I've continued to play with enriched categories, and I stumbled upon the following issue.
In usual category theory (Set-enriched), the categorical product a×b can be defined by asking that the presheaf C(_,a)×C(_,b) be representable.
Let's try to do the same when C is a V-enriched category, with (V,⊗,I) a closed monoidal category.
I.e., I'm defining a⊗b as a representative of the enriched presheaf C(_,a)⊗C(_,b)
Of course, it may not exist.
I have two questions:
- How does this relate to weighted (co)limits? (I'm aware of the definition of weighted (co)limits)
- Is it possible to "freely ⊗-complete" the category C?
If V isn't cartesian monoidal, then C(−,a)⊗C(−,b) may not be an enriched presheaf: to define the functorial action, you need diagonals on hom-objects.
Oh, I see, I fell in the trap of not checking functoriality.
I'll spell it out to make it more clear. For F=C(_,a)⊗C(_,b) to be functorial, we need, for every x,y, an arrow
where [_,_] is the internal hom in V. And these arrows should be compatible with composition and identities.
Using the tensor hom adjunction, this amounts to define an arrow
If we had diagonals
and if ⊗ were symmetric, we could build the above arrow via
But indeed, without the diagonals and the symmetry I can't do that.
Actually, my original context was a bit more involved, and my question above tried to take a short-cut (in vain).
Fortunately, I think my original context doesn't suffer from the flaw above: I do get a functor it seems.
Here it is.
Category Cost
First, I use Lawvere-like category Cost=((−∞,∞],≥,+,0).
Following John's blog post, I also define another tensor product
where β>0 is some constant.
It turns out + distributes over ∧
Category ESet of energetic sets
This is a slight variant (I think) of John's energetic sets from a previous thread.
- objects are sets X with an energy function E:X→Cost
- morphisms are functions f:X→Y such that E(x)≥E(f(x)) (energy-decreasing)
Tensor product ⊗
I define a first symmetric tensor product
with the unit I=({∙},∙↦0).
I write x⊗y the pair (x,y) considered as an element of X⊗Y.
This tensor product is closed.
The internal hom [Y,Z] is the set of functions f:Y→Z with energy
E(f)=ysup (E(f(y))−E(y))
Tensor product ∧
I define a second symmetric tensor product
with the unit ∞=(∙,∙↦∞).
I write x∧y the pair (x,y) considered as an element of X∧Y.
It turns out the ∧-diagonals X→X∧X exist. It maps x↦x∧x.
The energy inequality is satisfied
Almost distributive
Because both ⊗ and ∧ have as underlying set the cartesian product of the respective sets, ⊗ does not distribute over ∧.
But, thanks to the diagonal, we have a morphism
with energy equality E(x⊗(y∧z))=E((x⊗y)∧(x⊗z)).
I consider ESet with the monoidal structure (⊗,I) as an enriching category.
Let C be a ESet-enriched category.
Roughly speaking, C is like a usual locally small category, but each arrow has "an energy cost", and the costs add up when composition.
Now, I can use the second tensor product to define
Thanks to the properties above, I think F is indeed a ESet-enriched presheaf.
And I was wondering about the representability of F,
I have to say, I'm having a good share of fun in trying to interpret this weird operation ∧, but I'll stop here for now.
That's a lot to post in one go!
Yes sorry about that. It was late in the night when I replied, and, as the joke says, "I didn't have time to make it shorter" :upside_down:
Here is a shorter reformulation.
Let (V,⊗,I) be a closed symmetric monoidal category, and C a V-enriched category.
Assume there is another symmetric monoidal structure (V,∧,∞) on V which has diagonals X→X∧X, and such that we have "distributivity natural morphisms" (not iso)
defines (I think) an enriched presheaf. If F were representable, there would exist some object a∧b such that C(_,a∧b)≅C(_,a)∧C(_,b).
My original questions were:
- How does this "limit object" a∧b relate to weighted (co)limits?
- Is it possible to "freely ∧-complete" C so that this functor becomes representable?
I don't think this object is going to be a weighted limit of any sort.
To freely complete, you could probably do some iterative construction.