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Stream: theory: category theory

Topic: cartesian decompositions

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Jan 09 2025 at 02:56):

Everyone knows how many ways you can write an nn-element set as the coproduct of a kk-element set and an \ell-element set when n=k+n = k + \ell: it's the binomial coefficient

n!k!! \displaystyle{ \frac{n!}{k! \ell!} }

But for some reason, few people talk about the number of ways you can write an nn-element set as the product of a kk-element set and an \ell-element set when n=kn = k \ell. It's

n!k!! \displaystyle{ \frac{n!}{k! \ell!} }

but now this is something new.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Jan 09 2025 at 02:59):

When you start thinking about this it can quite confusing, perhaps because we're really used to writing a set XX as the coproduct of a subset YY and the complement XYX - Y, but we're not at all used to writing a set XX as the product of a set YY and the 'quotient' X/YX/Y.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Jan 09 2025 at 03:07):

Indeed that's a pretty confusing way to talk about what's going on here!

Here's a way that's clear, but not maximally slick. When n=kn = k \ell, I claim the number

n!k!! \displaystyle{ \frac{n!}{k! \ell!} }

counts the 'cartesian decompositions' of an nn-element set XX into a kk-element set YY and an \ell-element set ZZ.

What's a cartesian decomposition? One lowbrow way to say it is this:

Form the product Y×ZY \times Z, and draw it like a rectangle of dots. Now label the dots with elements of XX, making sure to label every dot and use each element of XX just once. Then say two such labelings are equivalent if they differ by permuting rows and/or columns in your rectangle. An equivalence class of labelings is a cartesian decomposition of XX into YY and ZZ.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Jan 09 2025 at 03:16):

There are some good ways to think about this stuff using category theory, e.g. coproduct cocones versus product cones. I could explain it in more detail, but I think it's more fun to reinvent this subject yourself... and I bet some of you will have ideas I haven't thought of.

To conclude, I'll just say that we usually write

(nk)=n!k!(nk)! \displaystyle{ \binom{n}{k} = \frac{n!}{k! (n-k)!} }

for the number of ways to write an nn-element set as the union of two disjoint subsets, one with kk elements and one with nkn - k elements, when knk \le n. Similarly, some people write

{nk}=n!k!(n/k)! \displaystyle{ { n \brace k} = \frac{n!}{k! (n/k)!} }

for the number of cartesian decompositions of an nn-element set into a kk-element set and an (n/k)(n/k)-element set, when kk divides nn.

(But beware: this sort of mutant binomial coefficient has nothing to do with Stirling numbers of the second kind, which are written using the same brace notation.)

view this post on Zulip Todd Trimble (Jan 09 2025 at 04:35):

This is a fun observation! Bit it also feels capable of great generalization. For example, for any functor F:FinSet×FinSetFinSetF: \mathsf{FinSet} \times \mathsf{FinSet} \to \mathsf{FinSet}, we could look at the category whose objects (call them FF-structures) are tuples (S,T,U,ϕ:UF(S,T)(S, T, U, \phi: U \overset{\sim}{\to} F(S, T) and whose morphisms consist of triples of isos (SS,TT,UU)(S \to S', T \to T', U \to U') satisfying the obvious compatibility with the isos ϕ,ϕ\phi, \phi'. Then in how many ways can a set UU be endowed with an isomorphism of type UF(S,T)U \cong F(S, T), where two such structures on UU are considered the same if there is an isomorphism between them as FF-structures? Unless I'm being silly (always possible), it seems the answer will be


if there is any such structure on UU, and 00 if not. It helps to know that an FF-structure iso is uniquely determined by the pair of SS- and TT-components!

view this post on Zulip Mike Shulman (Jan 09 2025 at 05:35):

I don't think that can be quite right, because the product formula (unlike the coproduct one) doesn't work when k=0k=0 but 0\ell\neq 0.

view this post on Zulip Mike Shulman (Jan 09 2025 at 06:19):

I think the isomorphisms modulo which we count have to be the identity on UU.

view this post on Zulip Mike Shulman (Jan 09 2025 at 06:42):

Here's a rather highbrow perspective.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Jan 09 2025 at 08:22):

Mike Shulman said:

I don't think that can be quite right, because the product formula (unlike the coproduct one) doesn't work when k=0k=0 but 0\ell\neq 0.

That's a nice observation. Luckily the application I'm using this for avoids that case, basically because math is smarter than I am.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Jan 09 2025 at 08:24):

I should have I'm only working with cartesian decompositions of nonempty sets (so n0n \ne 0, and thus k,0k, \ell \ne 0).

view this post on Zulip Mike Shulman (Jan 09 2025 at 15:51):

I guess it also works when k=0k=0 and =1\ell=1.

view this post on Zulip John Baez (Jan 09 2025 at 16:28):

Mike knows tons of category theory, but there are many ways to engage with the concept of 'cartesian decomposition'. Here is one discussed by Manuel Maia and Miguel Mendez.

Given a set XX, say a cartesian decomposition is a pair of partitions of XX such that each block of the first partition intersected with each block of the second partition contains exactly one element of XX.

Or if you don't like partitions and their 'blocks':

Given a set XX, say a cartesian decomposition is a pair of equivalence relations on XX such that each equivalence class of the first intersected with each equivalence class of the second contains exactly one element of XX.

(It took me way too long to notice that a 'partition' is the same thing as an 'equivalence relation'. They still bring up different mental images: the first has disjoint nonempty sets called 'blocks' whose union is our whole set, while the second focuses my attention on the relation saying two elements are in the same block.)

If we let YY be the set of blocks of our first partition (or equivalence classes of our first equivalence relation), and ZZ be the set of blocks of the second, then a cartesian decomposition gives a bijection

XY×Z X \stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow} Y \times Z

so true to its name, it decomposes XX as a cartesian product of sets.