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Topic: [2,C] is cartesian closed, in agda

view this post on Zulip fosco (Oct 17 2021 at 09:19):

I am trying to prove the following fact

the category C2{\cal C}^2 of arrows of a cartesian closed category C\cal C is cartesian closed.

in the particular case of C{\cal C}= the category of sets, using agda, and in particular agda-categories.

Here's a MWE of what I did and where I am stuck (with little effort this entire post is already a lagda file):

First, the minimal possible amount of boilerplate:

module ArrowIsCCC where

open import Categories.Category.CartesianClosed.Canonical
open import Categories.Category.Core
open import Data.Product
open import Function using (const)
open import Level
open import Relation.Binary.Core using (Rel)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.≡-Reasoning

a postulate on extensionality, because most of the proofs of uniqueness of a terminal object require the lemma for which the terminal type has a unique term \top, and extensionality to "lift" this to an equality of functions into tt, and the definition of said terminal type tt.

 extensionality :  {A B : Set} {f g : A  B} 
  ( (x : A)  f x ≡ g x) 
  f ≡ g

data t : Set where
  : t

!-unique-lemma :  (x : t)  ⊤ ≡ x
!-unique-lemma ⊤ = refl

Now, the arrow category has objects the morphisms of Set and
morphisms the commutative squares

ABCD \begin{array}{ccc} A &\to& B\\ \downarrow && \downarrow \\ C &\to & D\end{array}

arrow : Category (suc zero) zero zero
arrow = record
  { Obj = Σ (Set × Set) (λ x  proj₁ x  proj₂ x)
  ; _⇒_ = arr
  ; _≈_ = _≡_
  ; id = (λ z  z) , λ z  z
  ; _∘_ = λ {A} {B} {C} f g  comp {A} {B} {C} f g
  ; assoc = refl
  ; sym-assoc = refl
  ; identityˡ = refl
  ; identityʳ = refl
  ; identity² = refl
  ; equiv = record { refl = refl ; sym = sym ; trans = trans }
  ; ∘-resp-≈ = λ {refl refl  refl}
  arr : Rel (Σ (Set × Set) (λ x  proj₁ x  proj₂ x)) zero
  arr ((a , b) , x1) ((c , d) , y1) = (a  c) × (b  d)
  comp : {A B C : Σ (Set × Set) (λ x  proj₁ x  proj₂ x)}  arr B C  arr A B  arr A C
  comp {A} {B} {C} (f0 , f1) (g0 , g1) = (λ x  f0 (g0 x)) , λ x  f1 (g1 x)

No particular surprises here (in agda-categories a category Category ℓ o h is indexed over a universe Set o of objects and a universe Set h of morphisms, and lives in a universe Set ℓ); _⇒_ is the relation of morphisms, _≈_ an equivalence relation on each hom-setoid, id and _∘_ identity and composition, et cetera. See the definition of category for how the propositions from assoc to ∘-resp-≈ are defined.

Now, the proof that C2\mathcal{C}^2 is cartesian closed requires another record with a lot of fields:

arrow-ccc : CartesianClosed arrow
arrow-ccc = record
 {= (t , t) , (λ _ )
 ; _×_ = prod
 ; ! = (λ _ ) , (λ _ )
 ; π₁ = proj₁ , proj₁
 ; π₂ = proj₂ , proj₂
 ; ⟨_,_⟩ = λ {A} {B} {C} f g  pair {A} {B} {C} f g
 ; !-unique = λ {A}  bang-uniq {A}
 ; π₁-comp = refl
 ; π₂-comp = refl
 ; ⟨,⟩-unique = λ {refl refl  refl}
 ; _^_ = to-the
 ; eval = {!   !}
 ; curry = {!   !}
 ; eval-comp = {!   !}
 ; curry-resp-≈ = {!   !}
 ; curry-unique = {!   !}
 prod : Category.Obj arrow  Category.Obj arrow  Category.Obj arrow
 prod ((X , Y) , u) ((A , B) , v) =
  ((X × A) , (Y × B)) , λ x  (u (proj₁ x)) , (v (proj₂ x))
 pair : {C A B : Category.Obj arrow} 
  (arrow Category.⇒ C) A 
  (arrow Category.⇒ C) B 
  (arrow Category.⇒ C) (prod A B)
 pair {(X , Y) , u} {(A , B) , v} {(E , F) , w} (f0 , f1) (g0 , g1) =
  (λ x  (f0 x) , (g0 x)) , (λ x  (f1 x) , (g1 x))
 bang-uniq : {A : Category.Obj arrow} 
  (f : (arrow Category.⇒ A) ((t , t) , (λ _ ))) 
  ((λ _ ) , (λ _ )) ≡ f
 bang-uniq (f0 , f1) =
  cong₂ _,_
   (extensionality λ x  !-unique-lemma (f0 x))
   (extensionality (λ x  !-unique-lemma (f1 x)))
 to-the : Category.Obj arrow 
  Category.Obj arrow 
  Category.Obj arrow
 to-the ((B0 , B1) , u) ((A0 , A1) , v) =
  (p , (B1  A1)) , (λ x b1  {!   !})
   p : Set
   p = Σ ((A0  B0) × (A1  B1)) (λ r  (λ x  u ((proj₁ r) x))(λ x  (proj₂ r) (v x)))

...and this becomes a bit of a mess. The definition I'm stuck at is the _^_ operation, the internal hom: it is well-known that in an arrow category the internal hom structure is defined by a "pullback-power" construction, defined as a certain pullback. This is what I was trying to do with that

p : Set
p = Σ ((A0  B0) × (A1  B1)) λ r  (λ x  u ((proj₁ r) x))(λ x  (proj₂ r) (v x))

the pullback-power [v,u][v,u] should be a dependent sum of all the s,ts,t such that tv=ustv=us (this is exactly how you describe the pullback, indeed).

How can this be defined in agda?

view this post on Zulip Kenji Maillard (Oct 17 2021 at 09:43):

Is it really supposed to be B1 -> A1 in the definition of to-the ? I would have expected something like

to-the ((B0 , B1) , u) ((A0 , A1) , v) =
  (p , (A1  B1)) , (λ x a1  proj₂ (proj₁ x) a1)

(I didn't try it though)

view this post on Zulip fosco (Oct 17 2021 at 10:38):

Whoops, yes, that's a mistake. Hmm, and when I write

to-the : Category.Obj arrow 
  Category.Obj arrow 
  Category.Obj arrow
 to-the ((B0 , B1) , u) ((A0 , A1) , v) =
  (p , (A1  B1)) , (λ x a1  proj₂ (proj₁ x) a1)
   p : Set
   p = Σ ((A0  B0) × (A1  B1)) (λ r  (λ x  u ((proj₁ r) x))(λ x  (proj₂ r) (v x)))

nobody complains. Let's see... The next step is defining ev:

ev : {B A : Category.Obj arrow}  (arrow Category.⇒ prod (to-the B A) A) B
ev {(B0 , B1) , u} {(A0 , A1)  , v} = dis , dat
 dis : proj₁ (proj₁ (prod (to-the ((B0 , B1) , u) ((A0 , A1) , v)) ((A0 , A1) , v)))  B0
 dis ((d , p) , a0) = (proj₁ d) a0
 dat : proj₂ (proj₁ (prod (to-the ((B0 , B1) , u) ((A0 , A1) , v)) ((A0 , A1) , v)))  B1
 dat (fst , snd) = fst snd

(probably not the smartest/cleanest way but it works); I am confused though: is p even necessary in the first place?

Something dual happens with curry:

cur : {C A B : Category.Obj arrow} 
 (arrow Category.⇒ (prod C A)) B 
 (arrow Category.⇒ C) (to-the B A)
cur {(C0 , C1) , u} {(A0 , A1) , v} {(B0 , B1) , w} (fst , snd) =
 (λ x  ((λ t  fst (x , t)) , λ t  snd (u x , t)) , extensionality (λ a0  {!   !})) , (λ z z₁  snd (z , z₁))

from where should I extract a proof that w (fst (x , a0)) ≡ snd (u x , v a0) (=the type of the hole)?

view this post on Zulip Jacques Carette (Oct 17 2021 at 13:05):

If you put open Category arrow in your where clause, your signatures will be quite a bit simpler.

Your names make it hard to see exactly what's going on, but isn't the type of the hole related to the type of the p in to-the?