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Topic: Elementary Torsors

view this post on Zulip B. Wilson (Jan 22 2025 at 08:37):

Set the stage with a torsor T=(T,α:G×TT)\underbar T = \left(T, \alpha: G\times T\to T \right) and trivialization ρ:GT\rho: G \to T. Naïvely, I'd think this would induce a division like d^:T×TG:(u,v)[ρ1(u)]1ρ1(v)\hat d: T\times T\to G : (u,v) \mapsto \left[\rho^{-1}(u)\right]^{-1}\cdot\rho^{-1}(v).

However, Remark 2.13 on nlab's torsor page suggests something completely different and I don't see what it's trying to point at.

I'm guessing that by "the canonical map", it means that p1p_1 is the left projection, and as far as I can tell D=ρdD = \rho\circ d which has type D:T×TTD: T\times T\to T, but that doesn't immediately match up with the statement that D(g,g)=ρD(g,g) = \rho.

If, instead, we define D(g,h)D(g, h) to be the trivialization such that g1hρ(e)g^{-1} h\mapsto\rho(e), then it kind of works out. That said, we still need to invert one of the elements like in my d^\hat d, which is nowhere in the 2.13 remark.

Am I just missing something obvious here?

view this post on Zulip Matt Earnshaw (Jan 22 2025 at 09:33):

seems wrong to me as well... not even d(x,x)=ed(x,x) = e holds for the map there. I would encourage you to change it

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Jan 22 2025 at 16:03):

Yes, p1p_1 typically means the projection onto the first component of a cartesian product, and that makes sense here. But then the formula for division in Remark 2.13 looks terribly wrong. It takes an element (t,t)T×T(t,t') \in T \times T, uses the inverse of the trivialization ρ:GT\rho : G \xrightarrow{\sim} T to convert tt into a group element ρ1(t)\rho^{-1}(t), and then throws out tt' altogether, leaving us with ρ1(t)\rho^{-1}(t). This is nothing like dividing tt by tt'.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Jan 22 2025 at 16:10):

Also, the definition of "trivialisation" in Definition 2.11 is misleading: we don't want just an isomorphism of sets, a trivialization of TT should be a GG-torsor isomorphism GTG \to T. I'm going to fix that one now.

view this post on Zulip B. Wilson (Jan 23 2025 at 02:53):

Thank you for the sanity checks! I went ahead and munged the remark.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Jan 23 2025 at 20:00):

Thanks! Demunged, I hope.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Jan 23 2025 at 20:05):

Here's one thing I'm not satisfied with. If we're trying to show how a trivialization ρ:GT\rho: G \to T equips TT with a group structure, we don't need to introduce "division". We can just use the isomorphism ρ\rho to transfer the group structure from GG to TT.

On the other hand, if we're interested in "division", we don't need to bring in a trivialization. Any GG-torsor has a canonical division map

T×TG T \times T \to G

which we can define without use of a trivialization. This division map answers the question "given two elements of TT, which group element maps the second to the first?"

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Jan 23 2025 at 20:05):

So, someday I may try to work on this article some more. I am a big fan of torsors.

view this post on Zulip B. Wilson (Jan 24 2025 at 05:08):

Hah! The action's regularity gives a canonical division map. That's way better, and now I have even less an idea what the original Remark was trying to get at.

view this post on Zulip B. Wilson (Jan 24 2025 at 05:13):

Very nice Torsor article! Thanks for sharing. These past two night have actually had me pondering on generalizing to R-torsors and more, which you hint at right at the end. This seems like the natural structure for Energy and your other examples before you give them units.

view this post on Zulip B. Wilson (Jan 24 2025 at 05:42):

The algebraist in me wants to start with a "ring action" RAut(X)R \to {\rm Aut}(X), but that requires XX to be an abelian group to work.

Taking a more nuts 'n bolts approach, at first blush we want an action like R×R×XXR \times R \times X \to X where

r+s(s+rx)=(r+sr)+(ss)xr + s \cdot \left(s' + r' \cdot x\right) = \left(r + sr'\right) + \left(ss'\right)\cdot x

holds. This suggests a group with multiplication (r,s)(r,s)(r+sr,ss)(r, s)(r', s') \mapsto (r + sr', ss'). Checking associativity and invertability, it's clear this does turn GR+×(R×{0})G \coloneqq R^+ \times \left( R^\times \setminus \left\{0\right\}\right) into a group as long as RR is a division ring.

view this post on Zulip B. Wilson (Jan 27 2025 at 22:54):

I think a slightly bigger picture clicked with me last night in bed!

The above multiplication corresponds to the group R+(R×{0})R^+\rtimes\left(R^\times\setminus\left\{0\right\}\right) with action ϕ:(R×{0})×R+R+:(r,s)sr\phi :\left(R^\times\setminus\left\{0\right\}\right)\times R^+\to R^+ : \left(r, s\right)\mapsto sr, i.e. simple scalar multiplication.

But that's just a nice decomposition of affine symmetries into scaling and translation. As whole it's essentially a subgroup of ring automorphisms Aut ⁣(R){\rm Aut}\!\left(R\right). So the slightly wider view is that the group in our GG-torsor is just some subgroup of symmetries of Aut ⁣(X){\rm Aut}\!\left(X\right) that we're interested in!

view this post on Zulip B. Wilson (Jan 27 2025 at 22:57):

Pretty sure all this is well-known and spelled out somewhere, but I couldn't find the right keywords and had to scrounge around and learn about semi-direct products before things started to fall into place. Am I on the right track here?

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Jan 27 2025 at 23:09):

I'm confused about why you're calling scaling and translation "ring automorphisms". The usual concept of ring automorphism is: a map from a ring to itself that preserves 0, 1, addition and multiplication.

view this post on Zulip B. Wilson (Jan 27 2025 at 23:19):

Ooohh, okay. I'm actually thinking of RR as an RR-vector space it seems. So the Aut ⁣(R){\rm Aut}\!\left(R\right) we should be thinking of is GL ⁣(R){\rm GL}\!\left(R\right)?

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Jan 27 2025 at 23:38):

Translations aren't in GL(R)\text{GL}(R).

I agree that for defining 'ring-torsors' we are interested in the group of transformations of RR of the form

xax+b x \mapsto a x + b

where a,bRa,b \in R and aa is invertible. This group is the semidirect product of the groups GL(R)GL(R) (the group of transformations xaxx \mapsto a x with aa invertible) and (R,+)(R, +) (the group of transformations xx+bx \mapsto x + b, also called the additive group of RR).

Maybe this group has some name like IGL(R)\text{IGL}(R), the 'inhomogeneous' version of GL(R)\text{GL}(R). I haven't actually seen anyone call it that, but people use ISO(Rn)\text{ISO}(\mathbb{R}^n) to mean the semidirect product of the rotation group SO(Rn)\text{SO}(\mathbb{R}^n) and the translation group of Rn\mathbb{R}^n.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Jan 27 2025 at 23:41):

Anyway, whatever it's called, this group is just a subgroup of the group of all automorphisms of the underlying set of RR. I think a 'ring-torsor' of RR should be a IGL(R)\text{IGL}(R)-set (i.e. a set equipped with an action of this group) which is isomorphic to RR as an IGL(R)\text{IGL}(R)-set.