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Suppose is a presheaf on such that is iso for every in . These are not constant presheaves (because can assume different values on different connected components of ), are they locally constant though?
In order to conclude that I should exhibit, for each connected component of , a natural iso where is some set. However, I'm not sure how to do that when is not a preorder or without appealing to arbitrary choices. Intuitively, is hitting an iso class and we want to be a representative, but it seems I'm forced to choose an arbitrary one per each connected component ? Or is there a nicer way to construct it?
One idea is to basically construct as the étale space of , so summing up all the , and then identify those elements which are related by a restriction map. I do end up with a colimiting cocone but I'm not sure it is iso :thinking:
Surely they're not locally constant without further assumptions on the underlying category? Take e.g., the delooping of a group and look at the only representable: in general a group acts on itself in a way that is not isomorphic to the trivial action.
Consider a presheaf on the integers qua one-object category and you'll see that indeed you cannot conclude that they are locally constant!
Ah Martti was faster than me
Essentially the same example
Ah yes good point!!
So is there a name for these things? Are such presheaves special in anyway within the larger category of presheaves?
I look at these as a generalization of local objects with respect to a class of maps . Wlog suppose is a category, one has indeed a functor given by restriction of the Yoneda embedding. Now an object is -local when the associated presheaf has all restrictions invertible, essentially by definition.
So don't you mean a "special case of" rather than a "generalization of", then?
So is there a name for these things?
I don't know a general name for them, but the example Martti gave, where you take a nontrivial presheaf on the delooping of a group , is called 'a nontrivial covering space of the classifying space '. Sitting over each point of there's a fiber that's a set, and and you march around a nontrivial loop in , the points overhead get permuted.
This is just to provide some topological / visual picture of what's going on.
Mike Shulman said:
So don't you mean a "special case of" rather than a "generalization of", then?
I'd say a presheaf over with all invertible restrictions is a 'generalized local object', and '-local objects' are a special instance of this more general definition?
By your description, when , a -local object is not a presheaf on with invertible restrictions, but a presheaf on that restricts to a presheaf on with invertible restrictions. On the other hand, a presheaf on with invertible restrictions is exactly the special case of a -local object when .
Uhm maybe I didn't explain myself well. What I wanted to say is, one can generalize -locality by replacing (the restriction of) with some other profunctor . Say then that is -local with respect to when has invertible restrictions. At this point, there is no need that and are related at all except through , so one might as well say that a presheaf over is a 'generalized local object' when it has invertible restrictions, and the classical definition arises by choosing and mapping objects of to their representables.
Okay, but then it isn't "having invertible restrictions" that is a generalization of -locality, since the one is a property of whereas the other is a property of .
Yeah that's right. I think I said it's a generalization of P-local objects (as a functor into ), not P-locality per se. Does this make more sense?
Not really, I don't see the difference between "a generaliation of P-local objects" and "a generalization of P-locality".
It's a generalization of the presheaves induced by P-local objects...
Ok, point taken
Not exactly a name, but as a description, these are exactly presheaves on the groupoid reflection That at least characterizes the categories they form and provides an adjoint triple between them and arbitrary presheaves on
I'm not following carefully, but if Kevin is right and y'all are talking about presheaves on the groupoid reflection of a category, then my topological digression was not so digressive, since those are really the same as covering spaces of a certain space: the classifying space of that groupoid (which you build by putting in an n-simplex for each composable n-tuple of morphisms).
If I'm not confused, presheaves on a groupoid form a Boolean topos. But [[Boolean topos]] doesn't list this as an example, so maybe I'm wrong. But that article doesn't list any examples, so maybe I'm right.)
Maybe the process of going from the topos of presheaves on a category to the topos presheaves on its groupoid reflection is some sort of 'Booleanization' of the original topos?
For some reason the phrase 'double negation topology' bubbles to the top of my mind.
I see an examples section in that article!
That said, yes, I think toposes of -sets are Boolean. If is a sub--set, then so is since if then too. Thus the subobject lattices in -set categories have complements in the Boolean algebra sense.
Notice this won't fly from toposes of -sets with just a monoid! If I have an action of the walking-idempotent monoid, then that's just a set with a retraction onto a subset, and the Heyting complement of the retract will always be empty, showing complementation isn't an involution there.
I'm also curious how the topos of double negation sheaves relates to the topos of groupoid-reflection-presheaves.
Another way of seeing the result about -set categories is that sub--sets are always disjoint unions of sets of complete orbits.
Kevin Carlson said:
I see an examples section in that article!
True! I think the examples need examples, for a cave man like me to consider them "examples".
I added -sets :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Oh no, that links to -sets for a topological group , and now I have to wonder about that...
I think the same argument works, though.
Kevin Carlson said:
I'm also curious how the topos of double negation sheaves relates to the topos of groupoid-reflection-presheaves.
In a recent conversation I think James Dolan nodded to my guess that if you take the category of presheaves on and look at sheaves in the double negation topology you get the category of presheaves on . is what you get when you take the monoid and throw in inverses. But I'm not going to blame him if this guess of mine was incorrect!
Cool! Presumably it can't always be that simple, though; I feel like somebody would've told me if the topos of double negation sheaves is always of presheaf type.
Nobody would have told me. :crying_cat:
Kevin Carlson said:
I'm also curious how the topos of double negation sheaves relates to the topos of groupoid-reflection-presheaves.
Though I don't know the relationship with the subtopos of sheaves of the double negation topology,
the topos of groupoid-reflection-presheaves is naturally a quotient topos of the original presheaf topos. In fact, the functor induces a connected (=lax-epi) geometric morphism . (On Functors Which Are Lax Epimorphisms)
I feel this is similar to the theory of covering spaces. For a very nice space $X$, we have the full embedding functor between two topoi (and its right adjoint?).
I think a more common and concise notation for is . I don't think this can be the double-negation sheaves in general for the reason Ryuya gives: the functor goes the wrong direction.
Mike Shulman said:
I don't think this can be the double-negation sheaves in general for the reason Ryuya gives: the functor goes the wrong direction.
I don't intend to claim that the double-negation sheaves are in this form. (In fact, there are lots of presheaf topoi whose booleanization is not a presheaf topos. Examples include the Schanuel topos, and the Cohen topos.)
Yeah, I was saying you said that they aren't. (-:
But now I see that my sentence could have been parsed the other way too. (-:O
That is, I meant "(I don't think this can be the double-negation sheaves in general) for the reason Ryuya gives", not "I don't think this can (be the double-negation sheaves in general for the reason Ryuya gives)".
Mike Shulman said:
That is, I meant "(I don't think this can be the double-negation sheaves in general) for the reason Ryuya gives", not "I don't think this can (be the double-negation sheaves in general for the reason Ryuya gives)".
!! now I understand my misunderstanding!
Kevin Carlson said:
Oh no, that links to -sets for a topological group , and now I have to wonder about that...
Don't worry, those toposes are still Boolean
John Baez said:
Kevin Carlson said:
I'm also curious how the topos of double negation sheaves relates to the topos of groupoid-reflection-presheaves.
In a recent conversation I think James Dolan nodded to my guess that if you take the category of presheaves on and look at sheaves in the double negation topology you get the category of presheaves on . is what you get when you take the monoid and throw in inverses. But I'm not going to blame him if this guess of mine was incorrect!
This does happen to be correct. In a conversation with @Jérémie Marquès recently I mistakenly generalized this, so I should explain what is special about this case. In general we have a functor which induces an essential, connected geometric morphism between the corresponding presheaf toposes, as Ryuya and Mike were discussing; that is, the functor induced by the restriction along is fully faithful and has adjoints on each side given by Kan extension. Considering the left Kan extension, we have an adjunction between the presheaf toposes in which the right adjoint is fully faithful. But in order for that to be an inclusion of toposes, we need the left Kan extension to preserve finite limits, and it usually does not. This happens if is flat as a -set, which is the case with over but nothing general.
What is the relation to double negation? Sheaves for double negation form the largest Boolean subtopos and the smallest dense subtopos. A subtopos is dense iff it includes the initial object, in this case the empty presheaf, which is preserved by the inclusion. Thus if the left Kan extension preserves finite limits, then it presents the presheaves over as a dense Boolean subtopos, which must coincide with the double negation sheaves!
The left Kan extension is left exact when has a right calculus of fractions in the sense of Gabriel-Zisman. That happens, for instance, when one takes the localisation at the cartesian arrows of a site fibration over a filtered category. But in all those cases, the presheaf topos is already De Morgan. So that's not very interesting since the topos is already almost Boolean. Perhaps someone here know interesting examples where does not satisfy the Ore condition and, hence, the respective presheaf topos is not De Morgan...(?)
Kevin Carlson said:
Not exactly a name, but as a description, these are exactly presheaves on the groupoid reflection That at least characterizes the categories they form and provides an adjoint triple between them and arbitrary presheaves on
Good observation! This nicely motivates their 'local' feeling... (In fact, for P-local objects, that's exactly the same kind of local: an object is P-local if the restriction of over is again represented by ).
I found a characterization/name I'm happy with: these are presheaves for which the terminal map is étale in the sense of Joyal-Moerdiijk (nat squares are pullbacks)
I.e. [[cartesian natural transformations]]?
John Baez said:
those are really the same as covering spaces of a certain space: the classifying space of that groupoid (which you build by putting in an n-simplex for each composable n-tuple of morphisms).
I wonder if it is the same as this observation?
Matteo Capucci (he/him) said:
John Baez said:
those are really the same as covering spaces of a certain space: the classifying space of that groupoid (which you build by putting in an n-simplex for each composable n-tuple of morphisms).
I wonder if it is the same as this observation?
Everything is about locally constant sheaves (aka local systems). The case of -sets actually doesn't fail. It's just that the definition of locally constant was not the correct one or, rather, the site being considered was to small. From the point of view of topos theory, every object of -sets is actually locally constant (in the sense that there is a covering of the terminal such that pulling back by that covering, gives us a disjoint union of constant sheaves).
The relation to topology appears when one considers things up to shape equivalence and, then, the sheaves over the topological coincides with -sets in the sense that they have the same category of local systems (that means they are shape equivalent).
In that case of sheaves over the topological , that initial naive definition of locally constant sheaves coincides with the correct one, because, now, the site is fat enough so that we can actually consider any as a path which can be covered by a bunch of open sets (so that a path can be identified with a zig-zag of inclusions ). That I think was your initial intuition: cover a space by opens and consider the (nerve of the) Cech groupoid.
That all work for presheaves over arbitrary small cats (in the higher sense also). In such a case, the presheaves in defined over the groupoid completion are exactly the locally constant objects of .
Actually, all that also works to some extent for arbitrary topoi except that we actually get a pro-groupoid when your topos is not locally connected (also presheaves on that pro-groupoid will usually fail to embed fully faithfully as the topos of locally constant objects).
Ryuya Hora said:
Kevin Carlson said:
I'm also curious how the topos of double negation sheaves relates to the topos of groupoid-reflection-presheaves.
Though I don't know the relationship with the subtopos of sheaves of the double negation topology, the topos of groupoid-reflection-presheaves is naturally a quotient topos of the original presheaf topos. In fact, the functor induces a connected (=lax-epi) geometric morphism . (On Functors Which Are Lax Epimorphisms)
I'm still curious about this. To keep things simple suppose for some monoid . Then , the category where we formally invert all morphisms in , is where is the [[group completion]] of the monoid . (That's the group where we formally invert all elements of , so what I'm saying is trivial.)
So, I'm curious about how double negation sheaves on compare to presheaves on . Since I don't understand double negation sheaves very well, let's look at a very small example.
Take to be the 2-element monoid that's not a group: this is with "or" as its monoid operation, or with , . Let's use the latter description to reduce confusion when we start doing a bit of logic.
Group completion of is a destructive process since : when we give a formal inverse we get
and is the trivial group. So, the category of presheaves on is just .
How does this compare with the category of double negation sheaves on ?
My intuition, and hand-wavy calculations, suggest that this category is also just . But I'm not sure that's true.
John Baez said:
I'm still curious about this. To keep things simple suppose for some monoid . Then , the category where we formally invert all morphisms in , is where is the [[group completion]] of the monoid . (That's the group where we formally invert all elements of , so what I'm saying is trivial.)
So, I'm curious about how double negation sheaves on compare to presheaves on . Since I don't understand double negation sheaves very well, let's look at a very small example.
Take to be the 2-element monoid that's not a group: this is with "or" as its monoid operation, or with , . Let's use the latter description to reduce confusion when we start doing a bit of logic.
Any commutative monoid will work. That's because the site given by the delooping of satisfies the the conditions of a right calculus of fractions. As I'had mentioned above, that implies the left adjoint is left exact (just write down what sheaffication means using the formula for the Hom's of the localisation and notice that the formula is about filtered colimits).
But I would like to see a noncommutative example doing the job...
Any commutative monoid will work.
By "work", do you mean the category of double negation sheaves on is equivalent to the category of presheaves on ?
John Baez said:
Any commutative monoid will work.
By "work", do you mean the category of double negation sheaves on is equivalent to the category of presheaves on ?
I think so. It defines a Boolean dense subtopos, so it has to be the one you get by the double negation topology.
Actually in the commutative case, the dense topology (or, equivalently the double negation one) coincides with the atomic topology. That's why I thought finding 's that do the job and yet fail to satisfy the Ore condition would be interesting (not sure if they do exist though).
That would be interesting. Being less knowledgeable about this stuff, I'd even like to see some simple examples of noncommutative that don't "work".
John Baez said:
That would be interesting. Being less knowledgeable about this stuff, I'd even like to see some simple examples of noncommutative that don't "work".
A case that fails (though it's not a monoid) was mentioned above by @Ryuya Hora, the cat of finite sets with monos. In that case also the atomic top is the double negation top (since the site satisfies the Ore condition) and we get the Schanuel topos. But I wonder if one can still think about the Schanuel topos as something codifying the homotopy type of the respective presheaf topos...
Perhaps someone here knows what's the étale homotopy type of the Schanuel topos (?). That could possibly clarify the connection to group completion.
John Baez said:
That would be interesting. Being less knowledgeable about this stuff, I'd even like to see some simple examples of noncommutative that don't "work".
The free monoid on two generators already doesn't work! If you want to check @Fernando Yamauti 's condition, you can check that it doesn't have a right calculus of fractions, but actually that boils down to the free monoid failing to satisfy an Ore condition (you can't multiply the generators on the same side by any element to make them equal).
Morgan Rogers (he/him) said:
John Baez said:
That would be interesting. Being less knowledgeable about this stuff, I'd even like to see some simple examples of noncommutative that don't "work".
The free monoid on two generators already doesn't work! If you want to check Fernando Yamauti 's condition, you can check that it doesn't have a right calculus of fractions, but actually that boils down to the free monoid failing to satisfy an Ore condition (you can't multiply the generators on the same side by any element to make them equal).
Nice! Does that answer my question negatively in general, then? I mean is it really impossible that any cat not satisfying the Ore condition to have the groupoid completion as the booleanisation?
I think I can prove that using a more general notion of calculus of fraction (the one in Cisinski's HA book) such that the colimit is not necessarily filtered anymore, but I didn't check it. Perhaps you have a more direct proof...
Maybe it's even the case a non De Morgan topos cannot have a Boolean subtopos that is also a quotient topos (i.e., the inclusion of double negation sheaves into sheaves has a right adjoint)?
I think it should be possible to make this concrete enough. The colimit used to calculate the left Kan extension, evaluated at an object of , is indexed by the comma category , for the localisation functor. Limits and colimits being computed pointwise, it is necessary for that category to be filtered for the left Kan extension to preserve finite limits.
A square in this category must in particular commute in . Given a span in (let's call those morphisms ), we get a cospan in of the form . The variance here is confusing, but the point is: since a square in must have an underlying square in , if the original span in can't be completed to a square then this cospan can't either, so the diagram is not filtered! So for the double negation subtopos to coincide with presheaves on the localisation, the Ore condition is indeed necessary (and by extension is de Morgan).
Fernando Yamauti said:
Maybe it's even the case a non De Morgan topos cannot have a Boolean subtopos that is also a quotient topos (i.e., the inclusion of double negation sheaves into sheaves has a right adjoint)?
I have an open Masters project proposal on my website about de Morgan toposes; I should make note of this as a question to explore.
Given your name I think you should write a paper about it. We could call you "de Morgan" Rogers.
But seriously, while all this is over my head, I'm really glad to hear there's a necessary and sufficient condition for figuring out when booleanization can be done using a group completion!
I should attempt to get some intuition for the Ore condition. I'd seen it in ring theory once, but avoided learning about it. I see now that Wikipedia gives a simple explanation in the "General Idea" section of its article Ore condition. It's interesting that this explanation argues that the Ore condition is necessary to localize a ring at some multiplicative subset, not just sufficient. Is that related to your necessity argument, de @Morgan Rogers (he/him)?
Actually, reading this article is suddenly transforming my attitude from "this is some high-powered mysterious topos theory stuff I'll never understand" to "maybe I could understand this: the analogue in ring theory actually makes sense".
The category theory version is even simpler, it's just about being able to complete spans or cospans to squares! [[Ore condition]]
I would have to work a bit harder to figure out if the Ore condition is sufficient; I expect the gap to be quite small if there is one.
So are the left and right Ore conditions in ring theory 'just' the Ore conditions in category theory (every span or cospan can be extended to a commutative square) generalized slightly to Ab-enriched categories (where it takes the exact same form) and then restricted to one-object Ab-enriched categories (which are rings)?
(This is an instance of the category theorist's 'just', as in: "the thing other mathematicians understand is 'just' a special case of something category theorists understand".)
Morgan Rogers (he/him) said:
I would have to work a bit harder to figure out if the Ore condition is sufficient; I expect the gap to be quite small if there is one.
Wait. Isn't the Schanuel topos a counter-example? I mean it does satisfy the right Ore condition, right? And I'm not sure it can be a presheaf topos (is that even -accessible?)...
Fernando Yamauti said:
Wait. Isn't the Schanuel topos a counter-example? I mean it does satisfy the right Ore condition, right? And I'm not sure it can be a presheaf topos (is that even -accessible?)...
The Shanuel topos is not a presheaf topos, due to its description as a topological group action topos. In fact, for a topological group , the topos of continuous -actions is a presheaf topos if and only if has the minimum open subgroup.
In extreme cases where is chaotic, Morgan's comma category argument implies that the condition
・ is cofiltered.
is sufficient and necessary.
In the case of the Schanuel topos, has a chaotic full-localization, is not filtered, and satisfies the Ore condition).
Ryuya Hora said:
In extreme cases where is chaotic, Morgan's comma category argument implies that the condition
・ is cofiltered.
is sufficient and necessary.In the case of the Schanuel topos, has a chaotic full-localization, is not filtered, and satisfies the Ore condition).
Hmm... are you claiming that is the cat of sheaves for the double negation iff is cofiltered? If so, I don't think that can be the case, because there are several examples of not cofiltered that admits a right calculus of fractions. Extreme example: just take a discrete category.
Actually, when is (co)filtered, is a point. What we need is to require, at least, every to be cofiltered (not as a confusingly had written before **), which, in this particular case, is the same thing as having cocones for finite discrete diagrams.
**PS: How do I cross out a text in math mode here?
Btw, that nlab article answers my other question about the shape (or étale hom type) of the Schanuel topos: it's contractible. Perhaps it's always true that the booleanisation preserves the shape...(?)
Fernando Yamauti said:
[...]? If so, I don't think that can be the case, because there are several examples of not cofiltered that admits a right calculus of fractions. Extreme example: just take a discrete category.
Actually, when is (co)filtered, is a point. What we need is to require, at least, every to be cofiltered (not as a confusingly had written before **),
which, in this particular case, is the same thing as having cocones for finite discrete diagrams.**PS: How do I cross out a text in math mode here?
Let me rewrite the conclusion since I had messed up the variance here before. In order to avoid further confusions, let's instead use and talk about left calculus of fractions instead.
A left calculus of fractions (for the weak equivalences) means exactly that is filtered. On the other side left exactness of the left adjoint means exactly that is filtered for . Now we just have to notice that is filtered iff is filtered.
For any finite diagram in there exists a corresponding finite diagram in given by taking every in and sending it to . A cocone of is a cocone of and, hence, if is filtered is also filtered. That means a left calculus of fractions is a also a necessary condition.
That it is a sufficient condition is Gabriel-Zisman formula for the left adjoint (aka right derived functor) using filtered colimits. So the Ore condition is not enough and we need exactly a right calculus of fractions on (when we are talking about ).
Dammit! I have to stop insisting on using opposite categories. I can't sustain my attention for long enough while iterating the opposition operation.
Fernando Yamauti said:
Hmm... are you claiming that is the cat of sheaves for the double negation iff is cofiltered?
No, sorry for making confusion. I claim it only for the extreme cases where is chaotic, i.e., . This suffices for the Schanuel topos, since satisfies this "extreme" condition. (A discrete category does not satisfy it unless .)
In this extreme cases, the condition ` is filtered' (as you mentioned in)
Fernando Yamauti said:
left exactness of the left adjoint means exactly that is filtered for .
becomes a bit easier; We need to check only one object and the comma category is equivalent to . (We need to put somewhere...)
Ryuya Hora said:
No, sorry for making confusion. I claim it only for the extreme cases where is chaotic, i.e., . This suffices for the Schanuel topos, since satisfies this "extreme" condition. (A discrete category does not satisfy it unless .)
Ah!Ok. My bad. I've never heard anyone call that chaotic :sweat_smile: . I'd thought you were referring to the chaotic site or chaotic topology.
But, anyways, I guess everything is settled and is such that the booleanisation is the groupoid completion iff has a right calculus of fractions (for as the weak equivalences).
That's so interesting!
Fernando Yamauti said:
is such that the booleanisation is the groupoid completion iff has a right calculus of fractions (for as the weak equivalences)
Does this mean whenever is [[cofiltered]]?
Matteo Capucci (he/him) said:
Does this mean whenever is [[cofiltered]]?
Filtered I think. Unless you want to use presheaves instead of copresheaves (precosheaves?).