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The nLab says:
Proposition 3.1. Lax monoidal functors send monoids to monoids.
However, monoidal categories and monoids are defined in terms of morphisms and commuting diagrams and functors preserve commuting diagrams so I was under the impression that any functor would preserve monoids (thought of as one-object categories). What am I missing?
Thank you for any help :pray:
A monoid is defined with respect to the tensor product of the monoidal category, so you need the functor to be (lax) monoidal to send to .
Nathanael Arkor said:
A monoid is defined with respect to the tensor product of the monoidal category, so you need the functor to be (lax) monoidal to send to .
That makes sense. Thank you.
I guess I am confused because the nLab also says that any monoid can be realized as a one-object category with endomorphisms. If you realize a monoid this way, then it doesn't involve tensor product and I would think any functor should send such a one-object monoid to a one-object monoid and this should work for any category including monoidal catageories. Does that make sense? :thinking:
I'm working with the one-object monoid and I was thinking any functor should give a one-object monoid in and I'm not sure why I would need to consider anything other than normal functors :thinking:
The word "monoid" is overloaded here. On the page about monoidal functor, "monoid" means "monoid object in a monoidal category". When people say that monoids are one-object categories, they mean traditional, set-theoretic monoids (which are a special case of monoid objects, namely monoid objects in the cartesian monoidal category Set). Functors between one-object categories are monoid homomorphisms, but that's not what the nLab is referring to.
So it depends whether you want to consider the monoid multiplication as a morphism or as the composition within a category, restricted to a single object – and these are two different (albeit related) notions of monoid.
A lot of people like to say "a monoid is a one-object category" but I think it's really better to think of monoids as corresponding to one-object categories, not being them. (The same way negative integers "correspond" to positive integers, but aren't the same as them.)
The thing that turns a monoid into a category is called .
Thank you :pray:
It is still not 100% clear to me, but I'll think about it :+1:
Eric Forgy said:
It is still not 100% clear to me, but I'll think about it.
The point is that when the nLab says "monoid" here, they don't mean monoid! - not in the sense you know, Eric:
Proposition 3.1. Lax monoidal functors send monoids to monoids.
When they say "monoid" here, they really mean "monoid object in a monoidal category".
That's a different, more general concept.
For example a monoid object in the monoidal category is what you'd call an associative algebra.
A monoid object in the monoidal category is what you'd call a monoid.
A monoid object in the monoidal category is what you'd call a set.
And so on.
But people who deal a lot with monoid objects in monoidal categories get sick of saying "monoid object in monoidal category", so they start just saying "monoid".
E.g. if I were talking to myself I'd say "A monoid in is an associative algebra."
But don't mix up the basic concept of monoid that you know and love with this fancy generalization!!!
A monoid in your sense amounts to the same thing as a one-object category, but that fact is not true for this fancy generalization.
(Luckily, some fancy generalization of this fact is true.)
John Baez said:
E.g. if I were talking to myself I'd say "A monoid in is an associative algebra."
Funny you mention this. I have seen you say "an algebra is a monoid in " but I thought this was shorthand for saying "an algebra is (or ) for an object in " in which case we don't even need the tensor product :thinking:
I don't know why I get hung up on this, but when I see things like , I think "I need to two objects and to define this morphism." But then that means we also need an and and then
I avoid this mind explosion by just thinking of and
So what is the right way to think of the monoid ? I currently think of this as a one-object category. Then a functor sends this object to a set and each morphism 0,1,2,.. is sent to a span (and I don't need to think about "lax" stuff).
Anyway, even if you want to define a monoid as a one object category, such a thing still has to be defined in terms of products if you want to internalise it. So functors won’t in general preserve them.
Internal categories actually require finite limits since the object of composable pairs is a pullback, but in the case that the object of objects is terminal (ie the internal category is a monoid) this pullback will reduce to a product.
You’re thinking of the endomorphism monoid which is attached to every object in your category already. Those are subcategories of your category, not internal categories.
Eric Forgy said:
John Baez said:
E.g. if I were talking to myself I'd say "A monoid in is an associative algebra."
Funny you mention this. I have seen you say "an algebra is a monoid in " but I thought this was shorthand for saying "an algebra is (or ) for an object in " in which case we don't even need the tensor product :thinking:
Well, it's not shorthand for saying that. An algebra is not always for an object in . There are lots of algebras that aren't an algebra of matrices!
I don't know why I get hung up on this, but when I see things like , I think "I need to two objects and to define this morphism." But then that means we also need an and and then
Stop thinking that stuff. It makes no sense.
An algebra is a vector space and a bilinear associative multiplication and a unit, an element . But to avoid the word "bilinear" and stay within the category of vector spaces and linear maps we can say the multiplication is a linear map . And to avoid the word "element" we can describe the unit as a linear map (where is our field) with . Now everything is happening in our monoidal category .
So, an algebra is an object and morphisms and obeying associativity and the left and right unit laws.
More generally, a monoid object in a monoidal category is an object and morphisms and obeying associativity and the left and right unit laws.
Now if you set you'll see a monoid object in is a monoid!
I avoid this mind explosion by just thinking of and
It's better to avoid it by thinking clearly, not succumbing to weird daydreams.
So what is the right way to think of the monoid ? I currently think of this as a one-object category.
There are lots of right ways to think of it. It's the free monoid on one generator. It's the category freely generated by one object and one endomorphism. Etc.
I don't know why I get hung up on this, but when I see things like , I think "I need to two objects and to define this morphism." But then that means we also need an and and then
Stop thinking that stuff. It makes no sense.
Why doesn't it make sense? Let's switch hats for a second. It would be no less painful for you to think about writing code than it is for me to write proper maths so think about how you would write this up in code (I have, see TensorAlgebra.jl). A method takes two arguments of different types. is merely a symbol describing a type whose instances satisfies certain properties. It is a different type than the type . So if you tell me (or you tell a computer) you have an object and a morphism it simply doesn't parse. You need to tell the computer you have a type and a type before you can define a map between the two types.
The way to do this in code (and the way I did it) is to tell the computer how to generate new types from existing types.
I should think in code more often. It helps. When I enter the world of maths, sometimes I get lost and leave my existing knowledge at the door.
I should probably implement a monoid in code actually. It shouldn't be too difficult starting with TensorAlgebra.jl.
Eric Forgy said:
I don't know why I get hung up on this, but when I see things like , I think "I need to two objects and to define this morphism." But then that means we also need an and and then
Stop thinking that stuff. It makes no sense.
Why doesn't it make sense?
What makes no sense is this:
then that means we also need an and and then
Especially the part.
Yes, in a monoidal category as soon as you have an object you have objects , , and so on. (Of course some or all of these objects may be the same.)
But we don't freak out over that!
It's like I told you 1+1 = 2 and you said
but that means there exists 1+1+1, 1+1+1+1 and so on! INFINITELY MANY NUMBERS!
And I guess my answer would be "yeah, math is like that, I probably found that mind-blowing too at some point, but I got used to it".
Thank you :raised_hands:
Yeah. Something clicked as soon as I started thinking in terms of code.
I started writing a Julia package Categories.jl. It is still early days (and no documentation yet). The simplest way I could think of to define a category in code was this:
struct Category{O,M}
Category(::Type{O},::Type{M}) where {O,M} = new{O,M}(Object{O},Morphism{O,M},Id{O,M}())
Even without knowing Julia, I think it is fairly clear. A category is a special "type" that itself consists of a type called "Object" and a type called "Morphism" where the type of Morphism
depends on the type of Object
, but also has its own, possibly distinct, type associated with it (which could be any type including another category).
I don't need to list every object as long as I know some way to check whether something is an object. Same with morphisms. In both cases, it is a simple check of the type (which the computer knows).
In this context, the way I would think about in a monoidal category is as a way to generate new types (objects) from existing types. So just saying you have an object in a monoidal category means you have , , etc. You don't need to state that explicitly because it is understood (just like "1+1+1+1" is understood) because that is what having means.
Thank you again :pray:
Okay. I'm always amazed that people find code helpful for understanding. To me it's like "It's so much easier to understand if you write it in hieroglyphics so a machine can get it!" :upside_down: But people are very different in how they think.
Getting back to the original question...
Let's say I have a functor from the category with 1 object and one identity morphism to any mondoidal category. First, does that sentence even parse? If it does parse, then would be an object in . What I want is , , , etc. What is the correct way to write / say that?
Would I need to consider as a monoidal category with a lax monoidal functor ?
Specifically, I have a functor
and I want to compose this with another functor to a monoidal category
I think of as a category with one object and morphisms labelled by natural numbers so the first step gives me a "set and a span from the set to itself (endospan) and all compositions with itself."
Going from the second to third step, my set maps to an object of , but I also want to end up somehow with , (plus the morphisms). Is it possible to write that as a functor?
John Baez said:
Okay. I'm always amazed that people find code helpful for understanding. To me it's like "It's so much easier to understand if you write it in hieroglyphics so a machine can get it!" :upside_down: But people are very different in how they think.
Yes, but to 99% of the people on this planet, the maths is the hieroglyphics :blush:
I kind of think
should be fine because I do end up with a specific object , but then (like we just said) the fact is a monoidal category, we can generate via and we don't need to say anything special about that.
Eric Forgy said:
Getting back to the original question...
Let's say I have a functor from the category with 1 object and one identity morphism to any mondoidal category. First, does that sentence even parse?
It parses, but since you're saying "functor" and not "monoidal functor", you are not using anything about being a monoidal category here.
A functor of the sort you describe simply picks out an arbitrary object of , no more and no less.
For any object there is a unique functor sending the one object of to .
Making monoidal doesn't affect this at all.
is called the terminal category, and what you've described is a useful highbrow way to talk about an object of : it's the same as a functor from the terminal category to .
Ok, but if I say "monoidal functor", then wouldn't both the domain and codomain of the functor need to be monoidal? :thinking:
Maybe what I need to say is we have a composition of lax monoidal functors
That would be fine if that's what I need to do, but it seems a little bloated. I wish there was a way to promote nonmonoidal category to a monoidal one by introducing a or something.
Is there a forgetful functor ?
If so, then maybe I can write it like
where the last functor is left adjoint to .
Eric Forgy said:
Ok, but if I say "monoidal functor", then wouldn't both the domain and range of the functor need to be monoidal? :thinking:
Sure. But is monoidal in a unique way, so there's no ambiguity.
A monoidal functor from to an arbitrary monoidal category picks out an object that's isomorphic to , and some other stuff. I believe in the end it boils down to something rather boring, though it's a bit of work to show this.
Eric Forgy said:
Is there a forgetful functor ?
That's a weird thing to ask, since if you just say functor then you're saying I don't give a shit about the monoidal structure of , I'm not going to use it in this question. So you're really just saying "is there a forgetful functor ?" And that's also a weird thing to ask.
First, the concept of "forgetful" is not precisely defined - it's a "you know it when you see it" sort of thing. So my answer would probably be "yeah, the identity functor from to is a forgetful functor, in a sort of degenerate way where you're not actually forgetting anything".
That is a long reply to a question that would make most category theorists say "Bye, I gotta go now." I'm just explaining why it would make them want to leave.
I haven't been paying close attention, but I have a suspicion that some of this functor composing doesn't make a whole lot of sense. For instance, the suggestion in the other thread about was that each functor corresponds to a digraph. So, composing with such a functor is sending an entire digraph to an arrow in , which doesn't seem like it matches what your goal was.
If you want to say something about the structure of a digraph, you need a setting where there are arrows between digraphs. But a particular just picks out a single digraph that happens to be an arrow in the span category. An example of the former would be the functor category , but it was mentioned that its arrows aren't necessarily what you'd want for talking about digraphs.
Dan Doel said:
I haven't been paying close attention, but I have a suspicion that some of this functor composing doesn't make a whole lot of sense. For instance, the suggestion in the other thread about was that each functor corresponds to a digraph. So, composing with such a functor is sending an entire digraph to an arrow in , which doesn't seem like it matches what your goal was.
Hi Dan. Thanks for your comment :pray:
In my case, is a category with
The image of a set is an algebra (which is trivially an -bimodule) and the digraph maps to an -bimodule homomorphism . The composition of the -bimodule homomorphism with itself is the -bimodule homomorphism , etc.
This is nice because it gives me the -bimodules I want , , , etc, but I also need , , etc (which are also -bimodules).
Dan Doel said:
If you want to say something about the structure of a digraph, you need a setting where there are arrows between digraphs. But a particular just picks out a single digraph that happens to be an arrow in the span category. An example of the former would be the functor category , but it was mentioned that its arrows aren't necessarily what you'd want for talking about digraphs.
Right, but I am not wanting to talk about digraphs. I want to talk about digraphs generating higher geometric structures. These higher dimensional structures can be generated by graded algebras of the form , , etc.
If I only wanted digraphs, then the traditional functor and corresponding functor category would be sufficient, but I need the directed paths as well, which is why I am so happy Amar brought to my attention :pray:
Oh, okay. Maybe it does make sense, then.
I thought you were wanting to talk about where edges go or something.
What kind of "maybe" is that, Dan?
Dan Doel said:
I thought you were wanting to talk about where edges go or something.
I do care about where edges go and I care about where directed paths of length go (where a directed edge is a directed path of length 1) :blush:
If you send a set to an -bimodule, then the elements of that set are a basis for the underlying algebra (vector space + product).
It's the kind of maybe where I still don't really understand what's going on, but it at least looks like the right shape of things.
In this case, vertices of a directed graph generate an algebra .
Directed edges of a directed graph generate an -bimodule .
Directed paths of length 2, generate an -bimodule
As described in a different stream here, there is a universal derivation . The -bimodule (which is the kernel of the product ) corresponds to a complete directed graph and the -bimodule is obtained from by removing edges from the complete graph.
In a similar way, starting with just a directed graph, we can construct a space which is the kernel of some other map from
This can be iterated with being the kernel of the equalizer of maps from and
You end up with a cochain complex completely generated by a directed graph.
By the way, I don't understand this stuff you're saying.
John Baez said:
By the way, I don't understand this stuff you're saying.
Any of it? Which part?
I thought you understood how to generate a diffential algebra from a directed graph. You said "Nice!" which was a highlight of the week (which is a high bar given the holidays :blush: )
You're talking about a functor , and then all of a sudden you're talking about bimodules, but I don't understand the mathematical claim you're making about how is related to something...
I understand how to generated a differential graded algebra from a graph; I just don't understand what you're saying.
Don't take "Nice!" as equal to "I understand and believe you." If you do that, I'll have to be much more careful about making any sort of friendly remark. :upside_down:
"Nice!" meant more like "I'm glad you think you're doing something cool."
Explaining this is the main reason for me to write the paper I'm working on. I believe there is a simple explanation for it and I'm working on it :sweat_smile:
I know it works (I can write code to implement it).
John Baez said:
"Nice!" meant more like "I'm glad you think you're doing something cool."
I am absolutely doing something cool. Just failing to explain it :pensive:
If what you're saying makes sense, it should be possible to say a few sentences, each of which states a mathematical fact that I can verify.
Yes. That is the goal.
You sound like Sullivan :joy:
I've been working on a simple explanation for 20 years. I feel I am closer. I just need to get this last functor sorted.
I sound like what any mathematician confronted with you is secretly thinking.
You should say something like "a functor is the same as..."
I don't know what it is the "same as", but I can say what it is on morphisms of . is a set of vertices of a directed graph. is a span , i.e. a directed graph. is a like a directed graph but deals with paths of length 2. Etc.
It doesn't really seem that important to talk about that part, because it's just picking out a particular digraph. The functor that sends spans of sets to bimodules seems like the complicated part. E.G. has it been said how you choose the algebra from the set ?
Eric Forgy said:
I don't know what it is the "same as", but I can say what it is on morphisms of . is a set of vertices of a directed graph. is a span , i.e. a directed graph. is a like a directed graph but deals with paths of length 2. Etc.
I assume you're treating here as a category with one object and one endomorphism for each natural number, with composition being addition? There are a couple of famous ways of thinking of as a category.
See, I don't think I even understood this much of what you're talking about! Let's clear this part up at least.
Usually mathematicians would start by saying "Think of the additive monoid of as a one-object category" before diving in and talking about functors out of ... if that's what they meant.
I wish I could take credit for the functor , but that was Amar's idea here. I really love the idea though :+1:
You didn't even answer my basic question.
We're doomed....
I don't want f------g heart symbols, I want the answer to my question!
The only question mark I see is from
I assume you're treating here as a category with one object and one endomorphism for each natural number, with composition being addition?
I kind of thought that was a rhetorical question mark. If not, the answer is, "Yes. Your assumption is correct."
I don't have time to ask "rhetorical" questions.
Okay, good.
So then a functor for any category is a fancy-ass way of talking about an object in and an endomorphism of that object.
I refrain from the f------ heart emoji, but it is there :joy:
John Baez said:
So then a functor for any category is a fancy-ass way of talking about an object in and an endomorphism of that object.
So a functor is completely determined by, and determines, a set and an endospan of that set - in other words, a directed graph.
So the answer to my question "what's it the same as?" is "a directed graph".
Exactly. Yes. But more because you can compose the directed graph with itself.
When I said this:
John Baez said:
You should say something like "a functor is the same as..."
you should have continued: "... a directed graph".
Eric Forgy said:
Exactly. Yes. But more because you can compose the directed graph with itself.
No, nothing more. You can always form edge paths in any graph. This is not "extra".
At best this way of describing a directed graph is nice because it focuses your attention on those edge paths.
It is also nice because it can send morphisms to bimodule morphisms (which is the motivation).
"A functor is the same as a directed graph" is a theorem.
It's short for "the category of functors is equivalent to the category of directed graphs".
If you say something like this to a category theorist they will think a while and say "yup". And you will have communicated.
Well, that's probably not a theorem, because the arrows are different.
Eric Forgy said:
It is also nice because it can send morphisms to bimodule morphisms (which is the motivation).
Okay, now you've switched back to saying vague stuff that doesn't mean anything to me.
Dan Doel said:
Well, that's probably not a theorem, because the arrows are different.
Okay, now we're talking. I should have said it's a potential theorem: it's something with a well-defined truth value.
Let's see. What's a natural transformation between functors ? (I'm getting tired of the fancy fonts.)
For the record, I don't think it is true, but at least, like you say, it is something that can be proven (or disproven) which is apparently progress :sweat_smile:
It's huge progress. We have entered the territory where we are actually talking about things that are either true or false.
So let's me answer my last question....
Say I've got a functor and you've got a functor .
So I've got a set and an endospan on it, and you've got a set and an endospan on it.
Say and .
Then a natural transformation is a span such that... okay yeah, this is not a map of graphs!
I see, we need to be working in the double category of spans to describe the category of graphs this way.
Pretend I didn't say that... I don't want to talk about it. Too much work!
I am allowed a mind exploded emoji?
So thanks, Dan, you caught me. And I guess Eric already knew it wouldn't work.
At least we're on the same page about what is :+1:
So the category of functors from to is something cute where the objects are directed graphs but the morphisms are something more fancy than maps of directed graphs... something worth pondering for me at least....
Yes. It is cute, I think, and deserves its own name. Open to suggestions :blush:
Next, I think it is clear how to freely construct a commutative associative algebra with unit from a set.
There are two famous ways, which agree when the set is finite.
The elements of the set map to basis elements of the algebra and the product of two bases is 1 if the bases are the same and 0 otherwise. The unit element is the sum of all basis elements.
Okay, yes, that's one of the two ways.
I am probably fine to restrict to finite sets if it helps, but I would like to consider infinite "checkboard" graphs at some point.
If your set is and your field is I call this algebra , but sadly lots of people don't have any standard name for it.
If your set is finite, this algebra is isomorphic to another one: . That's the algebra of all functions from to .
Let's call it :blush:
Yes. is a cool way to think about it.
The algebra you're talking about is only the same as when is finite. A little point to bear in mind.
Does work even if is infinite?
A typical vague question: what the hell does "work" mean?
So apparently, as you say, and are two algebras and they are isomorphic if is finite. Can be infinite in both cases?
I am fine to choose one once and for all and not too bothered which one I use.
Yes. I said there are two famous ways of getting a commutative associative algebra from a set : and , and they're isomorphic when is finite.
is kind of nice because I call these "discrete 0-forms" anyway.
Eric Forgy said:
I am fine to choose one once and for all and not too bothered which one I use.
That's fine if your sets are finite; otherwise you will get in trouble.
That is, you'll get in trouble pretending and are "more or less the same". is the dual of - but not the other way around when is infinite.
Anyway, we don't need to worry about it now, and if is always finite we never need to worry about it.
Oh! Ok. That makes sense. It kind of depends. should be cochains.
(Forget I said that!)
Let's go with .
So we send a set of vertices to the algebra .
The span gets sent to the -bimodule homomorphism
Gets sent by whom?
Or more precisely, by what?
By our functor, but I guess before I'm allowed to talk about our functor, I need to define the category.
Consider a category with
We are defining the second functor in the composition
I don't think that's what is.
Shouldn't it be objects are algebras, and arrows are bimodules?
Yes. That would be fine :+1:
Does make sense in that scenario, though? You need to be able to do given a span .
Eric Forgy said:
Yes. That would be fine :+1:
What do you mean, "that would be fine"? Dan said something completely different than what you just said.
In math, you're not supposed to say "that would be fine" when someone says the opposite of what you just said. You're supposed to either say "you're wrong" or "whoops, I was wrong".
If our category is
then we have a bicategory (I believe), but I only care about -bimodules (i.e. -modules), in which case an algebra is already an -bimodule, so I moved things down a notch so I could deal with normal categories.
Okay, but how you index these things completely changes what a functor does.
In one case it sends objects of Span(Set), i.e. sets, to algebras.
In another case it sends objects of Span(Set), i.e. sets, to bimodules of some particular algebra which we should have chosen ahead of time.
So which is it?
Yes. I would like to choose my original way if that is ok although understand there is another way to do it. The other way is probably better but requires me to think about bicategories. I think I can do this with just categories though.
There is probably some "oidification" that can happen later.
But if is chosen ahead of time, then doesn't enter into the picture, does it?
Thank you. That is a good point.
So I don't really have a choice. I need to use the bicategory. Does it have a name btw?
In the paper John referenced a few days ago
this is referred to as Should I go with that? Is that standard?
The 2-category of algebras has:
A1) Objects: associative (possibly non-commutative)
A2) Arrows: bimodules over algebras.
A3) 2-arrows: bimodule morphisms.
I guess. But it seems like the problem is that the previous steps need to be made bicategorical, then.
Also what about my question?
I'll go with for now. Let's also give the cute new category a name. I'll just call it for now.
Dan Doel said:
I guess. But it seems like the problem is that the previous steps need to be made bicategorical, then.
Oh no.
Dan Doel said:
Does make sense in that scenario, though? You need to be able to do given a span .
I'm not sure. I've only ever thought about in the context of -bimodules :thinking:
I think it should be fine. It just needs a little work that I have never thought about before.
Yes. I think it makes sense.
Let and , then (following Lupercio) I'd write the span as .
Similarly, I'd write in
(Not crazy about the notation . Maybe is better.)
The -bimodule is a subset of .
Well, perhaps you should be saying anyway, since it's generated by a span .
Good idea :blush:
I was wondering how to write the composition of the span
is a mess :sweat_smile:
Much better to see this as
I think this is a slightly nicer way to think about it in terms of spans than what is presented in Lupercio :+1:
Dan Doel said:
I guess. But it seems like the problem is that the previous steps need to be made bicategorical, then.
Is it enough to just say we will consider to be a bicategory with one object, morphisms labelled by natural numbers and one identity 2-morphism? Similar, for with objects sets, morphisms spans of sets and identity 2-morphisms so that we can write down the composite
But then I think I need these to be "lax monoidal functors" (going full circle).
I don't know. It depends what structure is important for the functors to operate on.
I don't see how lax monoidal functors are relevant, though, because these are bicategories not monoidal categories.
Maybe they are monoidal bicategories? I definitely have a tensor product around here :thinking:
If is an object of then is also an object of :thinking:
More generally, I guess, if and are objects, then so is
Okay, but does that matter? It hasn't been mentioned yet.
Yes. I am building up the story incrementally.
Wait. Unless, and are both commutative, I'm not sure if is an algebra. If they are commutative, then is an algebra with product
Once I've got this composition
sorted, then I need to introduce some special bimodule homomorphisms so that I can generate some subspaces as kernels.
For example:
I can show that the spaces , , ..., constitute a cochain complex with a nilpotent derivation satisfying the graded Leibniz rule so I have a graded differential algebra derived from the data of a directed graph.
Then, because (and any image of it in other categories) is a -category, I get not just a DGA, but a differential graded Hilbert bimodule that serves as a discrete model of spacetime for scientific computation (and possibly more).
Making all this precise is what I'm trying to do here.
Essentially I am trying to formalize / simplify and extend an old preprint I wrote with Urs Schreiber back in 2004:
Eric Forgy said:
In the paper John referenced a few days ago
this is referred to as Should I go with that? Is that standard?
It's not standard, so you have to explain it whenever you start talking to someone. But that's okay.
Eric Forgy said:
Wait. Unless, and are both commutative, I'm not sure if is an algebra. If they are commutative, then is an algebra with product
You mean
This product makes into an algebra works regardless of whether the algebras are commutative or not. This is the usual "tensor product of algebras over the field ".
I'm not really sure I understand all that. It looks like what you're describing is similar to a natural transformation from (which goes through spans) to which takes the arrow to . But maybe the details wouldn't work out.
In that scenario, there'd be no monoidal stuff. The monoids would be part of the bicategory structure.
Btw, my small side-remarks should not be taken to suggest that I understand what Eric is actually talking about.
John Baez said:
Btw, my small side-remarks should not be taken to suggest that I understand what Eric is actually talking about.
Understood and appreciated :+1:
Dan Doel said:
I'm not really sure I understand all that. It looks like what you're describing is similar to a natural transformation from (which goes through spans) to which takes the arrow to . But maybe the details wouldn't work out.
This sounds cool, but isn't obvious to me. I'll think about it. Thank you :pray:
It would have to be some kind of 2-natural transformation, though, and there are potentially more than one to choose from, I think.
Dan Doel said:
I'm not really sure I understand all that. It looks like what you're describing is similar to a natural transformation from (which goes through spans) to which takes the arrow to . But maybe the details wouldn't work out.
I've been looking at this for a little while now and still can't quite see how we get from a morphim and a natural transformation.
Since and , then F(V) = G(V) and the left and right components are equal to the "identity" bimodule homomorphism . Tracing the commuting square we have
Similar to how morphisms of are isomorphism classes of spans, I think morphisms in the rightmost category (so far - which Lupercio calls ) should be isomorphism classes of bimodules so that the above commuting square is true.
Am I missing something about ?
I understand how we get from , but I can't see how we get :thinking:
It would be great if you could describe what you're trying to do without sinking into the details of how to do it (which apparently you're still not sure about).
Are you trying to get a dga from a graph? Something else? Maybe you already know how to do it and you're just trying to say it in a more fancy way?
Yes. I already know how to do it ("it" being construct a DGA from a graph), but it is very tedious. It takes me 5+ pages of "start with this, add this structure, then do this and add this other structure" before I can start doing calculations with it. I know it works. I can compute with it, but I believe there should be a one or two line statement about a functor that gets the message across and the rest is details.
The functor
helps a LOT because in one line I already get most of the basic components I need.
Okay, you're just trying to construct a DGA from a graph in a slick way.
This gets me
I'm not sure yet if I get from this, which I need.
John Baez said:
Okay, you're just trying to construct a DGA from a graph in a slick way.
Here's how I might try to do it.
I get a cochain complex by considering special maps from but I'd rather not get into the details yet if possible. Once I have and in a slick way I'll be happy enough for now.
All the functors I listed are really standard things to do in math. You can read about all of them on the nLab, for example.
I may not be quite doing what you want, because there could be a few variants of what to do.
But I think this 4-step process is pretty close to what you're talking about.
Yeah. My impression (could be wrong) is that doesn't look like what I want because nothing I do involved simplices. Simplices don't work for me (although I can't rule out that they are involved).
It's just a fact that length-n paths in a graph are secretly n-simplices.
There's a simplicial set where the n-simplices are length-n paths in a graph, and you get it by applying the functors I called 1. and 2.
A length -path in gets sent to a special "tensor path" that explictly looks like
on basis elements. This "path" might secretly be a simplex.
Then I need to construct a sub-bimodule of paths results from the kernel of certain bimodules homomorphisms.
These sub-bimodules are in the shape of "diamonds" and form a cochain complex.
Once I'm in the category with algebras , isomorphism classes of bimodules and bimodule homomorphisms, then I've got it.
For example,
is a 2-diamond.
It is a linear combination of two length-2 "paths".
I promise that if you learn those four functors I just mentioned you'll be better off for it.
I'm sure you're right, but I have 3 kids, a dwindling bank account and I've been unemployed for more than 2 years. I don't want a course on category theory. I want / need to finish this paper so I can get back to trying to feed my family. I am on the last step and the finish line is in sight. I don't want to start a new marathon right now.
I meant that these constructions are likely to save you lots of time. You're probably hacking your way through the jungle when a few hundred yards to your left there's a highway.
I may be a bit off in my recommendation, but I think it's on the right track.
However, if you're almost done with something and just want to finish it, do that. None of this stuff should be taking away time from "feeding your family".
True, I have been hacking away, but I am seriously very close to finishing. Once I get those ingredients, I can finish my paper. I actually think we could be there, I'm just not sure if I get from this functor.
I started this journey and I just wanted to apply for an engineering faculty position but I haven't published anything in close to 20 years so I thought if I had at least a solid preprint I could point to, it might help. In this environment, the chance I can get an engineering faculty position is probably close to zero and I'm probably too late by now anyway. I started this paper early last month.
I'm actually REALLY happy with my latest result. I just need to write it up, but I want it to be beautiful.
Then I suggest using the tools of linear algebra that you're comfortable with, like algebras, modules, tensor products and so on, and not try to use much category theory.
Even my PhD advisor said, "Aren't you too rusty by now" when I asked for a reference letter :joy:
Maybe he is right :pensive:
Your use of categories so far is very raw: you don't have enough concepts under your command to choose the best ones.
It takes at least a couple years of studying category theory full-time to get really good at wielding it.
So I think your paper will look better if you use tools you're really familiar with.
True. You and a few people here (Amar, Dan, etc) have been super helpful (and amazingly patient :pray: )
I think this guy
is probably what I need. Like I said, this gives me and . Does it also give me or do I need to monoidify something? :sweat_smile:
See, I think you should skip all the Span(Set) stuff and just work with the vector spaces you're talking about.
I think if you clearly write up your construction in terms of vectors spaces, algebras, modules, tensor products and such, a category theorist could come along and make it pretty later.
A rough outline of how it goes without cute functors is:
I believe the first 3 bullets are captured by the functor
The reason behind what I said is the same as the other functor. A functor corresponds to picking out an object and an endomorphism , then is the n-fold composition of . In the previous case it was the n-fold composition of whatever is. But instead it could be whatever that other n-fold tensor is.
However, I don't know if the natural transformation actually corresponds to the structure you want.
If it's something different for each , I would guess it's not, since all the n-ary stuff is being determined by for most of this.
Dan Doel said:
The reason behind what I said is the same as the other functor. A functor corresponds to picking out an object and an endomorphism , then is the n-fold composition of . In the previous case it was the n-fold composition of whatever is. But instead it could be whatever that other n-fold tensor is.
However, I don't know if the natural transformation actually corresponds to the structure you want.
Thanks Dan :pray:
How about something like this?
We have a span and composing this, we get . Composing times, we get
Is that what you meant?
That is neat :thinking:
I feel this is too pretty to give up at this point. Especially since I think we're so close.
So maybe
I'm not sure what is supposed to be exactly, or how to get it.
We also (although I haven't mentioned it in this conversation) have a derivation .
Dan Doel said:
I'm not sure what is supposed to be exactly, or how to get it.
is the set of vertices.
If the directed graph has no loops, then is an -bimodule.
(It is an -bimodule even if has loops, but I don't allow loops for other reasons.)
Thank you both for your help today :raised_hands:
It was painful, but I feel we made progress :muscle: