and B (in the sense that tensoring with either preserves limits) seems necessary to even get started. But I don't have a full construction yet
@Sridhar Ramesh and I also have noticed this construction. It works for arbitrary monoids (assuming the pullback exists). I can upload an argument soon.
Here's an argument with string diagrams that was in my notes. Sorry if this is unreadable, I can translate it into words later.
Red is T, blue is U, and purple is the relevant pullback. The grey nodes are the pullback projection maps. Points where wires merge/appear are the monoid multiplications/units.
We also see here that the projections are monoid homomorphisms.
Now with words:
For convenience denote by the pullback of and , and denote by and the projections.
For each , we have an -ary map obtained by composing with the -ary multiplication for . Similarly, we have an -ary map .
Hence we can form maps . Observe whenever , by repeatedly introducing units and applying the defining equation for the pullback.
In particular, for each ,
By the universal property of the pullback, we thus obtain a unique map such that and . This will be the -ary multiplication for .
The -ary associativity/unit laws say that every -ary map obtained as a tree composed of maps is itself . Indeed, any such tree composed of maps satisfies and , using the associativity/unit laws for and , and so by uniqueness of the pullback factoring map.
The proof idea came from @Sridhar Ramesh.
My brain hurts. It's hard to think about this because for the familiar case of monoids in Set (or any cartesian monoidal category), and I think also for monoids in Ab (i.e. rings), this pullback is always trivial. Are there any monoidal categories that are simpler than endofunctors in which this pullback is nontrivial?
Also, is this pullback ever nontrivial for monads on Set?
Trying to understand this some more... generalizing the example of the free group monad and the open modality, I think we can say that if is a [[semi-left-exact reflection]], then the map is the right half of the -factorization of the unit .
The reason I was interested in this originally was from a conversation with Peter Selinger where we were just looking at the case of monads on Set and where , the terminal monad. So, we were looking at the pullback of and .
The new monad created from this process satisfies , and if already then we just get .
From the powerset monad we get the "nonempty powerset" monad sending a set to the set of its nonempty subsets. As I think is being discussed by @Harrison Grodin and @Mike Shulman in greater generality (but I don't yet understand that level of generality), from the free group monad we get a monad corresponding to an algebraic theory where the operations are group words such that the number of inverted letters is one less than the number of non-inverted letters.
Aaron David Fairbanks said:
The new monad created from this process satisfies , and if already then we just get .
I don't suppose this happens to be the cofree [[affine monad]] on ?
What's an affine monad?
One that preserves the terminal object.
Presumably this forms a monoidal structure, whose unit is the unit monad. What do the monoids with respect to this monoidal structure look like?
Nathanael Arkor said:
I don't suppose this happens to be the cofree [[affine monad]] on ?
Yes, I think so.