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Matteo Capucci said:
This is an instance of a general theme, that we can internalise set-indexed collections as being indexed by locally constant sheaves, which relativises over an arbitrary base toposes as "things which are in the image of the inverse image functor of a geometric morphism (perhaps up to some limited categorical constructions like finite colimits)".
Morgan Rogers said:
This is an instance of a general theme, that we can internalise set-indexed collections as being indexed by locally constant sheaves, which relativises over an arbitrary base toposes as "things which are in the image of the inverse image functor of a geometric morphism (perhaps up to some limited categorical constructions like finite colimits)".
That doesn't seem right to me. "Things which are in the image of the inverse image functor of a geometric morphism" is a description of constant sheaves, not locally constant ones, and I don't see how finite colimits fixes that.
For locally constant sheaves, don't you want to say something like "there exists an object of the base topos such that ..." in the internal logic of the non-base topos? (Which you can do by equipping that topos with a modality.)
Mike Shulman said:
That doesn't seem right to me. "Things which are in the image of the inverse image functor of a geometric morphism" is a description of constant sheaves, not locally constant ones, and I don't see how finite colimits fixes that.
Hmm indeed, the parenthetical was me realising that what I was saying wasn't quite a generalisation of the locally constant sheaves. Would you mind elaborating on the "flat modality" that you mentioned?
it's the comonad of the unique geometric morphism to Set
so it takes the global sections of an object and assembles them back into a constant sheaf
Oh okay! Do you always get enough indexing objects that way?
no idea :sweat_smile: i was just answering a question i saw posted, dunno the context
I'm also now curious how far wrong I am in this context. The locally constant sheaves in that passage of Ingo's thesis come from a direct lifting of the local indexing that precedes it, but how much information is lost if we embed the locally constant indexing sheaves into constant ones and extend the morphisms by pullback? (I can draw a diagram if that's not sufficiently articulate)
Morgan Rogers said:
Oh okay! Do you always get enough indexing objects that way?
Well, I'm used to thinking about the case where the topos is connected, so that the constant-objects functor is an embedding and the comonad is idempotent. In that case you get all the objects of the base topos as the -fixed objects. I guess as long as the topos is inhabited the base topos can be identified with the -coalgebras even though isn't idempotent, so at least in the 1-topos case you can recover the entire base topos that way. Is that what you're asking about?
Mike Shulman said:
I guess as long as the topos is inhabited the base topos can be identified with the -coalgebras even though isn't idempotent, so at least in the 1-topos case you can recover the entire base topos that way. Is that what you're asking about?
Over a general base the geometric morphism needn't be a geometric surjection, but let's stay over Set for arguments' sake.
The external 'objects coming from the base' are those in the image of , whereas from @sarahzrf's description, those identified by the modal operator are those in the image of f_, which will be fewer objects in general, even if you can recover as the category of comonads, since f_ only returns the underlying objects of (co)free things. I wanted to know if that actually results in any loss of indexing objects, or where any misconceptions I'm displaying lie :upside_down:
Yes, by "the topos is inhabited" I meant the geometric morphism to the base is a surjection. The types of the form will indeed be those in the image of , I was just saying that once you have in the type theory you can define internally what it means for a type to be a -coalgebra and that recovers all the objects of the base topos (in the surjective case).
Although actually, probably an even better approach is to just use a type theory that directly represents the adjunction with modal operators, with an explicit mode for "base-topos objects". That will work even in the non-surjective case.
oh lol inhabited as in "inhabited object in the internal sense"?
Inhabited object of the category of toposes. In general an inhabited object is one whose map to the terminal object is a surjection.
It always seems to be you I ask this of, @Mike Shulman, but what's a good reference which examines the internal logic including this modal operator?
There aren't a lot yet, unfortunately. My paper studies the internal structure of modal operators like this (plus others), but doesn't discuss the semantics precisely. The paper uses a modal operator like this for a different specific purpose, and I think discusses the semantics a little more. For the general theory of modal operators and their semantics you can look at, although that's only for the simply typed case so far (the dependently typed one is a work in progress).