Hello everyone,
While reading Hirschhorn's chapter on the Reedy model structure he mentions (15.1.14) that given a simplicial set X:Δop→Set one may think of a functor (elX)op→M from the opposite of the category of elements of X to some category M as a generalized simplicial object. As a special case, when X=∗ the category of elements is equal to Δ and we get the usual simplicial objects.
Do you have examples or uses of such concept elsewhere?
I have thought about it in two different ways:
- It is well-known that sSet/X≃[(elX)op,Set] (and, of course, for any base category other than Δ), therefore a functor (elX)op→M could be viewed as an "M-valued fibration over the base space X" perhaps?
- The ideas of colimit and/or cover seem to be "better" formulated in terms of generalized simplicial objects. Given a diagram F:I→C its colimit may be computed as the coequalizer of a coproduct: I claim that this should be seen as the very particular, 1-category theoretical case of taking the nerve of I and then looking at the functor (elN(I))op→C sending a sequence of composable arrows to the evaluation of the first object at F. If we take the left Kan extension along the projection to Δop and truncate we exactly get the coequalizer/coproduct diagram. Truncation amounts to restricting along a final functor, which I feel is a distinctive feature of working "in low dimension"... ?
Bumping. In the meantime, I figured that coends can probably be reformulated this way as well: given a functor H:Iop×I→C I define (elN(I))op→C to send any sequence x0→⋯→xn of composable arrows of I to H(xn,x0), with the convention that the sequence x0 of zero arrows is sent to H(x0,x0). Then the colimit of this functor is equal to the coend of H.